Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Safe place? (sorry for this venting post.)

So I hardly ever talking during controversial issues because I feel that my beliefs and how I was raised is a lot different from everyone else, and since I feel so strongly about gay rights I would post about it. But after being "attacked" (no I don't really mean attacked I just cant think of the word I want to use) for something that I didn't even say, I don't want to speak out in class. I'm not close with anyone in the class. Sure there are people that I talk to day to day but they aren't a best friend. It's hard for me to open up with what my beliefs are because sometimes I'm not really sure what they even are and when someone throws back my beliefs in my face, it hurts. Point is, I'm venting, I found Laura's post really unnecessary.


  1. ya im kinda sick of this whole controversial issues crap anyway, it gets way too emotional, its like an estrogen bomb in the middle of class...

  2. Why is it estrogen instead of testosterone Garrett? Hmmmm... sexist? Just kidding. What post are we talking about? I would hope that people can disagree and discuss without getting personal. That is the whole point of controversial issues. Just because I disagree with a classmate, or colleague, or whomever... doesn't mean I can't work with them/respect them/listen to them. That's what we are learning here.

  3. haha oh stariha, if it was a testosterone bomb then there would probably be a fight involved, haha, estrogen bombs just include alot of yelling...

  4. you mean yelling or shrilling? Also, if it was testosterone, we'd be acting like the Cogs off of GoW.

  5. wow noah, i dont think anyone but me understood that comment, haha

  6. Garrett...you are correct about one thing
    I didn't understand Noah's comment. =) But I'm glad someone did.

  7. No, I think I understand Noah's comment. Gears of War. Right? lol

  8. Come on Sarah, we arnt close? Dissapointing...

  9. I mixed you up with Sarah Moon, She posted something about FCA and I thought it was you not her.

  10. Still I was also talking about beliefs and there is no reason to be going after someone because what they believe is different. Saying that someone is universalist or whatever and then saying you don't have time to talk about what you think, even though its obvious you think poorly of them, but you have time to post a blog of only negative things. Sorry if I'm just letting this get to me but it was mean whether it was intended to be or not.

  11. I was seeking for someone to debate my with me on universalism. I like debating. I dont really care
