Wednesday, February 8, 2012

For the people who are confused about my post.

Ok so, let's all flip our lids, that sounds like fun. Here's the thing. Apparently I view these contreversial issue debates differently than everyone else. I go in to class merely for to debate for the sake of debating, not to "express my beliefs" but solely to debate. I say things during the debate that don't fit with my point of view, but it doesnt matter, I'm not tryng to express my view I'm just rying to make a good debate. It doesnt matter to me which side people think I'm on. It doesnt matter to me if people think I hate Gays or if they think I am Gay. I really dont care. So I guess that's why I said it was kinda weird that everyone was putting up posts just to say "this is my view right here so that everyone knows and they dont get it twisted". I guess I didnt know that it was that important to people. and MY B I mixed up Sarah Moon and Sarah Lonecki. Thats where that FCA thing came from. So hate me if you want. I dont care


  1. ooo for a while that was completely blank post...ignore that comment

  2. I'm sorry if I made my post a bigger deal then it needed to be. I guess the point that everyone was trying to make is that religion and belief effect how they feel on controversial issues. And it was all just a huge misunderstanding.

  3. Lets not be oversensitive okay this is a holy place it is a place for logic and thought

  4. Okay... we'll talk about this tomorrow. I thought that was what the misunderstanding was about. Let's heed the words of the almighty Tyler, this is a place for logic and thought... and it's free thought without punishment or pain! :) Like the Ministry of Love. Just kidding.
