Thursday, March 31, 2011


I was taking my dog for a walk this afternoon and it reminded me of the Poisonwood Bible because they are living in nature-closer to nature than we could know. It was so serene. I loved it so much. It was quiet, and the sun felt amazing. However, after I dropped her back off at my house, I left for a couple of hours, and in that time she rolled around in a pile of dung-that's right. My curfew is normally 10:00 on school nights, and I got a call from my mom at about 9:15 telling me "get home now and bathe your dog." Angrily I grumbled...but eventually gave in. I came home and the dog REEKED! I'm not sure if that's how it's spelled, but she smelled TERRIBLE. So, giving her a bath, I was reminded of the people in the Congo. They don't have soap like we do here. I mean, I bathed my dog with Suave shampoo, and they don't even have that for themselves. We take so many things for granted here, it's embarrassing. Nobody realizes that there is another world out there: one that we choose not to see. We are exposed to things on the news, or maybe a commercial about some orphan way-the-heck away from here. But that doesn't mean that they don't exist. I talk about this a lot, but I went to the slums of Chihuahua, Mexico last summer, and it was scary. I mean, it's the place where they warn us about dropping to the ground if we hear guns-and even in the middle of the day! The people there lived in tiny, one-room houses with poor roofs. The houses they lived in were probably the size of my bedroom, no lie. And that's not even close to what it's really like in some places. Even though it was the slums, there are still worse places-and that's extremely hard for me to wrap my mind around.

Poisonwood Bible Title Meaning???

Since the first day that we recieved our poisonwood bible books i was always curious as to why it was called such, and what the significance of Poisonwood was. Early on in the book it makes a brief appearance when Nathan is afflicted with horrible rashes, when he does not heed the warnings of Mama Tataba. Since that section Poisonwood has been absent, at least until Judges. On pg 276 on Adah's section she say "TATA JESUS IS BANGALA! declares the reverend every Sunday at the end of his sermon. More and more, mistrusting his interpreters, he tries to speak in kikongo." and further on she states "Bangala means something precious and dear. But the way he pronounces it, it means the Poisonwood Tree. Praise the Lord, Hallelujah, my friends! for Jesus will make you itch like nobody's business." To me these quotes epitomize just how foolheaded and ignorant Nathan is, meaning that he has not taken the time to understand the natives and their culture, he is unaware that a word in kikongo can have different meanings depending on the way that it is said. And as far as the natives are concerned Nathan is preaching the GOSPEL OF POISONWOOD(hence why the book is called the Poisonwood Bible.) Anyways these are just my opinions on the meaning of the title, and i would like to know what other people's thoughts were?

looking at all angles..

Today's class discussion on how we all view things differently really got me thinking how things are viewed in the pwb along with today's society. In the pwb Nathan views the Congo Villagers from their outer appearance not their inner heart and all the things they do to benefit him. This is soooo much like today's society there are those certain people who view people by their appearance because it has become such a center of society. we need to look at all angles of everyone and everything to get the full picture and true meaning. have a great spring break everyone! :))

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Your comments help a lot on my essay; thanks, Ms. Stariha!

. . .

this week is going by sooo slow!!! Friday needs to hurry up and come so we can start spring break! hopefully i dont get too much homework in my classes to ruin my week. Im looking forward to summer more and more. Im just ready to take a break from reading,essays, homework and tests for a while! surprisingly though im really starting to like the PWB now that im pretty much half way through it. The class discussions are really helping me analyze the book better when im actually reading it. Yah well this is enough about school..sooo spring break '11 HURRY UP!!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

finding nemo/ poisonwood bible

"just keep reading..
just keep reading..
just keep reading...
reading, reading

what do we do?
we read. read.

ho ho ho ho ho ho
i love to reaaad..."

hates being behind...

after all the confusion on how much we were supposed to read since our pwb quiz im behind and i hate it! even though i am interested in the book it is hard to find this much time to catch up...but spring break is going to be a great time to sit on the beach and hopefully finish up the book early! :)) thank goodness for our reading groups!


Even though I don't really have right to because it was all my fault for not knowing, but I'm going to complain about all the reading we have to do this week. I know I should have assumed we were supposed to read over the weekend, but I didn't and now it's screwing me over. :/ It takes me so long to read just one page and now instead of being 30 pages behind (like I thought I was going to be), I am closer to 140 pages behind. Well, I read a bunch already, so it's lower than that, but even still. To clarify, we are supposed to read Revelation and Judges for Thursday, correct?? But tomorrow we have to have Revelation read??

Getting it done Early!

