Tuesday, February 7, 2012

this is neil patrick harris and his partner, they have been together for 8 years. look at this and tell me that gay people can't have loving, happy families.


  1. He's not going to get the baby with the hook is he? Just kidding!!! Much better environment the the heterosexual Matt Powell who just set his home and two children on fire, tried to murder them before they burned to death but botched it, and killed his wife (although he was not formally charged) earlier this year. Ahhh... happy functional heterosexual family with both mother and father figure!

    1. Stariha going crazy and killing your family could happen to a homosexual guy......and besides studies show that serial killing is in the genetic makeup of that individual http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/exchange/node/1698 ....should they be punished for what they cannot help? if they can be punished why cant gays? Or instead of being punished receive counseling? I think this whole homosexual thing has gotten too far....we have a class that is devided in two and some support some dont we cant force the others to think different one can only present their side and that is all can we all just agree to dissigree?

  2. i will tolerate it...but i won't accept it.

  3. What does that mean exactly? You guys keep saying that, but I am not sure how that equates to specific actions. Please help clarify!! :)

  4. hmmm...like if i see 2 people that are gay, i'm not gonna be like "oh my gosh! you guys are gross, i hate you, don't be gay." like i don't mind living in a world with them and i'll tolerate it. but i don't think it's okay and i won't accept that that lifestyle is okay. idk if that helps or not?

    1. kendra, this just cleared up a lot for me. thanks for explaining/posting this!

  5. stariha, im beginning to think that you are against heterosexual marriage? lol

  6. that gay people can't have loving, happy families.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I read your comment even though you deleted it Tyler... so I am not sure why it doesn't show up here? But anyway... it disturbs me that you would compare being gay to serial killing. The reason there is a law against serial killing is because it deprives another citizen of LIFE... whereas there is no infringement upon the life or rights of another citizen by homosexuals getting married... hence, the entire reason for imposing a law does not exist in the case of laws banning same sex couples from marriage. By the way, marriage implies a LEGAL joining and not a holy sacrament. Churches can still deny homosexuals the right to marry in their church if it is against their religion, even if the government grants them the legal right of marriage. The Catholic church doesn't recognize my marriage to my husband because I was previously married and divorced. SO, as to the whole tolerance and not acceptance thing. You can tolerate gay marriage by not allowing the government to make any needless law that interferes with basic personal rights while still not accepting that homosexuality is right and going to a church that does not recognize homosexual marriage. Yeah for the separation of church and state!

  9. Oh... and I am only against heterosexual marriage on days my husband really annoys me. But thanks for checking Garrett! :)

  10. haha, well i guess that makes sense, i dont really care anymore, gay or not gay doesnt make a difference to me, my uncle, aunt and my friends cousin are all gay, and there still pretty cool people by me, just a little......different (if ya know what i mean...which you probably dont, because i dont even know what i mean, im kind of just going on a random rant because im at college now and im suuuper de duper bored.) so ya, haha, ummm..thats all i got i guess...

  11. Yes I understand that killing and being homosexual are different what am saying is that homosexuals main point witch is its only point is saying that they were born that way and well so are killers and even addicts....the killers I understand cant kill but if they are born that way what do you do? and addicts they dont hurt anybody but themselfs but the law cracks down on them too.....if the government turns around and allows gay marrage then should they too make it so addicts can do what they are addicted too? I personally dont mind homosexuals but i hate how people blow it up toatally out of perportion.....the law screws people over its just a fact that sucks. gays are wronged currently Indians were wronged asians were wronged soon who knows some race or group will be wronged but instead of fighting about if its wrong or right....half the problem is people dont vote if gays are favored by just over half the population then its the peoples fault its not legal...they need to put people in office that support gays...it falls on the people we live in a democracy not a dictatorship do something instead of sitting on the sidlines if you want to see something done

  12. Our democracy was base off the principles of individual rights. Who you choose to marry is an individual right. The arguement isn't whether a person thinks gay marriage is right or wrong. It's whether our democracy can deny a person the right to marry who they choose.

  13. Then like I said do something about it sitting and fighting doesnt do anything if our democracy isnt letting people have their individual right then vote for change because we as a people can change

  14. tyler for president, as long as its not Obamama, i mean, right about now i would rather have bush, at least he had a funny accent...
