Sunday, April 29, 2012

When I try to be productive...

I wish I could just sit down and write a paper like its no big deal.

You see, today was suppose to be massively productive. Instead,  I ended up with only part of an introduction by the time 5 o'clock rolled around.


  1. OMG!
    Same here!
    I planned on doing work all morning but I casually kept putting it off for facebook and other nonsense saying I would do it in a few minutes and then I never did.
    Now it's 5:30 and all I have is my intro written.

  2. It's the actually sitting down to do it that is the hardest part, once you get going it's not so bad. I've found torturing myself by not listening to music while writing it, and then after every page I get to take a dance break helps.
