Sunday, March 6, 2011


I'm not sure which is worse, trying to finish my essay without any sort of inspiration, or mother nagging me to do the dishwasher and to clean my room. I've been working on it for a while (the essay) and it's looking pretty swell. I'm just not so sure about it. Oh well.

Earlier today, we were cooking lunch in our pressure cooker and the seal came off the top and the dumb thing blew up ALL OVER the kitchen. And no, I'm not exaggerating. It exploded everywhere. dinner was still good, though.

I don't know what else to talk about.

What is the controversial issue discussion going to be about tomorrow??


  1. Well Taylor, it sure looks like you had an interesting day. lol About the essay, I'm still working on mine as well and I feel the same. I don't know if its really going to turn out like it is supposed to but all I can do is try and do my best. The thing that is bothering me besides the essay is exam week coming up. I just feel like I'm not going to be ready, but then again I want it to come and go so we can start over with a whole new trimester (our last one... :( ). So I'm just hoping this week goes well, and I'm praying I good on my portfolio. So good luck with everything you have going on for school work (and family life lol) and I'll see you tomorrow. :)

  2. You ate dinner even AFTER it exploded and ended up everywhere?!? Wow, that was couragous!
