Monday, April 30, 2012

Procrastiators Look Here

"Hi, my name is Tonya and I am a procrastinator.." everyone, "hi Tonya" So yes I procrastinate even when I swear I'm not. But I am adopting a new philosphy, and there is a story behind it. When I was a freshman four years ago I ran track (like I have for the last four years) and I ran the first race with Laura and Sarha Lu and I believe at this time it was Jen or (Nicole Brown I just can't remember), it was the two mile relay. Well we were at a fairly large meet, about 12 schools or so I would estimate and we were gonna get beat, bad and we knew that. So we made up a goal it was Dont Get Last. We thought this was a good plan but Ed overheard us and he decided this was just not a good enough goal for us young ladies. So he remade our now moto to "Dont Suck" which is what I am now adopting into my essay writing. Ed has told me this throughout the years and it has stuck with me. Just the other day he told me if I sucked at the meet that day he was going to beat me with the vaulting poles...I did well that meet. So I believe this is going to work out quite well. To all you procrastinators out there my advice to you Dont Suck!! :) and yes I know I spelt procrastionation differentley every time but on this new blogger I do not know where the abc check is, my appologies! If someone would like to point this out I would be thankful!

Not Happy.

So, besides the fact that my rough draft is crap, I still haven't gotten a response back from my letters. :(


So yea paper was crap. i could tell right after i read Garrett's. It was just really bad lol but now that i did an outline i am feeling a lot better about this thing and its about to get nasty up in here, ffiguratively of course. well gotta go!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Who wants to take a survey?

Take my survey please! (And please let me know what you think!)
All the stuff that's getting posted right now is not very commentable. This post isn't either but whatever. School is just getting frustrating because I have homework, projects, chores, and a bunch of other things that I'm expected to do and right now anything associated with school is not winning.


Well, Im starting to feel like this class should be renamed, "ninja".. because it sure knows how to kick my butt.... hahhaa.. But in reality, I dont think writing this paper was really that hard. But then again this is a realllllyyyy rough draft. I think that it will interesting when we see all of the presentations. I honestly really like this whole topic of consumerism... Its turning out to be quite interesting.


i feel like i am focusing on all the wrong things right now. like..
-my job
-my car
-mission trips and such
-open houses

....and not focusing on what i should. like..
-passing high school?

i realllyyy need to stop procrastinating in this class. so if anyone can help cure my procrastination...i would appreciate it.


Weird acronym lol But anyways, so far I really love this book! I've had troubles in the past getting into books that have heavy vernacular in the text but that hasn't happened with this book, it has only made me more interested. I am excited to see how Janie's character develops...


Sooo I just realized that I haven't taken the test over all of PWB yet... which I am actually kind of excited to take! It took me a while to actually finish the book but I'm really glad I did. I had a discussion with mi madre about it today, she said that she hated the book and that it was really hard to for her to read mainly because of how poorly Nathan treated Orleanna. Up until the point Orleanna left, my mom said that reading it was kinda rough for her. But yeah I should probably take that test tomorrow... haha

yay for outlining:]

so I decided to go back and add to my outline and Stariha was right, it really does help when it comes to writing out the actual paper:)

Intro? Any Constructive Criticism? (Particularly on my thesis)

     “Have it your way.” This well known catch phrase of a fast food restaurant, not only gives us permission to decide what to put on our hamburger, but also gives us permission to decide the fate of the future of American consumerism. Over the past few years, the success of the fast food industry has skyrocketed. Along with the success has come several concerns. The never-ending impulse of the average U.S. citizen to order “fries with that” has had detrimental effects on our nation.

When I try to be productive...

I wish I could just sit down and write a paper like its no big deal.

You see, today was suppose to be massively productive. Instead,  I ended up with only part of an introduction by the time 5 o'clock rolled around.
once upon a time I decided that I was going to go to good ole Christian Deens house and become productive. plan= fail. I feel as though my mind would much rather be looking up music or discussing the future instead of writing this paper... but, none the less I will persevere and write my little heart out... well until Taylor comes back with his laptop full of music..

More Ryan Gosling.

You may have doubted me but I found more Ryan Gosling memes that relate to College English...or really Brit Lit. Here is one with a Wuthering Heights quote...yiipppe. It's not the best picture buuuutttt it proves that Ryan Gosling is, in fact, part of a band!


AHH Jen! Why is there a draft you have titled Ryan Goselin or whatever ... and why is it not published!!! lol

Creepyish Old Men !

So this actualy doesnt have anything to do with college english but I would like to share. So if anyone had Mr. Branning's sub friday you will know who I am talking about. But we had his sub I would guess his age between late 50s early to mid 60s and he just scrapped Mr. B's plans and talked about religion, and world government, he started to get into a evolution vs Jesus conversation but then we had to go. So I read The Color Purple all hour. But this weekend Ive got two texts, one saturday and one sunday that was a bible verse from some number I dont know so I am assuming it is this man. I kinda thought it was creepy so I told him "do not text this number" and he replyd with "is this tonya?" and I again told him "do not text this number again" and yeah so I didnt give him my number, so he took it from the school computer? .. just got creepier. Yeah Thought I would share this and remind stariha not to ever get him for a sub.. THANKS!!


Hey Megs.
Hopefully you see this.
Just a reminder about that Antigone script thingy!

Personal Narrative

Okay... So I am not completely sure if I want to stick with my first idea. I mean, I've written about my past soo much it's getting ridiculous. lol What else is there to say? I don't really I'm starting to have second thoughts about it. I found it really interesting to see other people talk about their essay ideas. I mean, I know it was kind of sad and stuff...but for people like me, it makes me realize that nobody is perfect. You know? That even the people who seem like they have everything put together...are still broken and have stories and sorrow just like everyone else. You know? We never really get to see that side of anybody at school. It's always "put a smile on" or "fake it" because no one cares anyways. ha ha... My Research Project is going horrible. Just throwing that out there. I hope I don't fail. =( I'm going to try and work really, really hard! *sigh* But matter how hard you try, you still fail. I guess if you try your can't really completely fail, can you? I mean, if you do the best of your ability...that makes you a winner? ha ha ha....I don't know.

El Color De Morado

I am really liking The Color Purple.
It's waaay easier to read than the Poisonwood Bible.
It's nice to have an easy book for the end of the trimester.
Takes a little stress away.

Consumer Sovereignty

So I ran across this article while researching.  It doesn't really tie in with my paper but I felt like it would be great for one of you out there.  I read a bit and it talks about how the economy is ruled by consumer desires.  HANNAH I think  you'll find the first paragraph has some good consumer priority statistics.


Someone actually responded and agreed to do an interview! YAYYYYY!!!!
...hopefully they are genius and know everything that I need to know....


Uh... Well, I just have a little bit to finish on my Research Paper, but am I the only who feels like I haven't put enough in? I don't know, maybe I'm paranoid.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

How 'bout Them Narrative Essays A?

So, as I said to you all I don't want to write about anything sad in my essay. I'm tired of that. I don't really want to write about religion, because that's hard to explain and its something that's so inside of you that it doesn't always makes sense to others. So, I looked through my life and I couldn't really find anything I really felt that I wanted to write about. Lot's of things I could write about, but nothing I really want to. So, I'm going to write about something fun :)

I'm going to write about the very first race I ever won :) It was against a nemesis of mine. So it was a really cool moment for me. Does that sound okay? I've started it, but it's kind of weird.....because there isn't much dialogue, its just the dialogue in my brain, which I guess we could call monologue. But it kinda feels like dialogue in my brain? that weird? I don't really care if it is.

