Monday, April 23, 2012

My Life Impact

So I couldn't share this in class because you wouldn't be able to understand a word I was saying.  Anyway I thought I would share it on here just because so yeah, here is my free write.

One thing that impacted my life drastically was the death of my grandma.  This was the family member to die during my life time.  Although i have experienced many people passing, this one effected me the greatest.  I was only four or five when it happened by I fully understood what was going on.  My grandma was a smoker and it killed her.  Lung cancer took her life.  From that time on I knew I was going to help the fight against cancer.  I still remember just sitting there in the hospital wanting to help her and not knowing what to do except hold her hand and put a cold wash cloth on her fore head.  The first death I had to deal with effected to so greatly.  I'm going to become a radiation therapist and help beat cancer.  No one should have to deal with the loss of a loved one and I promise myself and everyone around that this horrible thing called cancer will be stopped.  No little boy or girl should be face with loosing a family member.  The pain is much to real and never fully goes away.  To this day thinking about it makes me cry but the death of my grandma made me who I am today.

The bold part is what I would have read in our little circle thing in class today.


  1. I thought I heard you sniffle in class but I wasn't sure. I'm glad you shared. I can see how powerfully that impacted you.
