Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Relieved for now

I was able to finish my Senior Portfolio in time and also ended up doing pretty well on my synthesis essay. I believe that writing the synthesis paper helped me better understand the war and what Ms. Kreilick was trying to make us understand a couple weeks ago when she asked if going to the war was honorable. I now understand Dalton Trumbo more and hope that my corrections on my paper made it even better. I'm also glad that all I have for this weekend is to finish the rest of Johnny Got His Gun. I'm not very happy that I am going to be missing the review over the last chapters because I know this review would have ended up helping me at the end when I am taking the final test for this book. I know that I am going to be very stressed out next week because of exams and because of the tests and exam in College English. :(


  1. Glad to hear things are going well Nora... hopefully having a project instead of a written exam will help with some stress!

  2. we dont have an exam we have a project, nora:(