Thank You Lucas Landis (and everyone else)

So, I have a confession to make. I, Laura Persenaire, am.....A PROCRASTINATER! Shocking, I know right? You're all gasping at your computer screens huh? So, I have a really hard time trying to get myself working. So today I decided to ease my way in and start on the blog and then work from there.

 And what should I see but a plethora of posts from Mr. Lucas Landis that really made me smile. The one about colleges, and when he used the word articulate (quite accurately I might add kudos Landy), and how he liked the books and such and can hear a black woman inside of him when he's reading, and over all there's just something about his writing style that makes me laugh. I can hear his voice through the blogs, it's just fun.

 Then I read some other stuff from the rest of you, and saw some lovely pictures, that made me smile even more. So thank you all for brightening my day just a little bit so know I can start to get down to business. I appreciate you.

 And thank you to Ms. Stariha (by the way can we address right now something I've always wondered about? I know you're not Mrs. Vanloon. which is pretty awesome as far as I'm concerned, but are you MRS Stariha? or MS Stariha? or MISS Stariha?? often I just put Stariha because I get confused. Maybe I'll just go back to calling you Coach like in the good ol' days :)if only Lucas was at Shelby then huh Coach?

Ready Set Go

So I have decided that I hate starting papers. Once I am writing they are ok but the beginning is terrible because I never know how I should open.

A while ago...

Earlier this week when we were starting our books I liked what someone in my group said about the beginning of the Color Purple, how that event was the greatest influence on her life. Kind of like how we wrote about what had most influenced our lives in class.


Well my life is now going to consist of homework, homework, graduation planning, homework, and prom. I remember last year I was getting my nails done at the nail place while writing my frankenstein essay so at least I wont be doing that. But its going to be so hard because in 12 days i will be leaving for new york where i realy do not want to bring my paper. Ohh well this weekend will be fun full of organization, research, and writing!! :P YAY

to: stariha ♥: kaylee

yup, kaylee is right here next to me...and she wanted me to tell you that she loves you, and that you are her favorite teacher bc you prepared her for college so well.
oh and i told her about the camping trip and how we werent allowed to do it. and she said she'll go tell the board to eff off? :) know what she actually said :p

Friday, April 27, 2012

COLLEGE never seems to get out my mind

ok I have just one last thing to say. I was just thinking about college and I think it'd be cool if we all commented or deticated one post to where we are going to college and what we plan to do with our live after college. OK so yea I'm lame I know, but maybe we could just play along? just for fun? so we can all remind others and ourselves why we made this choice to push ourselves with this class. Soooo I will start.

I am going to Grand Valley State University and I will be studing in Business. I dont really know what to do though. I have been tossing around a couple things. Bussiness management...Business representation...Acounting....But my biggest arguement with myself is if I should go into secondary education along with my business degree. I am really torn on what to do. It'll work out though...I really hope so anyway. I am also going to compete in track and feild while I am attending so thats awesome, and I am throwing around the idea of walking on to the baskeball team. I dont know!

well come on guys. Your Turn!


last post for tonight. this is a question for stariha actually. I was just wondering if i can use that poem from my free write as my personal narritive. I'm sure you'll want to read it but I just wanted to know cause i really like it and i really want to use it if you dont mind. Just food for thought lol I just really wanted to say that. Well have a wonderful night everyone!

IM so confused :(

Alright guys so heres the deal. I have just posted three going on four post in the last 15 minutes. I must have alot to talk about tonight lol Not really i just keep thinking of new stuff to talk about. But i am really torn between this one thing and I don't know what i should do. I finished my free write from the other day when i wouldn't read it because i knew i wouldn't get throught even just the first three stanzas. I really want help to know if its good, but I'm really scared to put it out on the blog. So those who did hear it (tonya, kendra, abby) give me some feedback. what should i do?

Still feeling the new book

I feel like our discussion today in class about our book was really good. We came up with alot of good points and some good quotes as well. It was nice to be able to atleast interact in a discussion for once as well. I mean i didnt say a whole lot, but atleast i got to say something! I mean i might not be as articulate (idk if that what I'm trying to say, might be the wrong word) than the others but atleast I'm giving more that Jen was! for already reading this book Jen you gotta start giving us so good stuff. You gotta step up your game. Nah im kidding your all good!

Love the new books

      I am actually really getting into the "TheirEeyes Were Watching God". ok so I am not ever sure if that is the right title but right now it is 11:04 and i just got home from my track meet and i have to be up by 3:30 to drive my grandmother to grand rapids to the train station then home so i am just trying to get this done quick and I'm just too tired and lazy to get up and look to see if that title is right or not. Anyway, I really enjoy how the athor hasnt changes the speech of the characters in the book. It really helps you see how these characters are and what they are. If the grammer was changed we wouldn't view the characters for who they are and therefor the point of the story would be pointless. I just enjoy tring to see how much i can get myself to sound like and older black woman while i am reading. It keeps me interested and keeps me reading when i know i wanna do something different.

just showing what im thinking

Is anyone else like just freaking out about college? cause i sure am. there is so much going on that i dont ever know if i can handle it. Like just orientation is a pain to try and schedule and all the other stuff i mean jeeze. room and bored. paying for it. All of this is going to be so stressful. Oh and not to meant this paper. Ugh its just sooo overwhelming. I am glad that stariha gave us the example for the outline though that will really help all of us i think. I am still scared of this paper though :(


I'd love it if all of these "mental performance" drinks helped to write my paper for me. Why hasn't someone invented a robot who does your homework yet? Oh well, positive attitudes right?

Love & Hate

I just realized I have not been posting, graa.

Well I love the lit circles because of the smaller group like atmosphere.
Yet I hate them because it's more on our shoulders...and I don't want to grow up. :(


Wow, today was harsh. Not only was it a Friday, but I had to drag myself through lit circles as well. No offense to anyone today, but man, I could not focus. It's times like this when I think that I REALLY need more sleep... that or more coffee; either or.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


This is my post to make sure everyone knows how awesome our teacher is.

Mrs. Stariha is awesome!

I think my job is complete!

P.S (if you (Stariha) didn't get my e-mail please let me know as soon as possible)

Have a great night everyone!

I thought we deserved another one of these...


realllly got to get to work on my narrative essay this is becoming quite the procrastion problem, constantly im saying oh ill get all this stuff done this weekend ill just sit there and get it all done , then the weekend come and somehow i convince myself that i dont really need to do it yet, likke forreaal killl me/; this reallly needs to get done, i need to write my dang narrative even though it is optional but that pretty much means id be a slacker if i didnt ... ohhh the issues.


sooooo im really liking the color purplee and its pretty exciting that its our last novel and all that jazzzz but um i like having the exact class discussions over just the book were reading so ill miss that because i feel like that helps me a lot on tests and quiz but only one more quiz and one more test, yipppie!


wellll today ms. stariha was a skipppper, ahah i think she has senioritis too ahah justt kiddingg but yeah i found that my outline was like all wrong so now i have to redo that, bummer. i also need to get my interview done, bummer. and i need to actually start writing this research paper because 12 pages aint gonna write itself, bummmmmmmmmer. <--- and yes i know 'aint' isnt proper english but its a funnnny word tehe -_____-


ahhhh i am soo stressed out.
i just wanna be down with school.
i just need to get going on my work. and not wait until the day it's due.
but...i took the whole weekend off so i could go on the camping trip.
but we cant go.
so i have a work-free weekend..
which will be spent doing work for this class.


After a day of doing nothing i'm finding it really hard to focus D:

a bit overwhelmed

This isn't meant to be a complaining blog, so if it is I want to apologize right now.  I just want to announce that I am really overwhelmed.  I feel as if I will never really get a grasp on this whole Paper, and I was given an extension on the Outline because I asked Stariha, but now I haven't turned it in yet because I know that if I do I will get rejected because of what Stariha said in class. So right now I have a big fat 0 in the grade book... AHHH!  Soooo... Stariha, I will send that to you today, and if its poopy I'm sorry, but I want to thank you for the extension.... yeah....

