Thursday, March 17, 2011

Up Late...Again...

Not up for any particular reason. Just procrastinating with my calculus homework. I can't sleep. I wrote some poetry. It's super sappy stuff, but a lot of poems can be.

I can't believe we finally got our graduation caps and gowns today! We are so close to graduating! I can taste it! It kind of all sunk in today when I was going through my invitations in my dining room. All of a sudden, I was completely overwhelmed and my lungs got rather tight. I'm not sure which emotion was the strongest at that point in time, but fear was definitely evident. Fear of the unknown of life, I guess. That's a thought train for my shower tomorrow. I have all of my best epiphanies in the shower.

I'm not really sure if that is how it is supposed to be spelled, but English is a terrible language to spell anyways. So many silent letters and exceptions and this letter changes because it is close to that letter. I'm not really fond of English as a language. It's not very romantic or forceful. And profanity is used too often. It makes people sound unintelligent when they use the same profain words over and over and over and over and over again.

I was watching a movie the other day that dropped the "F-bomb" about 20 or 30 times in the first few minutes. It destroyed my entire opinion of the movie because the repetitiveness of the dialogue was not creative in any way. It was f-this, f-that, f-ing something, f-whatever. Every once in a while, emphasis is needed, so a word like that can be used. But if used ALL THE TIME, it loses meaning. Emphasizing every word in a sentence makes it sound like white noise. Inflection and variation in tone, loudness, words, and frequency is what makes diction interesting. If little variation is used with any one of those, interest is decreased, in my opinion. I don't know if anyone else feels that way, but it's just something to think about I guess.


  1. Im up late 2! I really like your point about the over use of swearing in movies. I agree that in some situations, curse words might be the best way to show the true emotion of the character. But like you said, it is not neccissary to swear all the time, it does make it less meaningful. It also bothers me that good movies with an actual message to it are rated R because of cursing and sexual content. If some of that nonsense was taken out, kids would be able to get something out of the movie also. Thanks for bringing this up!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "but it's just something to think about I guess. "

    Don't end your post like that! You had me reading the whole thing untill the end.

    I noticed as well that swearing has become a "trend" on modern movies that is all too commonly used. When I watch movies like that, or especially play games that swear for now reason, I feel like I'm watching/playing it just to impress my younger friends I.E. freshmen.

    And where the "F" are the poems you mentioned? Why not post them?

  4. Funny Ross... I agree with you guys. I am surprised at how much swearing is allowed on public television now as well... during PRIME TIME even! It's ridiculous! I think you should post your poems too Taylor.
