Thursday, March 24, 2011

My writting struggle

To me the hardest part about writing a paper is siting down and writing the rough draft. This rhetorical analysis paper by far has been the hardest paper in my opinion to write. For a while my mind had gone completly blank and i had no idea what to write about. But then i remembered stariha talking about outlining and free writing and how they are helpful when writing. And so i sat down and outlined my paper, and free wrote on how the auther developed his argument. And it WORKED i was able to figure out my thesis and the points of my paper, and although my paper is far from good, i have something to work with.


  1. i agree that this has been the hardest paper, but this could also be from my lack of class time discussion about analyzing the paper.

  2. I know what you mean Eric. I tried to also outline my paper but like i had said I sat there for the longest time just staring at my paper clueless.

  3. I thought the hardest part for me was actually analyzing the paper. I'm not good at it at all. I didn't realize how much stuff was actually in the first prompt, about nerds. lolol
