Monday, April 9, 2012

that awkward moment when you spill the bag of jelly beans in the couch

so today I was having a discussion in AP Bio about the past tense form of words. Since Shelbys College English Class is the smartest group of kids in Oceana County Ive decided to ask you all the questions that haunt the Hart AP Bio kids..
#1. So lets say I want to swing. If I've already done it, what do I say.. Ive swang? ... Ive swung?.. Ive singed?
#2. Often kids of this era say they are going to wing something.. "Im going to wing it!" (example).. if you have already done that have you wang it?.. or wunged it? winged it?...

just curious.


  1. 1) is def. ive swung
    2) i liked winged lol

    but I am not one of the smarter ones on this totem pole of college english lol

  2. Swung and wung for sure... though spell check is telling my otherwise I most definitely have use "wung" in the past.

    Ps. This is why you stay in shelby... Hart kids have lower IQs

    Pps. You swing?... scandalous
