Sunday, February 26, 2012


today i was pretty mad about my stupid job.
i was trying to finish my portfolio (that i need to graduate.) but no....i have to work from 4:30-2 a.m. so right now, its 2:27 in the morning (the time that i should be sleeping), and i'm working on my portfolio. i'm freaking out...a lot, because i can't find my camera cord that hooks to the computer, and i don't have an exhibit for flexibility, and whats his name didn't give me a recommendation letter, and neither did stariha.
so i think that i probably won't be graduating.


  1. I can relate, I had to call a couple people to get my LoR. Its the exhibits that are killing me though

  2. stariha will give you hers tomorrow so just leave a page open for it. At least thats what she told my mom to tell me

  3. Or I can email it to you kendra... if you want it electronic... and give you a hard copy tomorrow.

  4. well, i have a powerpoint. so can i put your letter in my powerpoint and then turn it in? i worked everything else out, yours is the only thing i have left to do.

  5. Ha, kendra, I know how you feel, .. this week is going to be SOOOO stressful, I feel it already.. gahhhh.