This is my blog for the week! huray now i don't have to worry about forgetting to do this. I just read 100+ pages of the poison wood bible. Its a good book but after that im getting worn out on this book. But im looking foward to spring break. Jake and I are going to Ohio/Kentucky to mamoth cave w/ our cousin. We are going legit cave diving and rock climbing/hiking. I can't wait! Words and ross ray has good blogs (that was for you ross)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

One More Week!

Well we have only one week before spring break starts. I can't wait until spring break starts because that means we're just that much closer to graduation. The quiz on friday didn't seem too hard compared to the quizes at the end of last tri.

New Post

Well Im pretty sure I forgot to post last weekend so I better post this week. I'm just jamming with my lil sis to Cudi right now, I know I'm awesome. Weekend was good. Looking foward to spring break. Hopefully this week flies by. Well the books interesting, should be interesting to see how it ends.

I feel like I am understanding this better...

After our quote circle on Thursday, I felt a lot better about certain parts of the book that I didn't really understand before. I feel that the quote circles are going to help me a lot since I get to hear what you guys think and what you get from the reading that I may have interpreted differently. I also enjoy hearing quotes from that reading that others come up with that I may not have recognized the importance of before. And as of the rough draft of my rhetorical analysis essay, I'm still not so sure. When I get it back, I am planning on getting to work right away so I won't have to worry about trying to edit and finish it at the last minute. I think that one of my problems with writing papers for class is that I wait too long to finish it and I end up over-thinking what I want to say because I have a short time to get it done. I really hope that I will continue working hard in and out of class so I can continue doing good and learning a lot. :)

WHAT THE F&*@????!!!!!

hey everyone i was just wondering if we had to read this weekend or not!? Well I think that i will read anyways maybe just one of the chapters. Anyways i really miss conterversial issue Fridays. Great nap time!!!!!! Anyways i though i did alright on the quiz!!!!!

Oh me Oh my!

This week has been so busy!! I'm really liking what we're doing in class! The Poisonwood Bible is turning out to be an amazing book! The figurative writing makes it really interesting and fun to dig into during class. The quote circle on Thursday was really fun! I felt like it helped a lot when I took the quiz on Friday...I hope I did ok! This was the first quiz that I really struggled with! I felt like I had so much to write and didnt have enough time to get it down. I took way to long on the smaller essays and then when it came to the final essay I didnt have enough time to really expand on my ideas or develope points...oops!! In other news State Solo and Ensemble Festival was saturday and four kids from band went. We all did very well and I came away with a blue ribbon!! It was a really fun but kinda scary day! The judge asked my to play my piece (which went surprisingly well) and then play 6 scales that he chose randomly and then sight read this crazy hard piece!!! There were sixteenth note runs and grace notes EVERYWHERE!!!! But its all good because I escaped with a 1 and some great pointers to work on!

This Week!

Well this week was cool having Stariha back again. Our literary cirlce was cool, because we didn't do those so much last trimester. But they're helpful because that way we know good quotes, and we can understand the symbolisms and different things that the book wants us to get. Well hope this next week is good also, with not alot of homework!!!


Well this weekend has been interesting but fun. I finished all my homework (except for blog) on friday. Then yesterday i went cross country skiing for the first time. It was really cool, but we fell alot because we were beginers. And today we have to drop off our company at the airport :( but its been fun. P.S. i liked the quote circle too! It helped me alot on my test

Saturday, March 26, 2011

had a feeling i could be someone

I made a startling discovery about myself this past week, and it actually made me just sit there in awe. While talking to my mother about what we've been doing in this class (PWB and rhetorical analysis stuff), I was explaining to her what the 4 girls characteristics were like in the book. I then realized, OMG!!! I'm much more similar to Adah than I first thought. It may seem like a lame thing to think of considering its about a fictionous book, but I am! This is how: I couldn't talk or hear for the first 2 years of my life. This was due to my stupid ears. I then drew the assumption that because I couldn't talk, I was left to observe and think! Thats basically what Adah does. I thought this was quite the neat thing to connect together so I thought I would share it with all you lovely people. :]

Friday, March 25, 2011

Sitting at home...Bored out of my mind...