This book sucks

Ok im not racist or anything...but i have a hard time reading bubonics, and this book just plain sucks...i will fail these tests
Ughh.. I wish I had known we were getting a work day today. Not that I'm complaining, but I have all of my sources, survey stuff and the beginning of my paper at home. Sitting on my computer's desk. Not helping me right now.
I guess I'll look for more people to interview...but Stariha- I've contacted 6 people so far and either they ignore me or their not knowlegable enough to do an interview. Great.
I looovvveeee this project.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


This is a "Fetus", I call it a baby, at only 12 weeks of development!! (gestation) Yall can get mad at me for saying this but... That DOES NOT look like a blob of cells to me. If people could see the faces of the lives they destroy... *sigh* Just wanted to share this Amazing photo!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pride Day

So as of right now my legs and arms feel like jelly from playing the ENTIRE soccer game and going into double tomorrow should be fun, I am ready to get my butt kicked by a rake! You have to love community service :)
So the senior meeting that we had today was like a kick in the pants! It reminded me of how close we are to the end and how much we still need to do to get there. Hello to crazy time! One day at a time. I am going to sigh with relief when I finally put that purple gown on and and march down the gym!

When was the last time I wrote a research paper?

I don't know the last time I wrote a research paper.  I'm not even sure I remember how it goes.  I'm sure the last research paper I wrote was far below the standards we're to be writing at now.  I need some examples! And maybe some confidence too! And for STARIHA to email be back about conferencing!!

Nathan Price Done Right

Doing some research on what started violence in the Congo, lo and behold, a missionary started it.

David Livingstone

II. The Pathfinder's Trail in the Desert
Landing at Algoa, he traveled seven hundred miles by ox-wagon to Kuruman, which the Moffatts had transformed from a piece of desert into a garden of beauty and fruitfulness. After giving the oxen a few days' rest, he continued his journey to Lepelole. The tribe living there called themselves Bakwena, or the People of the Crocodile -- that being their sacred animal. He built a house forthwith and began to study the language. After six months of diligent application, he could converse or preach freely in the Bakwena language. A year after his arrival in Africa, he wrote to his father: "The work of God goes on here notwithstanding all our infirmities. Souls are being gathered continually. Twenty-four were added to the church last month."

His desires were the same as Nathan Price's but he actually achieved his....but with all of his missions to South Africa, Livingstone got the interest of King Leopold II and destruction started. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Shout out to Stariha!

This is the guy that Tonya and I had lunch with a few weeks ago. ;)

No joke..... :)

My Life Impact

So I couldn't share this in class because you wouldn't be able to understand a word I was saying.  Anyway I thought I would share it on here just because so yeah, here is my free write.

One thing that impacted my life drastically was the death of my grandma.  This was the family member to die during my life time.  Although i have experienced many people passing, this one effected me the greatest.  I was only four or five when it happened by I fully understood what was going on.  My grandma was a smoker and it killed her.  Lung cancer took her life.  From that time on I knew I was going to help the fight against cancer.  I still remember just sitting there in the hospital wanting to help her and not knowing what to do except hold her hand and put a cold wash cloth on her fore head.  The first death I had to deal with effected to so greatly.  I'm going to become a radiation therapist and help beat cancer.  No one should have to deal with the loss of a loved one and I promise myself and everyone around that this horrible thing called cancer will be stopped.  No little boy or girl should be face with loosing a family member.  The pain is much to real and never fully goes away.  To this day thinking about it makes me cry but the death of my grandma made me who I am today.

The bold part is what I would have read in our little circle thing in class today.

Stariha's funny!!

So Stariha found out that I didnt have a prom date so she tried to brainstorm with me. She came up with some pretty intresting ideas .... and finally decided that Jordan R. was the best route...shes so silly. But it was fun so alls good lol just thought i should share this with somebody lol

Sunday, April 22, 2012


So while I was visiting Sarah at CMU this weekend, I got to thinking about college which led to me thinking about graduation which led to me thinking about time... and I came to the realization that in 57 days, I will start classes as a college student. Oh my goodness gracious.... :D

Research paper

So I'm really not feeling this paper... I'm sure that it will kick in one of these days, or at least I'm hoping it will, but as of right now, working on it is definitely something I have to force myself to do.


So I went to see Antigone saturday night... and to be honest, I thought it was really good. I don't know what I was expecting, but it totally surpassed whatever I was expecting! That was a really lame comment.. haha Anyways, the story was really cool and definitely something that Shelby has never put on before. And now I finally understand why you guys kept quoting it in class, there was a ton of awesome lines!!

That Awkward Moment When...

Your stack of papers turn out to be only 5 sources...



Well I'm pretty sure I invited all of you on Facebook...
But just to make sure here is an invite to my open house!
You are all invited!
Bring family or friends!

Don't feel obligated to come to though. If you can't make it, no biggy.
I would love to see you there!
(Even you Stariha!
I planned on giving you an invitation at some point though.
And you can bring Jeremy and the kids if you must :p)

Okay. Well I'm finished using the blog to advertise. See y'all tomorrow!

This blog is so different now and I'm not sure if I like it but whatever I need to stop procrastinating so I'm going to stop and go get stuff done.


so first of all, is anyone else's blogger different? lol. Alright, so this weekend was antigone and after being in it and watching and listening to it for so many months here are the things that I have learned from it.. 1). no matter what intentions you have, your actions will always have consequences 2). there is a difference between hearing something and actually listening 3). never be suprised by the things that the browns say or do.. yes, Carson can be desire-ful 4). if you put time and effort into something, no matter how weird it is.. it will be worth it

One Last Blog

Ok I am going to bed after this blog due to a splitting headache caused by traumatic brain injuries inflicted upon me in a game of leap frog. So this is everyone's comic relief. Today I was playing softball with some of my people lol and had the bright idea to play a game of leap frog. While I was leaping through the air the person I was leaping over decided to duck and I somersaulted over their head and fell on my face and gave myself a bloody lip, an aching neck, and a bump in the head. So hopefully I will be a normal person still lol.


I loved this play! It was so deep and compelling and I though that it was interesting all of the connections there were between the stuff that we have read in class and the lesson throughout the play. I am happy for Stariha's sake that Alex was able to perform!

Life Lesson

Here are my life lessons for today. One never play leap frog because you will get seriously hurt and two be understanding. This relates back to the Poisonwood Bible when we were talking about Brother Fowels and Nathans ministry. Nathan was such a failure because he was too proud to look beyond his own selfish ambitions to realize that in order to reach out to the people he must become one of them. There is a saying that says that we must not judge someone until we have walked a mile in their shoes. How many times do we not even try to understand someone or something and make preconceived notions about that person or situation. If we truly want to be of help to someone we must minister to them through being with them on a personal level and putting information into terms for them to understand. I must say that I am glad to be done with PWB and am ready to move on but I loved this book! 

Ryan Gosling

So I've written a paragraph of my paper....buuuut I've looked at a lot of Ryan Gosling memes. Yeahhhh...I got a little distracted. Anyyywayyy, I decided we needed a nice looking picture on this blog.

New Blog

So this new blog is just freaking me out a little bit. I dont realy like it much... just because I dont know where anything is!! Well anyhow good job antigone cast. It was super good and I think I followed it pretty well. But on another note this research for the senior project is kicking my butt!

Can you believe it?

I feel like a weight has been lifted off of our shoulders since we finished PWB, it seems like it actually is almost the end of the year now! I know we have a lot going on with the research project, but it seems more manageable now that we're onto the last book. Only a few more weeks!! Can you believe it?

