Thursday, April 12, 2012

Nathan's Death Quotes

"He's gotten a very widespread reputation for turning himself into a crocodile and attacking children." (Pg. 485 bottom of page)
"They surrounded him in an old coffee field and he climbed up on one of those rickety watchtowers left over from the colonial days....." - "He preached the gospel until the very end." (486 bottom of page)
"He got the verse" (Page 487 towards the top)
"The kings of Kings aroused the anger of Antiochus against the rascal. and when Lysias informed him this man was to blame for all the trouble, he ordered them to put him to death in the way that is customary there. For there is a tower there seventy-five feet high, filled with ashes, and there they push a man guilty of sacrilege or notorious for other crimes to destruction. By such a fate it came to pass that the transgressor died, not even getting burial in the ground." (487 middle of page)
"The closing statement of the Old Testament: 'So this will be the end.'" (487 bottom of page)
"It was really the best way for him to go, you know> In a blaze of glory," Leah said. "I'm sure he believed right up to the end that he was doing the right think. He never did give up the ship." (pg 488 bottom)
"Tata Jesus is bangala....Jesus is poisonwood! Here's to the Minister of Poisonwood. and here's to his five wives!" (490 towards the bottom)


  1. You mean you had more quotes!! (ok my list is probably equally long hehe)

  2. is it bad to say that his death was one of my favorite parts of the book? lol

    1. Definitely not! I loved it, talk about poetic justice. His death just pulled everything together, and I love that the girls are drinking and laughing during it.