Just at home, jamming out to "Misery" by Maroon 5. Seems like a fitting song for my condition HAHA
So, I'm kinda missing school...Haven't been there since Tuesday and it is kinda getting boring at home LOL stupid track injuries... I went to the doctor today and found out I fractured my ankle... Eh, it could have been worse I guess... But that's why I haven't been in school, I'll be back Monday hopefully.
I'm kinda nervous about the test since I missed it, anyone care to fill me in on what I've been missing in class?? Well, see everyone soon I guess :/

quote circles...

thanks to quote circles, i felt so much more confident going into the test!
it really helps to talk with the class and really dig deep into the meanings of different quotes.
as for the book i love the figurative writing style!
the book is so much more interesting and seeing the different angles of the novel...

so far so good!


the poisonwood bible

i am loving the poisonwood bible so far!
its a all around great book. i am a huge fan of Jodi Picoultt so Kingsolvers figurative writing style really interests me. its gives aspects of different characters in the book, each telling there own stories from the same experiences.

i feel like i did pretty good on the quiz too....literature circles help soooooo much and i really enjoy hearing every ones point of views!

have a good weekend everyone! :))


I was so up when I realized that I had forgotten my book with my notes in the book. I was going over Genesis last night and left it right beside my bed. Thankfully I took notes in class over each character and also wrote down quotes that I thought would be important. I am hoping that I did not do terrible on my quiz and am hoping that my rough draft rhetorical essay stated all the points that I was trying to make. I had a lot of things written down for the passage but then felt like I didn't know how to start my paper. I sat in my room for the longest time trying to procrastinate...even though I knew the paper had to be done. I am glad I started my essay early and was able to finish it.


The rhetorical analysis paper has been the hardest by far. /=
I find it very hard to write a lot on writings that are so small...I can't seem to get my thoughts to go out far enough. Other than that, the quiz today went pretty well I think. The quote circles really helped I think...and I've kinda missed them. But, so long now have a wonderful weekend everyone. (:

Rough Draft.. DONE!

I've been sleeping all day because I had a horrible night and only got about half an hour of sleep. So my mom finally woke me up at 9pm and told me I should do my homework. So I got to finishing my essay and I have to say I am very excited. This has been by far my favorite essay and I think my paper is pretty good. I feel like I'm actually applying myself this trimester, I hope I keep it up!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I'm trying to finish this essay and I DON'T KNOW WHAT I AM DOING AND NOW I'M SLIGHTLY FREAKING OUT BECAUSE OF IT. Sorry for the "yelling." I felt it was necessary. I have never drawn so many blanks about an essay in my life...

I've read through the prompts and tried to do the essay prep thing Miss Stariha had, but it's not helping and I don't know what to do. I'm very discouraged right about now. And it was already a very rough week.... :/

My writting struggle

To me the hardest part about writing a paper is siting down and writing the rough draft. This rhetorical analysis paper by far has been the hardest paper in my opinion to write. For a while my mind had gone completly blank and i had no idea what to write about. But then i remembered stariha talking about outlining and free writing and how they are helpful when writing. And so i sat down and outlined my paper, and free wrote on how the auther developed his argument. And it WORKED i was able to figure out my thesis and the points of my paper, and although my paper is far from good, i have something to work with.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


So far my paper is coming along pretty well, which I am very happy about. I am confused on whether we are going to have a quiz tomorrow or not...or if we are going to do quote circles tomorrow? well I guess we will see. I cant wait for spring break! just about one more week :)

ice day...

soo i know we were supposed to have a quiz on book 1 tomorrow, and
we were supposed to review today in the quote circle. Does anybody
know if everything is getting pushed back a day or we have a test
tomorrow regardless of the snow day?

Im working on my paper!

Last night I promised myself that if there was a snow day I would wake up and start working on my paper. The surprising thing is, I actually did! I have to say it is going ok, don't get me wrong it is definitely a rough draft, but it is coming together. I am taking a break now, to get away from it and clear my head. This snow day was perfect because otherwise I am not sure when I would have been able to write the paper!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


This is what I was talking about.  You should probably write this down in your notes.

Orleanna (mom)
isolated,  resigned,  figurative/metaphorical language,  powerful imagery/descriptions  She keeps going back and forth from past to present narritive, she is looking back/reflecting about her life, she speaks very clear because she remembers it so well, she can't forget it because her memories are haunting her, but we don't know why (yet).

Rachel (oldest)
whiney, sarcastic=tone, descriptive on objects, not ideas or beliefs, ridicules prayer and father as a statment of her discontent, very materialistic, wants to go back because she "needs" her old life style, she uses slang (geez of man!) and this shows she is not the smartest of the sisters, modern equivilant= girl on jersy shore.

Leah (thing 1)
Logos, logic not emotion, sees straight in front of her, not the big picture, her life is about the advernture (actions she does) not the events that make her story, calm tone, some what oblivious to nature/life,  ALLUSION= bible stories, does what dad says because it is "right", factual, almost no metaphors.
act not think

Adah (thing 2)
Saterical, reads books backwards (looks at every angle of life), never speaks, thinks things through rather then act, quietest but smartest, her chapters=no diologue, talks about herself in the 3rd person, an outsider looking in,  ALLUSION=fictional stories (jeckel hyde), she is not living her life, she is practicly living in her own fantasy world. (mute world of warcraft player who is actually smart...)