Shout-out to Antigone Cast/Director!

Well after watching the play three times...
I have come to the conclusion that you guys did AWESOME!
It was a little bit over my head but I understood it better the second and third time I watched it.
Took me a while to realize Antigone and Haimon were cousins haha!
And don't worry about congratulating me on my spotlight job.
I already know I did awesome.
Haha just kiddin.
I had a pretty good seat though I thought.

Anyways enough about Antigone.
I would just like to say I'm super glad we are done with the Poisonwood Bible.
Don't get me wrong. I really really liked the book.
There was just so much going on and a lot of it I don't think I completely comprehended.
But those quizzes KILLED me!
There was so much to study and find quotes on.
I just couldn't do it.
I'm excited to move on.


I am not liking this APA formatting.
I keep having to check the OWL website and make sure that I'm not screwing up citations and stuff (which I think I still have it all wrong...)

The Red Wheelbarrow- William Carlos Williams

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white
Adah in PWB makes her own poem inspired by William Carlos Williams.
How would your poem read? Mine would go something like this.
so much depends

a set of three

still wet with hot

against the dark

Saturday, April 21, 2012

YAY Smooth Sailing Ahead

YAY! Now that Antigone is done i can finally breath a little bit better since we don't have as much to do for college english. Sure there's still prom, new york, and graduation, but those a fun things.

Antigone Tonight:D

Yuck i hate working:/ Well at least I can look forward to round 2 of Antigone with Cara and Landin tonight;) haha


Am I the only one feeling that these last couple of tests have been easier? It's either that or I've just studied more.

Friday, April 20, 2012


so, who else completely failed that test? because im pretty sure i am not the only
So I was waiting to crack down and work hard after I got to college. It seems that I have come to a conclusion. I have not been taking a college preparatory class. Rather, i have been taking a college class already. My procrastination and lack of drive to actually do my work has cause me to despise all things relative to and English class with the word college in front of it. I wish sometimes i was actually dumb and not just lazy. Although then the easy classes would seem hard just like this one. I just can't win! Ugh! I guess this means I'll try for the last few months? much work! well i guess it will be worth it in the end right? lets hope so!

stupid project

Can anyone explain to me why it is so hard to find research on such a broad topic? maybe it is just hard for me to pin point what i want to research but it's like everything i try to look at turns up as a dead end. Its the worst! I'm hoping this outline will help but im not sure how to even do this outline! gaaahhhh!!!! i just wanna punch this project right in the face!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Todays Discovery

Well I was wondering what to blog about when I discovered my grade in this class. The over grade isn't bad but needs some work to get it up to where I want it. It was the quiz grade from two quizzes ago that surprised me. I knew I did bad but I guess I never paid attention to what letter grade I received. I'm really hoping for the best with tomorrows test. I really like this book and its a little disheartening when that's not reflected in my tests and quizzes. Oh well I guess that's just how life goes! I'll just have to hope for the best.

Just like Adah :)

So I was thinking.....(Much like usual)
You know people should actually listen to quiet people more often..I mean when people just blab on all the time you really stop listening but when a quiet person talks it's like "Whoa this must be important because they never talk." You know? But I figure why talk if you have nothing of value to contribute you are just wasting time.
So I wondered if when Adah started talking, everyone started listening?

Hide and Search

I'm doing research. I'm having trouble finding the kind of stuff I feel will fit with my paper. I suppose this means I should redefine my paper and take it from a different angle. Well, at least we have time to do things like this :)

sick sucks.

well ive been sick for 2 whole days now, and actually, a test sounds pretty nice right about now, considering that in the last two days ive watched the lord of the rings three ya...i need to get out...

Well...complaining post...

This is just a random list of thoughts...not too special.

1. I am getting really sick of people. gosh.
2. Michigan weather is pissing me off. I want SUMMER!
3. What did I get myself into doing a gap year...a country. where I barely know the language. and i know no one. and I have no phone. no internet. yay.
4. track. GAH. Golf sounds pretty good right now.
5. Test tomorrow? Yay...those controversial fridays are sounding a lot better right now...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sarah Moon!

This blog goes out to Sarah Moon, if it wasn't for her I would have completely forgotten about the survey that we needed to go with the research project. Thank you so much!

Creative College Writing?

I know that this is a college prep class and all, but am i the only one who could use some more creative writing? Then again, I'm just a creative person so of course I would like more creative stuff.
i am a terrible speller. i wish i was better thankkkk god for spellcheck ehh?


hey i thought of a title.. yay? ugh so anyways today in the lab i didnt really get much done i did some researching and stuff but i still feel pretty lost for this whole senior project.. or just overwhelmed i know that there is a lot that has to get done. but on the bright side i alredy got the 2 letters of response to the people i sent letters to so thats progress its just gonna be the actual putting it all together and writing a paper thats just gonna kill me. hahahahhahahhahahhaha, but dont worry ms. stariha not complaining that theres too much work just being your typical lazy teenager with senioritis. so yeah .


goosh i just hate titles so much, like i dont have ne thing to put for them because my thoughts are always so jumbled and what not and not what omgg typing is like fun sometimes.. yeaaaah im reallly bored. in yearbook just blogging away over here. can you believe that the end of april is next week or something i think.. danng . i dont think im gonna go to prom i dont even have money for the dress and whatever soo maybe ill just sit home or do something else i think either way id still go to post prom.. im a night person any ways. annnnnd yeah. sooo i missed having ms.stariha in class today because i really needed some help with the outline for my paper but ahhh welll i guess it will have ti wait even though i know theres links or something on her website nothings better than her help :)


welll cant discuss the class discussion from yesterday but um yeahhh i wish we could have talked more about the poisonwood bible more than we did, when is the test again i cant remember .. and i simply cant be bothered to go check the calender lol well at least were pretty much all done with that book now besides the test. just one lastt book, and were out.


Just saw the dress rehearsal, and I loved it! I was so impressed with everyone, especially Maddie and Jen, but the guys really surprised me too! Way to go! I can't wait to see it again, it'll actually be a good one to right a report on for extra credit. I love the meaning, there's so much to...idk go into I guess. Anyways everyone should go even if you don't want to do the report, it was an awesome show!


So I keep getting distracted and slowly falling behind. I mean not falling far behind but just saving everything until like two or three days before. But anyway. I like how my research project is turing out so far. but yeah. Random blog. haha

whaaa D:

kinda lost on this paper:/

Attention Anyone on the Blog:

I get that we are suppose to be workshopping over the sources and everything, but what exactly are we suppose to do? Like is there a link or something we are all suppose to be on? Because i'm a little lost right now, so i'm just working on my survey?


So maybe this is self explanatory but to me, it's not. ha ha
I got confused on what we are supposed to send her (turn in) for the Outline.
Is it an Outline for our APA paper thing? Or are we actually sending her the APA outline (essay thing) to prepare for our drafts???
I just need to know what to send to Stariha today. =P

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Final Exam...Check

I hope we end up having the final exam. I started mine already...and I'm really happy with it. I feel that once I get this done I just have to do the research biggy right? hahahaha


I absolutely loved the very last book :) I really can't say I was all that interested in this book until that chapter, it just completely caught my attention, but now I'm ready to move on to the other books, but tackle this coming test.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Senior Project

Is there like an actual physical rubric for the paper? I feel like I would work SO MUCH better if I had a rubric to work off of.... just saying

Congolese and Baptism

So, for anyone who wants to know why the Congolese don't believe in baptism... Here ya go!

I don't like complaining on the blog, I really don't.

