Friday, March 18, 2011

Bored @ 1:40 p.m.

So, I'm just sitting the library wondering what to blog about. Then it hits me... BAM!haha not really. Anyways, this rhetorical paper thingy is kind of freaking me out. I'm not very good at deciphering a paper. So this is going to be quite the challenge for me. I hope I really learn how to not procrastinate this Trimester, but I'm not holding my breath. I feel like I'm already checked out; done with high school. I only have three classes and get done by 12:30 everyday. So it feels like I'm already in college, or at least not high school anyways. I am just completly lost; with the paper, the new book, and just school in general. I hope these days go by quick because I really need to get out of here.


  1. You should try to do some prewriting this weekend... that will get you started on that analysis paper and make it so I can help you!

  2. I totally agree with needing to get out! I wish i could agree with the 12:30 schedule..>:( LOL!