Ruth-May (youngest)
thoughts are all over the place, young, speaks of bible, literal mind set, not figuerative, dictation=few words,   aphroism=literal definitions of bible, assume everything, "allways right", dress=girl, toy=thief, black=damned... etc.,  either right or wrong, never maybe or sway, innocent, she does not engage in dialogue, she listens and repeats (like a parrot)

Nathan (dad)
does not have his chapters, ironic because bible is made of chapters by men, now women make this "poisen wood bible", allways right, family centers around him, he has god-like authority, like god=vengful--punisher--fear envoker--jelous,  egotistical, detached god (not down to earth with family), practicly went crazy when he could not have his way with baptism because he is used to having his way (bratty kid).

There you go Luke.  Thats what you missed!  And don't expect me to do this all the time!  I guess this can be applied to all the AYF'ers, and all the slakers who can can read this then copy and paste it on thier notes...

Old Post

ok this is an old post but i guess i dont know what to say. I will start off by saying that the poision wood bible is a pretty good book. Lastly i need help with my sticken paper dough draft i need HELP!!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

College English Part B

For some reason I am able to post comments through my iPod, but am unable to blog. Just thought I would start out by saying this because I just thought it was really weird that I couldn't. :) Anwho, I don't have much else to say so far besides the fact that I am in that nervous state again that I was in when we first started College English class during our first weeks in part A. I really hope I will be able to keep up with assignments and the reading of chapters so I won't fall behind in class and understanding. I'm hoping this first paper will go well, and hope that I will receive great advice after my rough draft is completed. I'm looking forward to what this last trimester holds for us seniors, and I hope that it will ready me for college just as much the past trimesters has.

Busy.. & Excited!

So when we were first assigned the rhetorical analysis paper I was pessemistic. But after we did a few examples in class I got excited about this paper. I am responding to the first prompt about the nerds. Mainly because I identify with it. I have my introduction done, but I'm kind of lost on where to go from that. I've had a busy weekend. Friday I read The Poisonwood Bible and started my paper. Saturday I went to my cousin's baby shower, and today I finished reading our assigned pages from the book.

Poisonwood bible off to a good start

First off i'm really enjoying the poisonwood bible, what i like the most are the different viewpoints for every chapter. In most books there is usally only one character in which you can listen to their thoughts and see how they think, but in this book it lets into the thoughts of all of the sisters, which i enjoy


I like the posionwood bible. i like the way its writtin and it really pulls you in like you feel like part of the novel. i can't put it down but i had to inorder to post this lol! cant wait to talk about it 2morrow!


Today seemed like perfect weather to read a book. So as I was searching my bookshelf for one of the multiple novels I've been meaning to read for years on end (and won't until after this class), I remembered I had to read The Poisonwood Bible. So making that my pick, I curled up with some tea and a comfy blanket and started to read. I was pleasently surprised how much I really like this book! Sure, it helped that my sister told me she loved it when she read it, but the different points of view make it really interesting! It's kinda like 5 books in one. I'm curious about what kind of themes we're going to be discussing and what type of storyline this book will follow. We shall see! :]


I'm absolutly loving this class! The discussions in class have been great and I feel like Im learning alot!! I really like the rhetorical analysis. It's been fun for me to dig deeper into different types of sentence structures and how simple things like repeating a word or sound can compel the reader to think or feel different things. That being said, I'm very exicted to start the paper on the AP prompts. I saw the title of the one about Nerds and I knew that it was going to be a fun paper to write! Im also excited about "Poison Wood Bible"! From just the intro I could tell that it was going to be a very interesting book with lots of description so I could clearly picture each scene and character in my head! For me this makes the book even more fun to read and create a sort of movie in my head to go along with moods and people...including soundtracks if I'm feeling particulaly dorky!!

3rd tri

so far this tri hasn't been so bad. Im really anxious for spring break to come, and for this tri to just be over. But im glad we have ms. stariha back but im also kind of nervous for this paper due friday, it seems like it might be kind of confusing and im hoping that once i start writing ill know exactly where i want to take my paper. The poison wood bible im also excited to start reading. It looks kind of intimidating because of how lengthy it is, and since i didn't really enjoy johnny got his gun, im hoping i really like this book. Its a lot easier for me to read the novels when i like them and i understand them. I hope this final tri of high school is the best yet!

loving it!

college english feels like a whole new class with ms. starhia back annnnnd im LOVING IT!
i am so eager for the books we will be reading and am ready to learn more.
i really enjoyed fridays poem 'africa' annd am excited that we have began the poisionwood bible.
being sick put me a behind so i hope i can catch up quickly :/
so much to finish up today....

hope everyone had a good weekend! :))

Friday, March 18, 2011


Reading the Africa peom on class has inspired me to share a poem I wrote a few years ago.
I don't remember what I called it... I was somthing along the lines of "Forgivness" or "Ultimatium"

We close our eyes, the sky is black, we open our eyes, and the sky is blue.
The Sunflower danced, the Sun shines, the Birds sing
We remember what we did...
It cries pedals, the Sun hides, and the trees sway.
That's when we fall, fall into the demise of sin
As we fall, we open our eyes, the sky is Red.

