Sunday, March 27, 2011

Oh me Oh my!

This week has been so busy!! I'm really liking what we're doing in class! The Poisonwood Bible is turning out to be an amazing book! The figurative writing makes it really interesting and fun to dig into during class. The quote circle on Thursday was really fun! I felt like it helped a lot when I took the quiz on Friday...I hope I did ok! This was the first quiz that I really struggled with! I felt like I had so much to write and didnt have enough time to get it down. I took way to long on the smaller essays and then when it came to the final essay I didnt have enough time to really expand on my ideas or develope points...oops!! In other news State Solo and Ensemble Festival was saturday and four kids from band went. We all did very well and I came away with a blue ribbon!! It was a really fun but kinda scary day! The judge asked my to play my piece (which went surprisingly well) and then play 6 scales that he chose randomly and then sight read this crazy hard piece!!! There were sixteenth note runs and grace notes EVERYWHERE!!!! But its all good because I escaped with a 1 and some great pointers to work on!


  1. OH great point sarah, you have some really insite, wow i wish i could be a smart as you one day!!! lol

  2. Well, I do agree that the quiz was quite a struggler... I always get nervous with the quizzes because I never know what to expect. I understand the book, but I just never can put it quite into the words that I'm trying to say when it comes time to be quizzed over it.
    As for solo and ensemble, it sounds like you had a great time! And you got a 1, so that is definitely something to proud of. Way to go Sarah! :)

  3. Congrats at Solo+Ensemble!! That is so great! I'm glad you had a fun time and did well.

  4. i have to agree the Quote circle was really useful, while taking the quiz i would use parts of the conversations we had to answer the questions, and congrats on getting a 1
