Sunday, April 22, 2012

One Last Blog

Ok I am going to bed after this blog due to a splitting headache caused by traumatic brain injuries inflicted upon me in a game of leap frog. So this is everyone's comic relief. Today I was playing softball with some of my people lol and had the bright idea to play a game of leap frog. While I was leaping through the air the person I was leaping over decided to duck and I somersaulted over their head and fell on my face and gave myself a bloody lip, an aching neck, and a bump in the head. So hopefully I will be a normal person still lol.


  1. HANNAH HULS! you better be okay to play soccer, because if youre not... oh man.. imma beat you..loljk <3 hope you are okay!

  2. Hannah....
    I hate to break it to you buuuuut.....
    You've never been a normal person :s

    Haha just kiddin!
    Love you!

    1. Me not normal? K bell I am the definition of normal! :)....Nah actually normal is boring so I am ok with not being normal!