Basicly your dreaming, i.e. the sky is black, then you dream about being in a fantasy world of peace and prosperity and the sky is bright blue.
Everything is happy, but then you think of all the bad things you did that day.
Your negative actions have effected everyone and everything, even the Earth.
You realize it is your fault, and fall to the ground in grief.
And as you fall, you dream ends, it is morning, a new beggining and the sky is red with the blood or you sins or red as a warning.  I was never too sure which would be best reason to make the sky red.

I was pretty proud of this poem, so I saved it!  : )

In other news, my sister didn't have money for lunch today, so she came to me for help.  I didn't give her any money arguing that I won't be around to save her all the time and that she should find a way to solve the problem on her own (as I did when I was a freshman).  However she did it, she got a lunch, but she is still sore about me "abbandoning" her.  Was this bad judgment on my part, or a wise move?

New Trimester

I am very excited that we have started a new trimester. I am extremely glad that Ms. Stariha is back and seems so eager to teach us everything that we may have missed the first trimester. I really have been enjoying the conversations we have been having as a class discussing the different prompts and their meanings. I also like how we are now using more of the literary terms like diction. I heard from a classmate that the novel The Poisonwood Bible is a great story in which we become fully engaged as a reader. I am hoping that I don't find this story confusing and that I do well on the upcoming tests.

Bored @ 1:40 p.m.

So, I'm just sitting the library wondering what to blog about. Then it hits me... BAM!haha not really. Anyways, this rhetorical paper thingy is kind of freaking me out. I'm not very good at deciphering a paper. So this is going to be quite the challenge for me. I hope I really learn how to not procrastinate this Trimester, but I'm not holding my breath. I feel like I'm already checked out; done with high school. I only have three classes and get done by 12:30 everyday. So it feels like I'm already in college, or at least not high school anyways. I am just completly lost; with the paper, the new book, and just school in general. I hope these days go by quick because I really need to get out of here.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rhetorical Analysis

I feel like I have learned so much this week! Rhetorical Analysis is a challenge for me, but I can already see myself getting better at it! I will probably need to work really hard on this essay and see if I can turn in more than one draft to make sure I am understanding it. It does feel good to learn something new! Senior year, (at least mine) is full of elective classes besides college English.(unless you take AP Calc) and in most electives no real learning takes place. This class is refreshing because it challenges the way you think. I have no regrets taking this class, no matter what grade I end up with!

Up Late...Again...

Not up for any particular reason. Just procrastinating with my calculus homework. I can't sleep. I wrote some poetry. It's super sappy stuff, but a lot of poems can be.

I can't believe we finally got our graduation caps and gowns today! We are so close to graduating! I can taste it! It kind of all sunk in today when I was going through my invitations in my dining room. All of a sudden, I was completely overwhelmed and my lungs got rather tight. I'm not sure which emotion was the strongest at that point in time, but fear was definitely evident. Fear of the unknown of life, I guess. That's a thought train for my shower tomorrow. I have all of my best epiphanies in the shower.

I'm not really sure if that is how it is supposed to be spelled, but English is a terrible language to spell anyways. So many silent letters and exceptions and this letter changes because it is close to that letter. I'm not really fond of English as a language. It's not very romantic or forceful. And profanity is used too often. It makes people sound unintelligent when they use the same profain words over and over and over and over and over again.

I was watching a movie the other day that dropped the "F-bomb" about 20 or 30 times in the first few minutes. It destroyed my entire opinion of the movie because the repetitiveness of the dialogue was not creative in any way. It was f-this, f-that, f-ing something, f-whatever. Every once in a while, emphasis is needed, so a word like that can be used. But if used ALL THE TIME, it loses meaning. Emphasizing every word in a sentence makes it sound like white noise. Inflection and variation in tone, loudness, words, and frequency is what makes diction interesting. If little variation is used with any one of those, interest is decreased, in my opinion. I don't know if anyone else feels that way, but it's just something to think about I guess.


I'm so happy that the new tri is taking off!
This means new classes, new people, new sports, etc.
Only one more trimester of high school?!?!
Make the best of the time we have left here
and look forward to the time we are going to have in the real world...
I cant wait any longer!
Just one more tri and an amazing summer and....


