Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Nathan Price Done Right

Doing some research on what started violence in the Congo, lo and behold, a missionary started it.

David Livingstone

II. The Pathfinder's Trail in the Desert
Landing at Algoa, he traveled seven hundred miles by ox-wagon to Kuruman, which the Moffatts had transformed from a piece of desert into a garden of beauty and fruitfulness. After giving the oxen a few days' rest, he continued his journey to Lepelole. The tribe living there called themselves Bakwena, or the People of the Crocodile -- that being their sacred animal. He built a house forthwith and began to study the language. After six months of diligent application, he could converse or preach freely in the Bakwena language. A year after his arrival in Africa, he wrote to his father: "The work of God goes on here notwithstanding all our infirmities. Souls are being gathered continually. Twenty-four were added to the church last month."


His desires were the same as Nathan Price's but he actually achieved his....but with all of his missions to South Africa, Livingstone got the interest of King Leopold II and destruction started. 

1 comment:

  1. Kind of sad how that works out that way. I think that people can do the worst damage sometimes with the best intentions.
