Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy (almost) 2012! Yay for the End of The World!

So, the other night I came across a quote in a nice little ipad touch app about history AND by Percy Shelley (connnecctiooonnn! between brit lit and now haha)

History is a cyclic poem written by time upon the memories of man.
Percy Bysshe Shelley


Friday, December 30, 2011


Alright since I eat so much while I write essays. (Snacks ya know!) And I'm working on my essay right now I have come up with a brilliant way to write. Ok so here goes
1) your writing and your at a stand still so you..
2) lay down on the floor and start doing some situps or pushups or pullups or SOMETHING
3) you cant stop til you work out what your going to do next with this essay
4) figure it out and get back on the computer
I think this is going to help me a ton so far its been good and I don't feel so bad for snacking the whole time .. or as bad lol :) So yeah sorry about this tangent that actually has nothing to do with my actual essay! :P

Second Draft Here You Come!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Our 2 Min Hate

So I heard the other day that during a campaign gathering the candidate mentioned bombing Iran and the crowd cheered. That made me think back to the 2 minute hate scene in 1984. It made me a little sick. We think our society is so different but it seems like Orwell's predictions aren't as far off as they may seem.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


My dad & lil bro are watching a gun show, I don't know what it actually is but its talking about guns and they used the word adventagious and College English you jumped into my mind. This would be a good vocab word!! Also I was at pratice today and I used a metaphore that related to essay writing it made me laugh a little bit but also made me sad I mean what kind of lame perso thinks of essays while GG is talking about our ending stunt serries! I just dont know I guess I do! :)

Working- Citation

Can the citation given to me from a database be trusted? I hope so. That would make my life a lot easier.

Things Just Got Real....and It's Not Even 2 AM Yet

WOW so I just realized that the FINAL DRAFT of the argument essay is due Tuesday. I thought it was the 2nd DRAFT, as in we had one more draft yet to do. Nope, I actually have to be DONE, Finished, Finite, there is no "Da Capo" this is "Fine". I am a bit taken aback right now.

Yoga en la manana?

So i have decided that since we all stressed and pissy at the moment, Stariha should start a morning yoga thing once a week in the would be great because: 1) yoga is fun 2) yoga is relaxing 3) uh yes, we just should...also i was thinking about track the other day and how we always used to do yoga with Stariha and how relaxingly awesome it was! so, yes...that's my idea for the week.
Happy (almost) 2012!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Break... Whatever that Means

Well there's one more week of break and I have no homework. Actually let me rephrase that- I haven't made any progress on any College English homework which is the only class I have homework in. That sounds good and dandy if you didn't know that there are 4 different assignments in that class to finish in this next week (which I'm sure you are all aware of). Is anyone else having a hard time kicking their butt into gear? I have tried multiple times to get stuff done but I just can't focus! Part of me thinks "Oh it's just break" but when I look at it I was having the same problem before break. I can't write anymore, I just can't elaborate on topics, I'm stuck. I had a hard time doing that in the first essay and wasn't surprised when I got a lower grade than I'd like. With the argument essays I couldn't think of what to say and wasn't surprised at all when she told me I need to develop my ideas further. I think I'm just burned out. I hate to say that but I really think it's the case. I'm not talking Senioritis because I'm honestly trying to work but my mind has just quit. It sucks. I want to good I really do I'm just having a hard time putting my thoughts together and can't seem to think clearly! A break would be good but I am on "break" and clearly it's no break between friends, family, and homework demanding my attention. I need to be completely isolated for a week with no one and nothing. Then I may be ready to return to my usual functioning self. One more thought- when the heck am I suppose to have time to fill out scholarships?? Sorry for that rant.

Sunday, December 25, 2011


So I am not sure if we were suppost to read through book one in 1984, I realy dont want to get behind .. well more ehind than I already am so... anyone have an answer?

Saturday, December 24, 2011


So I just remembered that Jen Hannah and I and I guess Christian have a present of sorts for you! Its unique dont worry bout it but I hope you like it and that this post counts even though it is not productive! :)


Friday, December 23, 2011

Of Books and Christmas......

Well first off I hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas! I know that it has snuck up on me this year, it seriously does not feel like Christmas time at all. Secondly, I can not believe what an interesting book 1984 has been! I have been trying to keep up reading it and I have not had a problem getting into it at all. So once again I hope that everyone is enjoying thier break. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 22, 2011


So, I'm ready to show Stariha that you CAN create a good video portfolio! Finally something that I can do that I can honestly say that I like.

Suicide due to history... or the lack of it

So i know this isn't a light topic at all, but I want you guys to think about something.
I was talking to a friend of mine, and she told me an idea that her husband has... not really an idea but rather a 'stance on a subject' that he has. He believes that the teen suicide rate is so very high because we have told teenagers (and everyone for that matter) that they can do anything. And what is our history highlighted on? The good things! You hear of those guys that did something bad, and you hear of mistakes, but usually that is muddled behind a HUGE success, or a BRILLIANT idea. We have almost CHANGED THE HISTORY of those before us to tell the younger generations (Our generations) that they can do anything, just look at so-and-so, they built this awesome building, they cured cancer, they created airplanes WHATEVER. We always show these generations what the good things are that people can do.. but what does that do to the kids in our society that fail? What does it look and feel like that everyone before us could do things, but we fail... and society is screaming at us that we can do anything that we want to do, when in fact we CAN'T!!! Sometime we have our limitations... and what choice do we give them when we laugh at their in-capabilities just because we have painted this idea that nothing is impossible...?