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I'm really ready for this last trimester! It's going to be a great last few months of school. I'm so sad to graduate, but I'm very excited about it.

I remember Miss Stariha telling us to read the pages she handed to us, but I don't remember if we were supposed to do anything else with them??

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Well Im doing this early so I dont forget later this week! :P Im glad Mrs. Stariha is back. That baby kept her away for quite a while! I hope this trimester has cool stuff like easy fridays somehow, or something along those lines!

New Tri

Its finally last tri. I am glad that Mrs. Stariha is back but kind of nervous at the same time. I am hoping that the grading will stay some what the same but I guess we will wait and see. We have like 11 more weeks of school and we are done for good. :) I am soo ready. Its going to be really exciting and kind of scary. I cant wait to see how last tri goes.

Monday, March 14, 2011


soo im not really sure if we were supposed to post this week
but im just going to post to be on the safe side. Its been really
nice not having a super busy weekend and no homework for
a change! I can't wait to see what this tri has in store and
especially college english adjusting to having ms. Stariha
back. It will be nice once summer comes to just have all
of these assignments behind me. But then of course
college for sure will be difficult, but really fun too.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Final Stretch

Time for a new beginning! It seems like just a few weeks ago we started this class and now we're already half way done, simply amazing. My one worry for this last set of classes is that I'll unknowingly become lazy and let simple assignments go. Hopefully this DOES NOT happen! I think it was quite humorous that everyone sat in the very same spot that they did in the A part of this class. I guess we're just creatures of habit :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Half Way Done

We're finally done with have of this class. I gotta say everybody did really good on their exam projects.... except for me... well im kinda glad i goofed up cuz it gave everyone a good laugh. see you all tuesday.



and this is my blog, hope you like it mrs. Kreilick and/or Stariah. Oh and Im sorry I can't be in this play, I actually really wanted to be in this one, but this next one I will be in no matter what.

3rd Tri Here We Come! :)

So its going to offically be the 3rd Tri in like 23 minutes!
It's the homestretch to Graduation!
I'm so excited!!
84 days untill we we get our diplomas!
And plus we get our Graduation stuff next week, which is amazing!
It's all coming up so fast.
Bring. It. On :)

So about that final Exam...

Is there anyone out there (besides Emily) that still wanted the written Exam over the project?   Didn't think so!  The project was really fun, and it took a lot of stress out of studying for the other exams I have.  Thats about all I had to say.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Freaking Out..

Well I don't know if we have to blog this week, but I'm going to.

So, I'm kind of freaking out about the exam project. Mostly because I've seen a couple people's projects and theirs are incredible. My project is simple, but I don't think a lot of people will like it. I did put effort into it and I've gone over what I'm saying a couple different times, so I hope I'm graded accordingly.

FiNaL WeEk Of ThIs TrI!!!!

I am so glad that this tri is almost over! I am very excited for our presentations tomorrow, I can't wait to see what everyone came up with!! Gooood luck tomorrow everyone!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Today I was told i was Catholic by Birth not by choice. I was also told i was part of a Cannibalistic cult that is more like an industry than a religion. This is what i haft to say about all this... I do believe in Transubstantiation and if you call that cannibalistic then i call you ignorant. Secondly my faith is not an industry, yes Catholics give lots of money to the church but this money goes to things like charity, Education for Holy Orders and up keep on my own parish. basically this is what i have to say... My Church is the light, a beacon of HOPE, LOVE and JUSTICE for all who seek Him. My Church is universal and teaches many. My Church was created by Jesus Christ Himself and HE named Peter the first Bishop of Rome (the Pope). I will defend my faith and not let down my shield for your personal amusement, I will take up my sword and wage war for the righteousness of his kingdom and defend all his glory. I am 1 in 7 billion Catholics across the world, and you will discover that questioning my faith is you being uneducated in your own.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Almost Done!!!!

I just took 3/5 of my exams today! Today has been a long day but I'm glad because I am almost done with it all. Just math and College English left. Im blogging right now so I don't forget to for this week though. Tomorrow Ill be in Kentucky and I can't wait! It's my first road trip by myself haha. Hopefully it turns out well!

Can't Wait till tomorrow


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Productive Weekend

Overall this weekend, other than the disastrous mess created by the great exploding pressure cooker (from previous blog post), it has been a pretty good weekend. I have nearly finished my essay, as well as nearly finishing my exam project.

I made some pasta for dinner--which is an amazing essay writing meal, might I add.

The book ended, well, almost exactly as I had expected. They injected him with something but we don't know if it was something to kill him or to put him to sleep or whatever. However, this guy can rant! Chapter 19 was ridiculous. It seemed to have gone on forever with intense sarcasm. However, it was humorous because a lot of my friends love to rant and it put them to shame. I really liked the nursery rhymes. They were really funny.

