Friday, February 24, 2012


So first off let me say that I think it's just hilarious how every time we have a sub Tyesha gets 'yelled' at by them. :)

Second off, I love work days at school. I feel like it is so much more productive for me. I can't be distracted by Tumblr, Facebook, or Youtube. So I actually get stuff done! Yay for work days.


  1. Okay...
    So first off, I don't think it's that funny because they always misunderstand my intentions for things. Why am I always made out to be the bad kid when we have subs in that class???

    Second off....I AGREE!!! I got a MUCH better start on the first paragraph of my essay. I feel like it was really developed and I started to understand how to separate my points better. =)

  2. hahaha i think its kinda oposite for me im more productive at home .. when i get free time at the lab i just wanna tumblr and go crazy like forget school ahahha