I'm sorry, but I really am frustrated. I know that the blog is only 10 points, but You (Stariha) don't have any points in for one of the weeks, and I swear that I blogged. I blog almost all the time, ask Jen, (during yearbook)

So I'm sorry for probably sounding like a little spoiled rotten brat, but I don't like 0's, so I thought I would say something.


So I believed Stariha said that she posted that letter she wrote ... and I have my letter written and everything but I would like to see hers. So if anyone would like to point out where the letter is located i would greatly appreciate it.

Food for the Trip

Okay so I feel like we need to lay down laws for what food we can and cannot bring on the trip...I'm thinking...
1. Nothing packaged (doritios, fruit snacks, etc.)
2. Try local or homemade if possible (homemade granola, bread, dried fruits)
3. Only specific found food (not eating whatever berry we find)

uhm, yeah...since some of us are not comfortable eating fish as the only food I think we need to figure who can make homemade granola, breads, dried fruit, and stuff like canned fruits and asparagus.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


well i just realized i forgot to blog, holy crap, lol .

well all i really gots to say is the rhetorical essay is probably the worst essay ive ever written in my life. imm sorry stariha but that essay was just about stupid.

Set Building = Fun

So I had fun set building today.
Plus I got extra credit for it.

At one point Ms. Stariha and some other people were talkin about how much they liked set building and I was like yeah me too.
But then I realized they were talking about the rhetorical essay.
They were saying they actually liked writing it.


I was like woah woah woah.
I like set building.
NOT writing essays.

my thoughts, shoot.

So Ive been thinking a lot about this whole religion, God, spirituality, absolute truth thing a lot lately. This weekend I went to a youth conference in Chicago about evangelism. So we had time to go out into the streets of chi-town and we were supposed to talk to people about Christ. I got to go to the Lincoln Park Zoo and talk to people. Anyways, I got into this really good discussion with this guy about what he believes and he was an ex-catholic school boy turned budahist. And then I talked to his friends about what they believe.. and it was like a mix of reencarnation meets you make your own heaven meets Im a spiritual person without any relgion. .. so I shared what I believe with them.. and then walked away. I then walked back to the bus so confused because I completely understand that everyone needs to make a choice of what they believe for themselves, and if what they have is working for them great.. but it kills me to think that we can say this but then some of us have religions that would damn people to hell if they didnt believe in it.. I'm having issues because thats what I believe. Ya know I really hate the way that Nathan comes across in poisonwood, but there is part of me that really respects him.. He wanted to serve Christ.. Although he was quite hypocritical in many ways.. he wanted them to believe..

no title

Wow, alright, I feel like this entire weekend I have not stoped going for one second. Friday and Saturday I got to spend in the wonderful city of Chicago and then today it was a mix of kayaking, church, homework, and set building. I really hope that my essay was alright... I worked on it for awhile and its a lot better than when it started, but I feel like it still really isnt where I want it. BUT Im still not sure I really understand what Im doing to begin with so... what I have is better than nothing.. :)


Well today was so much fun! Softball down at the park with my crazy family and k bell :). And I have to say that I enjoyed working on this essay for some reason. I was dreading doing it then I got started and oh boy my fingers flew. Also I am super excited for our walkabout adventure. I cant believe it is in 2 weeks. Time is just flying by. Senior year is almost done!

Rhetorical Analysis and stuff

I would like to admit that I do not prefer
writing about things I don't like or things
that I don't understand.

I don't know if anyone can relate, but I believe
there are some of you that can.

I love words...Words are some of the most beautiful
things in the world, if they are used correctly.
I understand that there are devices and techniques
but I'd rather not explain them...or analyse them
because I am bad at it.

I would love to say that I happen to be very excited
about the Personal Narrative that we will be doing soon. =D
Although, I don't know the rules or guidelines on this essay
thus far...I am more than excited to be presented with the
information and begin!!!
yay!!!! <3 ha ha

I drew an Eye on my hand...with a Heart pupil colored in..with a
white spot in the middle in the shape of a U. =)
haha...get it? haha,
yeah...lame, I know.

dear tonya

i have not found any sollllllllid evidence like we discussed for me to look up. everything is shaky. I may just state something broad like "the amount of pollution created by unimportant and uneeded objects is horrific." idk. sorry about this though, i don't know what else to say!


How far are we supposed to be in Poison Wood by Monday? I also want to mention, that this book has been so good. I think that this book is such a good insight into a lot of things, but most importantly ourselves. We sometimes overlook our own 'Rachel' acts, but with this, you can't help but see them. When we make fun of her for blocking things out we act like she is being such a snob, but then how many of us have cared about the tornadoes that have happened this weekend? Interesting isn't it.

School Board

I want to sound as educated as possible when we are presenting to the School Board, so if anyone has any ideas (any convincing arguments or good points) please post and let us know!


So I could be way off, but I thought that test went really well. I felt like I knew the majority of information being asked so that was good. I could have used more textual evidence but other than that I am feeling fairly confident... which is a first after a quiz/test!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I Miss Controversial Issues!

Like I said- I really really miss controversial issues! I think we should have some nice little chats on our walkabout! (which is what I've officially dubbed our service project)


soooooo rhetorical anaylsis essay is due on monday annd im just gonna make a few changes and hope for the best, i think my essay is overall pretty okay ehhh whateveerrrrrrrrr im graduating, and i know thats a bad way to look at things but its just soo tempting. lol


so over all the poisonwood bible was good but loooong, lol i feeel like i could have gotten the same message in a lot shorter of pages but it was still good, im excited to just take the test and move on to the next book though,what was everyone elses thoughts on the book overall?


soo that quiz was alrighttt. i forgot my computer so i ran outta time like always but ahah it hurt my hand, ohhh wellll.. i guess i thought the questions were pretty easy to talk about except that one on marriage i didnt really know what to say for that one. but i dont think i did bad on the quiz but i always felt more confident on my quizzes and test in books like johnny got his gun and 1984 , i just felt like i completely got the message and it was easy to write about , in poisonwood bible theres so many different messages so it makes getting the larger message harder to understand.

We are One (Adah)

As I sit here reading the Blog,
I become confused.
So many sorrowful thoughts pass
through my mind.
As I ponder my thoughts,
I begin to realize how similar
Ada and Tyesha really are.

I feel as if a part of myself is Ada.
As though, being involved in her life, has
made me recognize and discover new parts of who
I really am.

Like Ada,
many people have misconceptions of who I am.
They judge from the outside that I am 'crazy',
'quiet', 'self concious' or 'shy'...whether those
things be true or makes no difference.
For those misconceptions have begun to be a reality for me.

It's as if I can read the minds of those around me. Their
faces tell me all I need to know...
I began to focus on these certain aspects of myself
because those were the only things other people saw,
and became the only things I cared about.
I transformed into someone else...
Someone I thought I wasn't, that I never knew existed.

Funny, isn't it?
People are sometimes so focused on what others think
about them...that it changes who they are,
sometimes changes them into what they never wanted to be.

By the time they realize they have changed...the habit
becomes nearly impossible to break. Only when they take a
step back for a while, refuse to walk forwards until they can
succeed, can they again take control and move on.

Ignored? I am.

Invisible? To Most.

But just because you don't see me, hear me, or care about my
thoughts, doesn't mean that I'm not here.
I won't let this become a reality...because if I did,
I wouldn't be Me anymore.
In fact, I wouldn't even exist...
Would I?

Better Quiz?

