Sunday, March 6, 2011


Ahhhh....feeling so much better this week than what I was last week at this time!! My portfolio is done (and quite well if I do say so myself) synthesis essay just has like two more tweaks AND i even have an idea for this crazy project due thursday!! WOOHOO for days off and time to breath! Thanks to all the seniors that skipped on Friday and made it down to Muskegon! Quite possibly the best day I've ever spent doing crazy random stuff in Muskegon! The group of people that went were really diverse and I got to hang out with some people that i usually dont ever talk to! It gave me an opportunity to break out of my nifty little shell that I bet none of you knew i had!! Because im not quite at all right??


  1. I have to say that I've had a pretty nice week and weekend myself. I do have to admit I worked on absolutely none of my homework this weekend up until today at around 1:30 since I was gone to Individual State since Friday. It is pretty much impossible to even attempt homework at Individual State. lol I'm finishing up my paper now and am trying to find something to do my project on. I was thinking of doing some scrapbook/picture type of project, but I'm not sure yet (so I better get goin on that...). I'm really sad I had to miss everything on Thursday night and Friday, but at least I had so much fun this weekend anyways. :) So this week I have two projects to worry about, exams, conditioning for softball and choir stuff to worry about, along with stuff at home to do. I'm sad this weekend is coming to an end since I was looking forward to Individuals for so long, but I'm also going to be really happy when this week is over as well. Good luck for everything you have going on Sarah! Can't wait to see your project. :)

  2. I'm very sad that I didn't come to Muskegon. It sounded like TONS of fun! Christopher and I were watching Beauty and the Beast and I fell asleep which automatically means that he fell asleep and by the time we woke up, it was almost Science Olympiad practice!!

  3. We totally have to do Muskegon again.. but on the weekend because I'm not taking third trimesters exams! It was so funnn!
