Wednesday, April 25, 2012


This is a "Fetus", I call it a baby, at only 12 weeks of development!! (gestation) Yall can get mad at me for saying this but... That DOES NOT look like a blob of cells to me. If people could see the faces of the lives they destroy... *sigh* Just wanted to share this Amazing photo!


  1. It really bothers me when people call a developing baby a fetus. Im not going to get into a huge controversial issue about this but thank you Tyesha for posting this picture of an adorable baby. :)

  2. not gonna lie, i agree with teesha and everything, but that picture is creepin me out..

  3. Maybe instead of arguing about abortion... which will happen whether we make it illegal or not (check out history)... we should argue about how to prevent people who do not want babies from getting pregnant in the first place... and how to better support women in unexpected pregnancies so they feel they can adequately parent... and how to counsel women who have received abortions so they don't get multiple abortions... and how to prevent child abuse, neglect, and general poor parenting so that children don't try to fill those love needs destructively... Just saying, that the pic makes me sick, but there are better ways to fight abortion than making abortion illegal.

  4. AMEN stariha! we obvioulsy see that condoms arent working here in the US cause we have the highest teen pregnacy rate. idk about the other age levels but thats why there are so many teen abortions. So i say...we stop buying our condoms from China!!! There are prolly some factory workers over there with needles poking holes in every package of condoms saying " YOU BE LIKE US NOW!!!"