Well I think that I did pretty well on the quiz yesterday, but who knows? I thought the same thing about the quiz before it an well, it didn't go as planned...
Oh well, as long as I can pass the class with an okay grade I'm happy.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Leah's Sons

Kingsolver is such a terrific writer, there's so many little things that connect with other things in the book. I always get excited when I find lines like that. My favorites are Ruth May's Death, Nathan's Death, and Leah's sons. Since we have talked about the first two I want to talk about the third.
Leah's sons are each like one of the sisters. The oldest is most like Rachel, and is off chasing girls most of the time. The middle child is like Leah, he studies his books and helps around the house. And last but not least the Adah look a like...well maybe not look a like but he broods just like she does, he writes poetry and loves to read. I love that she made the kids like this, it fits so perfectly.


Everybody go help this Sunday for some EC!!!! 6:00 p.m. Be there!!

Quiz #3

I thought that the quiz went pretty well except for the essay. I disliked that the most. But now I have to crack down on all the stuff that's left so I can just get this over with.

I'm happy.

For once, I feel pretty confident about that test :) *I don't know if people have not taken it, so that's all i'm going to say*

Also, it's the weekend!! Hip, hip, hooray!


alright last post for this week...another week off our countdown to graduation :o

Acting Class Fun;]

I finished cutting all the flyers for Antigone and now i'm enjoying watcing Stariha dance! lol :p


Only one more quiz and two more tests to go:D

Thursday, April 12, 2012

And Here We Go

I've reached the point were I cant think of anything more to study and I just have to hope for the best. I can't say I particularly like that feeling because I really really need the best on this coming quiz. I didn't score so great last time and was really taken of guard by the quiz. I can't afford that to happen tomorrow but I'm not sure how confident I am. I feel like I've done everything right, I mean I've read the book, marked quotes, and listened everyday but I just don't feel like I easily take it to the next level. I also feel like my writing abilities are decreasing. I just can't get what I mean across and fail to go into detail. On top of that my words just don't form like they used to. I'm scared.

Did stariha put that sample letter on her website???

just curious

My favorite quotes

"And how can I invent my version of the story, without my crooked vision?" Adah - pg 493
"You have nothing to lose but your chains." Adah - pg. 495
"This is what I carried out of the Congo on my crooked little back. In oour seventeen months in Kilanga, thirty-one children died, including Ruth May. Why not Adah? I can think of no answer that exonerates me." Adah - pg 413
"By Anatole I was shattered and assembled, by way of Anatole I am delivered not out of my life but through it. Love changes Everything I never suspected it would be so. Requitted love, I should say, for I've loved my father fiercely my whole life, and it changed nothing." Leah - pg 399
"And no God, in any heart on this earth, was ever more on the look out for human failing." Leah - pg 393
"My little beast, my eyes, my favorite stolen egg. Listen. To live is to be marked. to live is to change, to acquire the words of a story, and that is the only celebration we mortals really know. In perfect stillness, frankly, I've found only sorrow." Orleanna - pg 385
"Just for the moment it was as if she'd disappeared, and her voice was thrown into the trees." Leah - pg 363
"I see that plainly when I look at my parents. God doesn't need to punish us. He just grants us a long enough life to punish ourselves." Leah - pg 326
"Don't expect God's protection in places beyond God's dominion. It will only make you feel punsihed. I'm warning you. When things go badly, you will blame yourself." Anatole - pg 309
"Don't blame God for what ants have to do. We all get hungry. Congolese people are not so different from Congolese ants." Anatole - pg 308
"That time Leah fed one to the ant lion, Jesus saw that. Now his friends are all coming back to eat us up." Ruth May - pg 303
"Bangala means something precious and dear. But the way he pronounces it, it mean the poisonwood tree. Praise the Lord, hallelujah, my friends! for Jesus will make you itch like nobody's business." Adah - pg 276
"If I die I will disappear and I know where I'll come back. I'll be right up there in the tree, same color, same everything. I will look down on you. But you won't see me." Ruth May - pg 273
"God's word, brought to you by a crew of romantic idealists in a harsh desert culture eons ago, followed by a chain of translators two thousand years long." Brother Fowles - 247
"Without that rock of certainty underfoot, the Congo is a fearsome place to have to sink or swim." Leah - 244
"Bandu is my name. Nommo Bandu! It means the littlest one on the bottom. And it means the reason for everything. Nelson told me that." Ruth May - pg 238
"I knew it was only the shadow and the angle of the sun,  but still it's frightening when things you love appear suddenly changed from what you have always known." Leah - 236
"Watching my father, I've seen how you can't learn anything when you're trying to look like the smartest person in the room." Leah - pg 229
"Like Methuselah I cowered in my cage, and though my soul hankered after the mountain, I found like Methuselah, I had no wings." Orleanna - pg 201
"To his way of thinking they were unearned blessings, and furthermore each one drew God's attention anew to my having a vagina and his having a penis and the fact that we'd laid them near enough together to conceive a child." Orleanna - 198
"Oh mercy. If it catches you in the wrong frame of mind, they King James Bible can make you want to drink poison in no uncertain terms." Orleanna - pg 192

and I could go on but this is already far too long.


So I was researching the relationship between fast food and food dumping and this video popped up in my google search!

It is a burger dumping, aka breaking up with, a coke!

Sooo dumb! haha


So for my senior letters...
I'm writing it to the authors of the books I'm using for a source...
And I'm having a really hard time coming up with questions to ask because I feel like all the answers are probably in the book but I don't really plan on reading the whole thing so what is the point in even asking?
He'll probably read my letter and be like "Seriously? Why don't you just read the book?"
So I'm stuck :(

Nathan's Death Quotes

"He's gotten a very widespread reputation for turning himself into a crocodile and attacking children." (Pg. 485 bottom of page)
"They surrounded him in an old coffee field and he climbed up on one of those rickety watchtowers left over from the colonial days....." - "He preached the gospel until the very end." (486 bottom of page)
"He got the verse" (Page 487 towards the top)
"The kings of Kings aroused the anger of Antiochus against the rascal. and when Lysias informed him this man was to blame for all the trouble, he ordered them to put him to death in the way that is customary there. For there is a tower there seventy-five feet high, filled with ashes, and there they push a man guilty of sacrilege or notorious for other crimes to destruction. By such a fate it came to pass that the transgressor died, not even getting burial in the ground." (487 middle of page)
"The closing statement of the Old Testament: 'So this will be the end.'" (487 bottom of page)
"It was really the best way for him to go, you know> In a blaze of glory," Leah said. "I'm sure he believed right up to the end that he was doing the right think. He never did give up the ship." (pg 488 bottom)
"Tata Jesus is bangala....Jesus is poisonwood! Here's to the Minister of Poisonwood. and here's to his five wives!" (490 towards the bottom)

John Mayer

This song reminded me of The Poison Wood Bible:
John Mayer - Shadow days
Did you know that you could be wrong
And swear you're right
Some people been known to do it
All their lives
But you find yourself alone
Just like you found yourself before
Like I found myself in pieces
On the hotel floor
Hard times have helped me see

I'm a good man, with a good heart
Had a tough time, got a rough start
But I finally learned to let it go
Now I'm right here, and I'm right now
And I'm open, knowing somehow
That my shadow days are over
My shadow days are over now

Well I ain't no troublemaker
And I never meant her harm
But it doesn't mean I didn't make it hard to carry on

Well it sucks to be honest
And it hurts to be real
But it's nice to make some love
That I can finally feel
Hard times let me be

I'm a good man, with a good heart
Had a tough time, got a rough start
But I finally learned to let it go
Now I'm right here, and I'm right now
And I'm open, knowing somehow
That my shadow days are over
My shadow days are over now

I'm a good man, with a good heart
Had a tough time, got a rough start
But I finally learned to let it go
Now I'm right here, and I'm right now
And I'm open, knowing somehow
That my shadow days are over
My shadow days are over now

It reminds me mostly of Adah, but there's lines for each of the characters in there as well. 
Here's the link for the video:

Quotes Quotes Quotes everybody...

pg. 607 "If I have to hop all the way on one foot, damn it, I'll find a place I can claim as home." (Leah)
pg. 598 "Here I was, banging on heaven's door again. A desolate banging, from a girl who could count the years since she felt any really presence on the other side of that door." (Leah)
pg. 593 "To live to be live is to change, to die one hundred deaths." (Adah referring to her Orleanna)
pg. 501 "I damn them for throwing me into a war in which white skin comes down on the wrong side, pure and simple." (Leah)
pg. 492 "Carry us, marry us, ferry us, bury us: those are our four ways to exodus, for now. though, to tell the truth, none of us has yet safely made the crossing." (Adah)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Can I make this the designated quoting blog for the quiz Friday? I know we don't have a quote circle scheduled and figured this helps me out, so maybe it'll help someone else out too? Just comment your quotes with the page numbers. Here are a few of mine:

Pg. 399 (from Leah) "Love changes everything. I never suspected it would be so."

