Tuesday, March 22, 2011


This is what I was talking about.  You should probably write this down in your notes.

Orleanna (mom)
isolated,  resigned,  figurative/metaphorical language,  powerful imagery/descriptions  She keeps going back and forth from past to present narritive, she is looking back/reflecting about her life, she speaks very clear because she remembers it so well, she can't forget it because her memories are haunting her, but we don't know why (yet).

Rachel (oldest)
whiney, sarcastic=tone, descriptive on objects, not ideas or beliefs, ridicules prayer and father as a statment of her discontent, very materialistic, wants to go back because she "needs" her old life style, she uses slang (geez of man!) and this shows she is not the smartest of the sisters, modern equivilant= girl on jersy shore.

Leah (thing 1)
Logos, logic not emotion, sees straight in front of her, not the big picture, her life is about the advernture (actions she does) not the events that make her story, calm tone, some what oblivious to nature/life,  ALLUSION= bible stories, does what dad says because it is "right", factual, almost no metaphors.
act not think

Adah (thing 2)
Saterical, reads books backwards (looks at every angle of life), never speaks, thinks things through rather then act, quietest but smartest, her chapters=no diologue, talks about herself in the 3rd person, an outsider looking in,  ALLUSION=fictional stories (jeckel hyde), she is not living her life, she is practicly living in her own fantasy world. (mute world of warcraft player who is actually smart...)

Ruth-May (youngest)
thoughts are all over the place, young, speaks of bible, literal mind set, not figuerative, dictation=few words,   aphroism=literal definitions of bible, assume everything, "allways right", dress=girl, toy=thief, black=damned... etc.,  either right or wrong, never maybe or sway, innocent, she does not engage in dialogue, she listens and repeats (like a parrot)

Nathan (dad)
does not have his chapters, ironic because bible is made of chapters by men, now women make this "poisen wood bible", allways right, family centers around him, he has god-like authority, like god=vengful--punisher--fear envoker--jelous,  egotistical, detached god (not down to earth with family), practicly went crazy when he could not have his way with baptism because he is used to having his way (bratty kid).

There you go Luke.  Thats what you missed!  And don't expect me to do this all the time!  I guess this can be applied to all the AYF'ers, and all the slakers who can can read this then copy and paste it on thier notes...


  1. Thank you Ross! That was so nice of you! I really appriecate you catching us up like that!

  2. ross im sure all the ayf'ers really appriciated you taking the time to do this, i no i would if i was them.

  3. Haha you are awsome ross, and i feel so special because you wrote a blog just for me! Ill have to write you a blog! and btw. yours really helped me. you are a life savor, not really, your actually a human, but you are a good help. haha

  4. ROSS RAY!!!!

    he's a swell guy everyone, so put that in your notes too..
