Tuesday, April 10, 2012


This was my Free Write from today.
(give or take a few sentences)

Questions...not just any questions...but questions that engage
not only your knowledge but your morals as well. These question
form more questions in my head. How much am I willing to give or take?
Build or Destroy? For what reasons? I feel very confused and with
each question that is asked I find myself feeling less and less intelligent.

I don't know the answers...in fact, these questions seem impossible to
answer. How do I know what I'm actually willing or unwilling to do
unless the circumstance is real and I am experiencing it? I could say
"I would do this"...or "I would do that" but how do I know what I
would do if the situation hadn't happened?

Each question is not only rhetorical....but in a sense it is also contradicts itself.
"For the sake of goodness, how much evil are you willing to do?"
Good and Evil are obviously on opposite sides of the spectrum...and yet they
are sometimes both used in order to accomplish something. Who decides
whether or not it is right? In order to attempt answering this question,
I ask myself another question. If I could go back in time and kill Hitler
in order to save thousands of lives, would I do it? I don't know, but if
I did, would that be considered right...or wrong? It's not for me to judge.
I can't change the past nor do I hold the power to effect the future.
None of that matters though...not if I am not able to pay the price for
my decision. What would it cost though? What kind of payment? I don't know.
The only thing I do know is that things will continue on....going through the same
pattern unless someone discovers the cost...and pays the Price.

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