Saturday, April 28, 2012

Thank You Lucas Landis (and everyone else)

So, I have a confession to make. I, Laura Persenaire, am.....A PROCRASTINATER! Shocking, I know right? You're all gasping at your computer screens huh? So, I have a really hard time trying to get myself working. So today I decided to ease my way in and start on the blog and then work from there.

 And what should I see but a plethora of posts from Mr. Lucas Landis that really made me smile. The one about colleges, and when he used the word articulate (quite accurately I might add kudos Landy), and how he liked the books and such and can hear a black woman inside of him when he's reading, and over all there's just something about his writing style that makes me laugh. I can hear his voice through the blogs, it's just fun.

 Then I read some other stuff from the rest of you, and saw some lovely pictures, that made me smile even more. So thank you all for brightening my day just a little bit so know I can start to get down to business. I appreciate you.

 And thank you to Ms. Stariha (by the way can we address right now something I've always wondered about? I know you're not Mrs. Vanloon. which is pretty awesome as far as I'm concerned, but are you MRS Stariha? or MS Stariha? or MISS Stariha?? often I just put Stariha because I get confused. Maybe I'll just go back to calling you Coach like in the good ol' days :)if only Lucas was at Shelby then huh Coach?


  1. I've always been curious about that myself Laura.:P I think it is Ms. Stariha... but I'm not sure. I got quite a kick out of Lucas' posts too! Too bad the Brit Lit students this year couldn't have gotten pointers on blogging from you guys.

  2. hey just let em read outs ... maybe it will open them up to the bogging experience!!! lol