My dad has some CSI playing in the background and it's making me feel like I need to solve some kind of mystery. I have one in mind, but it won't take that much effort to solve.

Well, tah-tah-for-now!! :)

Another Post

Well i finished the book. Pretty good book overall. I thought the ending kind of dragged on. I have no idea what I'm going to do for this exam project. Better figure that out. Well i'll see ya'll tommorow!


ok so i was sitting watchig easy A this weekend with the stuningly sexy Emma Stone (shes my future wife lol). and i was like why cant we read the scarlet letter in College English. i would be so happy! I wish i could do something so uppseting in SHS like Olive dose with the red A on her shirt. so to all of you witch out for me im trying to come up with a final big bang!

I LOVE Individual State!!!

I realize that may be a really weird title for a College English post, but since that is all my weekend consisted of, I figured that is what I should blog about rather than the fact that I didn't do any of my homework until today. :)
So, my family and I left for the Individual State Finals at the Palace of Auburn Hills on Thursday right after school. Upon our arrival we checked into our hotel a few miles away and relaxed since our drive took about 3 hours to get there. On Friday and Saturday we watched quarter finals, wrestle back, semi-finals and then finally the finals around 4:30. It was so much fun getting to watch my cousin Zack and my other buddies from Hesperia do such a good job while fighting for the first place title in their weight classes. I also had so much fun cheering on Tyler, Seth and Mason as they all placed in the the top eight of our division! Way to go boys! :) I was really excited to watch Individuals again since I haven't since 10th grade year when my cousin Dan was a senior. It was definitely worth skipping school for. lol
Now that I am back from my fun, exciting, and relaxing weekend away, I have to get back into the swing of things and work really hard this week to do good on all of my exams. I especially have to work really hard on the exam project for this class since I'm not sure how this essay is turning out for me. So good luck to me. Hopefully I can figure out something creative and interesting to make. :)


Ahhhh....feeling so much better this week than what I was last week at this time!! My portfolio is done (and quite well if I do say so myself) synthesis essay just has like two more tweaks AND i even have an idea for this crazy project due thursday!! WOOHOO for days off and time to breath! Thanks to all the seniors that skipped on Friday and made it down to Muskegon! Quite possibly the best day I've ever spent doing crazy random stuff in Muskegon! The group of people that went were really diverse and I got to hang out with some people that i usually dont ever talk to! It gave me an opportunity to break out of my nifty little shell that I bet none of you knew i had!! Because im not quite at all right??

Don't forget your essay!!!!

Since I forgot about mine, I thought I should remind others when they open this page.

I finished my Exam Project, and it turned out SUPER-D-DUPER!  It's  like looking at an I Spy book.  A lot is happening in the picture, and it's SSOOO cool!  Can't wait to show you guys!


I'm not sure which is worse, trying to finish my essay without any sort of inspiration, or mother nagging me to do the dishwasher and to clean my room. I've been working on it for a while (the essay) and it's looking pretty swell. I'm just not so sure about it. Oh well.

Earlier today, we were cooking lunch in our pressure cooker and the seal came off the top and the dumb thing blew up ALL OVER the kitchen. And no, I'm not exaggerating. It exploded everywhere. dinner was still good, though.

I don't know what else to talk about.

What is the controversial issue discussion going to be about tomorrow??

I Don't Even Know..

This week has been pretty insane. I finished my portfolio on Tuesday, I was so glad we had no school! I think it turned out pretty well, that was the one of the few projects that I worked extremely hard on! I am still working on my synthesis essay, but a few more tweeks and I'll be done. I'm not happy about the exam project, seeing as I'm NOT that creative, and I have absolutely no idea what to do.
And last but not least... THANK YOU to the 22 seniors that came to Muskegon to hang out all day Friday! Senior Skip Day was so much fun, I can't put it into words. But the fact that it was such a diverse group of kids made it all the more better. I think that's all..

sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows everywhere

Well, now that I've drawn you in with an overly optimistic title...its time for business.
SOOOO much to do this week, kinda like every other one. There's exam prep, the exam project for this class, and I have to perform a song in guitar for my final. AAAHHHH!!! I NEED TO PRACTICE THAT!!!! Once again, the shadow of procrastination isn't far behind me, sadly. The one thing I have managed to get done on time, and with some time to spare, was my Synthesis Essay. Once I got what it was supposed to be doing, it was quite easy for me to write. It seemed like it was a hybrid of our argument essay and our op-ed's. But that's just me. I found it easy to relate the different sources of information through a centralized theme, simply because they were all quite similar in their own themes. As for the end of JGHG, it kind-of upset me. It no longer seemed like Joe was thinking the things on the page, it was more like Trumbo's last stab at the reader to get his opinion across! I did not like that. It took me away from the story and drew my attention to a different place. Not good. Other than that, I liked it. :]