Just a thought.

Changing History

yes. I think that the government could go into our past and change what we believe. As soon as yesterdays 'history' no. but definitely from years ago, or maybe on nearer topics but of those that we are very poorly informed on. It is not very difficult to convince a naive person of something... now is it?

50 YEARS LAAAATTTEEEERRR (in a ghostly whisper)

So I don't know about you guys, but when I envision the future, its a lot of white. A lot of clean, sterile surfaces, and a lot of blankness. Our 'brilliant' scientist and inventors will come up with ways of having things... without needing things. Or creating ways of not needing things all together. I don't think we will run down the rotten hole that the nineteen eighty four guy is talking about... Maybe eventually, but I don't think in fifty years they could!? I think that there will be too many strong heads to allow something like that to happen, I mean, just look at our College English class. Don't try to tell them that they raised the ration of chocolate to 20 grams, because they will CLEARLY spit back in your face that it was in fact LOWERED to 20 grams. Its like Dylan Thomas says 'do not go gently'. I don't think we would... or that we could.. for we have had INDEPENDENCE printed into our minds since we were verrry young.
So back to what I was saying. I think that we will have wars, yes, but I think (and hope) that it is more of a safe war... like to protect us, not the greedy wars that we encounter today...
So that is mostly my insight

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


how am I supposed to get a second draft when I don't my first one back?
pretty please with sugar and christmas cookies on top?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

50 Years Later

This is a little late but here goes...

Eventual international relations have led to a near isolation of America. These relations have led to a massive split of the US people; those who want a reformed government, and those who don't. This split eventually leads to a second American Civil war that ends with most of the major metropolitan areas being nuked. North Korea uses their Nuclear arsenal to start a nuclear war now that the US is out of the way. This results in most of the Northern Hemisphere becoming a wasteland covered in nuclear winter. The Southern Hemisphere however, has become the refuge of many Americans and Europeans resulting in a rise of new world powers, mainly Brazil and Australia.
Place yourself into this world and try to survive.

I tried to keep this a realistic as possible.

:( .... :)

So this is going to be a post about my day and the overwelming..ness of all the stuff I need to get done and how i am doing none of them now lol ...
~ the lack of snow
~ the guitar song that I have to sing/play (any ideas?)
~ the argument essay
~ the controversal issue presentation
~ the portfolio
~ my psychology project
~ 3 & 4 hr pratices
~ my room that needs to be cleaned
~ and the people that im not seeing ! :(
Alright there it is lol but


... i reallly need my rough draft back .


50 years later... finally

If you woke up in fifty years you would find that...

-The upper peninsula would have split itself for Michigan forming its own state
-Quebec would be in revolt trying to split from Canada
-California would have sank into the Pacific
-Hawaii would have a new island
-The IRA would control Britain
-Stariha would be in a rest home
-Japan would be abandoned because of radiation
-China would have over grown its borders and spread as far as India
-Oil stores would be almost gone forcing gas prices to $20 a gallon and making ethanol the main source of fuel
-Stores would employ robots and computers as staff instead of humans
-Bridges would connect America to Europe
-North Vietnam and South Vietnam would be at war again this time without US intervention
- Donald Trump would have successfully cloned himself and be making his seventh failed run at president
-The sea level will have dropped by three foot world wide
-Snow fall will be at a record high in the US making travel impossible for half the country
-Al-Qaeda would have been eliminated only to be replaced by Buddhist extremist
-The Red Cross would provide record amounts of care to third-world countries
-The Salvation Army would feed more and more homeless every year due to increased donations

At least, that's how I imagine it.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


So here is my post about our history.
I had never thought about it until now.

And now that I think about it there is no doubt in my mind that history has been altered and fabricated.
It makes me kind of sad too.
Everything is kind of a lie. (Like not that dramatically but you know what I'm sayin')
Everybody views everything differently so of course things are going to be a little modified.


I know that this is a little late but oh well I wanted to put my two sense in about history. History is the combination of viewpoints that has been handed down through the years through mouth, paper, inscriptions and so forth. There is not a doubt in my mind that history has been altered through out time to suit the purpose of the victor or significant persons in charge. Never once do you hear about the common people who were the back bone of society. They are the figures and numbers in modern day text books. Today, our trust in the past relies solely on the trust we have of professors and scholars who compose the books we read. In some capacity we lose what really happened. By the way, what truly is history? What is the true version?

I want a Sloth for Christmas.

I have decided that no longer are Hedgehogs the cutest thing's the sloth.
This is the best thing ever...they are soo cute!