Pg. 370 (from Leah) "Our suffering now was no greater than theirs had been, no more real or tragic."

Pg. 361 (From Adah) "Strange to say, if you do not stamp yourself with the words exhilarated or terrified, those two things feel exactly the same in a body."

Pg. 493 (From Adah) "Mother keeps wanting to wash herself clean, but she clings to her clay and her dust."

Pg. 424 (From Rachel) "But you just have to try and understand, they don't have the same ethics as us."

Pg. 351 (From Rachel) "Poor dumb animals running for their lives."

Okay, I hope that gets us all started. :)


So I found those papers, and I didn't have anything to blog about so I decided to tell the college English community ... don't fret I have these essays!!!


Would I be covering someone else topic for the senior project if I added advertising in mine?


does anyone remember what link mrs. near told us to use on MEL the day we were in the lab? I'm having a bit of a hard time with research and finding people to send letters to and its frustrating.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


i told my dad our plan...
and he laughed really hard.
and he said that us going out there like that and having to do everything ourselves
is gonna be americas funniest home video material. ?
ha maybe.
see stariha! he's got a sense of humor..
thats one good thing, right?!

Yay for Professors!

I emailed some professors about my research paper and they proved to be very helpful! I suggest contacting experts if you have been struggling to find enough information!


This was my Free Write from today.
(give or take a few sentences)

Questions...not just any questions...but questions that engage
not only your knowledge but your morals as well. These question
form more questions in my head. How much am I willing to give or take?
Build or Destroy? For what reasons? I feel very confused and with
each question that is asked I find myself feeling less and less intelligent.

I don't know the fact, these questions seem impossible to
answer. How do I know what I'm actually willing or unwilling to do
unless the circumstance is real and I am experiencing it? I could say
"I would do this"...or "I would do that" but how do I know what I
would do if the situation hadn't happened?

Each question is not only rhetorical....but in a sense it is also contradicts itself.
"For the sake of goodness, how much evil are you willing to do?"
Good and Evil are obviously on opposite sides of the spectrum...and yet they
are sometimes both used in order to accomplish something. Who decides
whether or not it is right? In order to attempt answering this question,
I ask myself another question. If I could go back in time and kill Hitler
in order to save thousands of lives, would I do it? I don't know, but if
I did, would that be considered right...or wrong? It's not for me to judge.
I can't change the past nor do I hold the power to effect the future.
None of that matters though...not if I am not able to pay the price for
my decision. What would it cost though? What kind of payment? I don't know.
The only thing I do know is that things will continue on....going through the same
pattern unless someone discovers the cost...and pays the Price.

yay for CE

ya. I like College English... its fun. ITs yay :D


This is how I feel. Errrrrr. College English. I want to avada kavarda this project. Why are we making our service project so complicated?

also, notice the lack of nose...yep. This is a preview of Stariha and her broken nose. hahah. juuuust kidding.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Last Post For Me .. Tonight

Alright so I was chatin with some of my friends and I was talking about boys and whatnot, I know lame but whatever. lol Well this is the advice I got.

"you've got to remember they are just just as scared of you as you are of them"

this made me laught and it reminded me of something you would say about an animal.


So just putting this out there, If I get a tick on our trip someone best be ready to take it out.

that awkward moment when you spill the bag of jelly beans in the couch

so today I was having a discussion in AP Bio about the past tense form of words. Since Shelbys College English Class is the smartest group of kids in Oceana County Ive decided to ask you all the questions that haunt the Hart AP Bio kids..
#1. So lets say I want to swing. If I've already done it, what do I say.. Ive swang? ... Ive swung?.. Ive singed?
#2. Often kids of this era say they are going to wing something.. "Im going to wing it!" (example).. if you have already done that have you wang it?.. or wunged it? winged it?...

just curious.

Puzzle an an Apple

so that first one was dumb and I didnt mean to and im sorry about that. But I am on this blog and not facebook so i am going to share my thoughts which are ... I really want to eat an apple and put together a largeish puzzle and I dont know why which is super weird I know.

And I had another idea about this documentary. We should also take like little interviews before we depart on this wonderful trip (if we are allowed to go)

Puzzles and an


So I told my daddy about this trip were having that I am super pumped for and he doent think the boys mixing with girls is gonna go over well with the school board. But this might actually be his oppinion without actually telling me it is. So just incase we should come up with like a counter arguement to that one. Or at least some sort of compromise. Seing as the only boys coming are christian, landis, and garret we outnumber them I think this wont be that big of a problem... I hope!

that awkward moment when you grab a jelly bean instead of an m&m and you feel like puking.

SO, I am super pumped for this trip, I honestly think that this is going to be amazing. My favorite part is that I fully believe that after we do this trip, we are going to have a HUGE message-- one that we dont even know yet. At the NLC we do something called quest, which is a day hike thing, kinda like this. Anyways, on this hike you learn so much about yourself... and honestly I feel like in this world "ourselves" is what we seem to know the least about.. I think it will be interesting to see people find themselves; I feel like this simple living will end up having an awesome message that we aren't even prepared for yet.


I am soo excited for our trip! JUST wanna say, this was my idea :) well the whole scheme of the idea was mine so i call it my idea. I really think this is gonna be a fun community service project, but i think this is also going to be an amazing lesson for us in life! We are going to learn a lot of important things in life. Like how to hunt, how to fish, how to get plants for food. Its going to be something we can use again. Like if we get in a car crash or going on a hike, or if we skydive out of a plane then when we pull the parachute get caught in a wind draft and get taken out into the wilderness and have to live of the wild!

SCHOOL School school

Isnt everyone so excited to be back at school! I myself dont mind it too much. Just knowing that we are so close to the end (i hope) just makes it exciting. I just really want to be done. Im sure Stariha can see it in all of us. Well, except for Matthew. I am not sure if he really has the same feelings as us, but either way it is going to be a fun last couple months for sure.


Ok guys so...i need a miricle. Or just to blog a lot. so this means that i am going to blog more than anyone. I am going to start bloging about everything. We are about to get personal because I'm starting to just say everything i am thinking about. Sooooo today i had some apple juice. It tasted like wine. It wasnt that bad. But i was super thirst so it made me puck cause I drank it so fast.


So I finished the book. I really liked it. I was a bit confused about the ending though.....I cant wait until we talk about it. I understand that today was very good, because we got some of that SP stuff figured but I really thing its time to go back to work......