Last Weekkkkkk

Im really excited that this will be the last week of second tri!! This has been the 1st weekend in a while I havnt had a ton of homework! Its a relief to have the book done, my essay done and a good start at the exam project. hopefully this next tri isnt too difficult and flies by!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

This Weekend

First of i want congratulate seth and mason on finishing 3rd at the state meet this weekend, and to tyler blohm for winning it all. Its not everyday you have a state champ at your school

Currently i'm feeling pretty confident in my synthesis essay i just gotta fine tune it, for the exam project i'm thinking of doing some sort of drawing and i was wondering of what everyone else was thinking of doing?

Just Gotta Say...

Senior Skip Day was a total success!!! Friday was proooobably one of the best days ever!!!

Now to business...I just heard about the final exam project. I'm kind of freaking out about it. But I figured out something to do, and I've never. ever. done it before. And it's completely out of the norm for me! So hopefully it goes good. It sounds ok in my head, now the problem is to get it out. :)

I am so pumped for this week though because it's the LAST TIME WE HAVE TO TAKE HIGH SCHOOL EXAMS!!!!!!!!!! (hopefully) We are going to start the last trimester of our high school career and I am so excited!

And by the way, what tests do we have this week in this class??

Just in Case!

Well I thought I already blogged at the begginning of this week but I wasn't sure so I'm doing this now! It was great having Friday off from school! I really enjoyed the break, but don't worry Ms. K. I'll be there on Monday! ;D .... well everyone remember to finish the book and do your final exam project!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

busy busy busy weekend! ugh!

its such a relief to have my portfolio done, but thats the least of my worries right now..
my weekend is jam packed with COLLEGE ENGLISH!!! :/
starting off with revising my synthesis essay (which i am hoping to finish up tonight so it doesnt carry over into the weekend).
then on too finishing up the chapters i am behind on in jghg.
and lastly our controversial issue....gotta finish that up too!
ugh....its gonna be a long weekend...of homework..:(


I am so glad to be able to say that my Senior Portfolio is done! What a relief! I can not wait until I finish my Synthesis Essay. Now hmmmmm..... what to do for this project.......... I have no idea! If anyone has any, please share!!!!!


Students will independently design their own project. The objective will be to create a project answering the question: “Are the pieces of literature used in College English still pertinent today?” The project should demonstrate quality work and planning, directly connect to a theme(s) in the literature of the course, and be presented to the class. Students must use at least one other artwork (literature, poem, visual art, song, advertisement, etc) and will also need to use at least one current event (news article, magazine article, news clip, etc) to help answer their question. The format for the answering of this question is totally up to the student to develop.
Ø Write a poem book (minimum of 10 shorter original poems).
Ø Write a short story (minimum of 3 pages).
Ø Create a video (minimum of 10 minutes).
Ø Create and perform a skit (minimum of 10 minutes).
Ø Create an original artwork.
o Sculpture
o Painting
o Drawing/Pastels
o Graphic Design
Ø Compose and perform a song.
Ø Make a music video.
Ø Make a scrap book.

I was a tool...

I feel now, after reading most of JGHG, that I was a tool to the government.  I didn't see how there was no honor in fighing a war.  I guess the NAVY and Marine commercials got the best of me!  But really, I feel literarily enlightened.  I think now that I can truly understand the message of Trumbo without feelings of discontent or confusion.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Relieved for now

I was able to finish my Senior Portfolio in time and also ended up doing pretty well on my synthesis essay. I believe that writing the synthesis paper helped me better understand the war and what Ms. Kreilick was trying to make us understand a couple weeks ago when she asked if going to the war was honorable. I now understand Dalton Trumbo more and hope that my corrections on my paper made it even better. I'm also glad that all I have for this weekend is to finish the rest of Johnny Got His Gun. I'm not very happy that I am going to be missing the review over the last chapters because I know this review would have ended up helping me at the end when I am taking the final test for this book. I know that I am going to be very stressed out next week because of exams and because of the tests and exam in College English. :(

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I finally got my portfolio done!!
I have to admit, I waited until yesterday/ today to even start it!
I worked 6 hours on that bad boy so I hope it's good!
Procrastination seriously hit me with this project.
I'm just glad it's over!!!
:) :D ;)


hey guys!
i am here in south carolina writing this post. :)
i just want to say that i am having fun!
i miss a few people soo much and look forward to seeing everyone!
have a good week in school!
much love :))