Thursday, March 31, 2011

looking at all angles..

Today's class discussion on how we all view things differently really got me thinking how things are viewed in the pwb along with today's society. In the pwb Nathan views the Congo Villagers from their outer appearance not their inner heart and all the things they do to benefit him. This is soooo much like today's society there are those certain people who view people by their appearance because it has become such a center of society. we need to look at all angles of everyone and everything to get the full picture and true meaning. have a great spring break everyone! :))


  1. Our view of society as a whole is extremely altered! To many of us are like Rachel in the PWB. Just like she looks at the Congolese with judging eyes, we look at eachother and see just the appearence. It is easy for us to critize Rachel in class, but maybe we should start using her as a reflection of ourselves.

  2. Yes... nice reflections. Kingsolver really points out the need for looking at the world with new eyes. She emphasizes our weakness in vision as humans. We have a tendency to see the world the way we see it and assume that it is the only way to look. It's hard to wrap our heads around the idea that "truth" may not be exactly the same for everybody. I agree with you Emily. Most of us are a lot more like Rachel (and Nathan) then we really want to admit!

  3. Thats totally true! I kind of talked in my post how I view the people in Jamiaca kind of like rachel views the people in the Congo. Its a very hard thing to change because that's what society has put into our heads. "If they dont look like us or talk like us something must be wrong with them." Its really very sad when you take the time to think about it....