School isn't Over for Me

I'm going to be a teacher. I'm not done with school. I'll never be done with school, because Lord knows I'm NEVER going to retire. If the man makes me retire I'll just move to another country and teach there. NEVER RETIRING! Work until I fall over dead! But yeah. This is what I tell myself every day, that I can't give up. Because school isnt over. So I'm just gonna put my nose back to the grindstone and pray that I can stay there :)

Back to School :(

So it is a little after 6 in the morning and I have been up trying to find more information for the senior project which I have been having trouble with and I cannot wait for school to be done with. I almost think seniors should forgo spring break and just graduate two weeks early because this break has made me want to graduate so bad. I am ready to be done. I guess that the most important thing is to finish strong and take things one step at a time.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

V for Vendetta

Well if im tired tommorow and sleep in class, its because i stayed up till 1 in the morning watching the greatest movie of all time. its like reading 1984 all over again, but way better. So if you have never seen this movie, you really need to watch it, because it is amazing.

The 100 Greatest Kidsongs Collection

So I was researching for my senior project and I kept finding books but they weren't full text...
So I tried looking some of them up on iTunes to see if I could buy them off there...
And then I thought to myself...
"I wonder if they have any songs about fast food?"
And I found this album with a whole bunch of songs for kids and one of them was called Fast Food and these kids were singing about how fast food was like heaven and stuff.
It just shows how kids are targeted and how they make it seem so great to kids.


so going back to school tomorrow is not gonna be good.
i worked till 1:30 in the morning everyday this last week...except wednesday.
so i would sleep all day then go to work at 4.
so my sleeping schedule is all messed up.
and i have the flu...really bad. so tomorrow will definitely be interesting.
ohh and i would really like to know when our little "hiking" trip is gonna be or whatever.
bc i gotta make sure i ask my boss for it off and i get let her know a little bit in advance.

Spring Break Being Over = Me Wishing High School Was Over

Well I'm relieved to see that there is only one more post than there was at the beginning of break.
I was kinda worried I would get on here and everyone whould have posted over break and then I would have been screwed.
My spring break went really well.
And I have been dreading coming back to school.
That senior project and hiking thing or whatever we plan on doing and the rhetorical essay has been lurking in the back of my mind allll week. :(
Gah I'm getting really upset thinking about it. :'(
I really wish school was over.

I'm finally admitting I'm ready to graduate.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Luck of the......Dutch?

Ok so I'm not Irish, but maybe us Dutchmen have some luck of our own? I finished the Poisonwood with enough time to read something else (regrettably only one book) But anyways, second day I got here...SURFERS FOR AUTISM DAY! And I met...A HEALTH COACH! She wants to help me talk about food in my essay...Yeah Buddy! Next? I hardly even got sun burnt! So thats good :) and Third? this ones actually luck for all of you as mch it is for me...Christian Deen was kind enough to tell me whats going on with our senior project. Yeah, because if he hadnt I would have been really lost, and probably been very mad if I didnt get a say. But he told me and I liked the idea, so i wasnt too worried about it. But just so you all know....My dad kinda makes me go to dances.....Its some thing he has some issue about...(I think its because my brother was anti-social and if my father didnt make him go he wouldnt, so he must do the same with me?) but just so you all know...skipping prom is not allowed for me....and I will NOT skip Science Olympiad...I already missed Regionals.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

ze Bluest Eye.

so I read The Bluest Eye on the train and I don't know what to think of it. It was good- A LOT different than what I expected but I'm not sure if I liked it. I am looking forward to hearing what the class has to say about it though! Some discussions should be interesting and I am excited to get into more of the "deeper" meanings.

Bump In The Road

I'm looking at the calendar and its not looking to bright.
Look at these upcoming weekends. (these dates are Saturdays)

April 14- too soon
April 21- Antigone
April 28- Science Olympiad State (sat.) and a soccer game (fri.)
May 5- Prom
May 12- New York
May 19- Nothing but our senior projects are due that coming Tuesday

Yeah I'm pissed too. There are too many BIG conflicts. We're either going to have to pick up another plan or skip prom and do it that weekend (I'm kidding guys... almost).

I'm going to start a facebook discussion ASAP to help get more feedback so we can sort something out.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Okay so maybe we aren't directly "giving back" to the community....
But I feel like we're raising awareness.
Isn't that a good thing?
We're showing that it can be done.
It is possible to consume less and still survive.
I don't know.
Just a thought.

To: Garrett and Stariha =)

I saw this post on facebook and it reminded me of you guys!!! =P

Sunday, April 1, 2012


So I just read Emily's blog.... and I honestly feel no motivation to get a lot done for this project. Which is kind of really scaring me. I don't want to succumb to to senioritis!! I guess that just means I am actually going to have to do work on it, just to prove to myself I can overcome it...


Hmmmmm... I'm not sure what to think. Because I really, really like the hike idea but what everyone is saying really makes sense about it not having much of an impact on our community. Crappers. Well, I'm not much of a decision maker in this class, I'm pretty much up for whatever so whatever is chosen I will be up for. But if we make any plans for the weekend of April 21st... I will not go. I want to go visit Sarah at Central :D haha off topic.... but yes, I am excited for our senior project!
I am so happy not to have school tomorrow! It will be awesome to sleep in for a change. Someone posted something about the our senior project and I agree with the fact that we need to make sure that it has a community impact because it will be fun for us but there should be substance to this project and we need to find a way to make an impact. Tonya talked to me about the 28th and 29th of April for the camp out but we need to look at all of the sports schedules and find a date that works for everyone. Hope ya'll have a great spring break! See ya in a week!


Yes, i know you guys have only 40 days left, and I'm happy for all of you, BUT I DON'T! I still have one year left in this place...D:


I feel Like I am going to take this week and devote it to college english. I really want to get ahead this week so I'm not super stressed for the end of the year. I mean common, we only have like 40 more days of highschool left, I really dont want to spend it being stressed about this class. Therefore for once in my life I am going to attempt to not be a procrastinator.. hmm we will see how that goes..

senior hike

I feel like the senior class project hike would be really awesome, but I am a little worried that its not really giving anything back to the community. I really think that we need to make sure that we are going to have a clear mission statement or purpose with this whole adventure. I feel like we also need to take what we learn from this trip and apply it to our lives, like begin to live simpler if we are going to really make a difference within in our community. We always talk about how it just takes one, we need to start to be that one.


One interesting thing I noticed when Ruth-May died was that Kingsolver didn't make a big deal out of it, it just happened. Even though Ruth-May dying was the last straw when Orleanna finally took the rest of her family and left Nathan, there are just short little chapters about how she died and how Orleanna dealt with it and then they leave. It wasn't even Ruth-May narrating when she died, just one second they're checking on the chicken coop and the next, she's dead.


Last night I thought of something awesome to post about poisonwood. but now I forgot what it was.....darn it. But the time I have access to a computer is limited over Spring Break so I'm going to blogg while I can. I'm almost done with the book and I'm still loving it, even thoguh it makes me sad. And Rachel still makes me mad. With her typos and her ignorace. But Stariha's right, we are all like Rachel. I'm too lazy to look up page numbers but she always says...It hurts my eyes so I dont look at it, or I dont like to think about that. We all do that here
only two more quizs and two more test and were done, wow when i look at it like that i  feel like graduation is sooo close, but i know there is a lot of work that needs to be put in before it can graduate, i wish the best of luck to everyone working on their projects and hope we all do reallly well because our class is really smart :)
welll it looks my spring break is going to consist of working on my research project alll break, not fun, but it has to get done and im going to try to get as much of it done as i can because i know as the year comes to a close i will only want to procratinate more, but i wont, im gonna finish off the year good!
i already finished the poisonwood bible and i really liked the book, i think it was one of my favorite we have read so far, and the ending was really good but i wont spoil it for anyone who hasnt read it, but i would suggest to finish it over spring break if you havent already
spring breaak, ahh im so happy to be on break but i still dont feel like i am , im going to mexico and i have to get all this research stuff done before, and i just dont want too ughhh! im sick of school...