Saturday, December 17, 2011


So I forgot what we were supposed to write about the history and all that but I definitely believe that some of our history is fabricated. All history has been written by some bias person at some point. Whether it was the person first recording it or the translator or even the teacher, there is always some bias to it. Every story told is going to have different sides to it, just like how books and movies always do that "story from this other persons viewpoint" Like Beastly or how in Twilight Breaking Dawn, they switch between Bella and Jacob viewpoints and it's a different side of the story then. That's like history, the story will be different depending on who tells it. Thus, I feel like some of our history is fabricated. I really don't think any of that made sense...but oh well. Happy Christmas Break (:

controversial issue & senior portfolio & history

so emily is a brilliant student and volunteered us to go first. i mean, i'm okay with going first. just this break is gonna be super busy so idk how we're gonna find time to do it all and do it really good? oh well? and for the senior portfolio i really wanna do something cool. like not a powerpoint. but i havent been feeling very creative lately. so who knows.
and i'm not sure what we are supposed to write about history or whatever. but i really think everyone has said everything their needs to be said. i do think its kinda scary though..that we believe whatever is in the books or whatever teachers or whoever tell us. its pretty crazy how much we believe everything we hear....

Friday, December 16, 2011

Behind the scenes of history

As you all know historic events tend to have a solid storyline we all know and dread or love. Well to these stores many key things are left out. One of witch great old Mr Heiney seemed to talk about every time George Washington was brought up. While in a battle during the french and Indian war George Washington had two horses shot out from under him and his coat was filled with bullet holes. Why this is left out I don't know but this chaos doesn't end there. I could go on and on. I am doing a little research while I am writing this I am finding that a lot of our presidents were free Masons and that this country that we thought was based on god really isn't, just look at the dollar bill witch contains seals that some of our very first presidents designed. It contains symbols of other religions. If you take time to research you can easily get confused but the main point is that even in the beginning of our nation secrets and hidden messages are weaved into just about everything. Our government can hide things from us if they feel it is for the good of the people.....well who decides what is for the good of the people.....surely not the people but the government. Anything they wish can be hidden...or at least released to the public at a later date. I am positive that history is corrupt because it is a story told behind one persons or nations perspective. If we were to go to a different country say Brittan and learn about the American revolution we would find their description little different then ours. We learn that we were fighting for our freedom, but there we were rebels against the king. This shows that stores in history have more then one side and that what is shown to the public is often one sided. My conclusion is the history we learn is propaganda in itself and that all tho history is important we shouldn't take what we hear in without checking it out from all perspectives and keeping open minded.

Twisting my Brain

Well I'm definitely in the group of people that are slightly puzzled over the history situation. I'm beginning to see what Matt said about someone along the line being objective on some subjects. It's like when we looked at America's coverage of the Wikileaks scandal and then the foreign new broadcast. It all depends on the source... so shouldn't some things be more accurate than others? The scary thing is that it is always the issues that involve us that we are misguided on.

My Brain Hurts...

Am I the only one who finds trying to grasp the whole 1984 "what is truth" concept, completely confusing? It becomes even more taxing on the mind once you start applying it to the real world. Then again I could just be paranoid... Either way, it's confusing.


I feel like our discussion on history the other day was exactly about history, but more so a discussion on what we take as truth. Or if we believe in truth in general. I feel like truth is more of a subjective term than objective. What really is truth, is it the fact that if you drop an apple it will fall to the ground... but if you are standing in a pool of water and drop an apple, will that fall directly to the ground? Truth is a matter of position in combination with belief. The view from which you are seeing a situation happen, and then what you believe that certain situation.

man of man, this will... be continued.


history in the making?

Our history could be fiction but then how would all or history books explain life? I am not talking about our history book for class but more about the bible. If our history is not true then we are saying that the bible, or any other type of religious teachings are untrue. I don't see how this can be. I just can't believe that the religious teachings are false and have been rectified to lean one way.

this probably makes no sense because to be honest i don't even understand it myself!


i do not like this book. i can't seem to get into it at all..idk. maybe x-mas break might put a little of hard work into myself. maybe.? but uhh, i'm excited for the senior portfolio...because it seems really fun and really EASY! so yes. i am excited!

one lil comment...

is anyone else having trouble leaving comments? because i just tried to leave one and it for some reason wont let me..

sad i know.


History is one of my favorite subjects, I love it! I find it to be extremely interesting, but the discussion we had in class yesterday made me think about it in a way I never have before. Is there really no such thing as truth? Can we not recognize it? Part of me says that it has to be somewhere out there, and maybe that's why I find historians so amazing because their work is to seek out truth, but the truth they're seeking has been dead for centuries, and what they look for are recordings of the past, but there is no way for us to be sure that what ever has been written is real, or hasn't been "lost in translation" along the way. But I can't seem to not believe in it, I mean its obvious that specific events have happened and have been attempted to be recorded unbiased but they still happened right? Anyways I'm realizing this whole blog is just a rant and probably doesn't make much sense but I am far too lazy to go back and try to make any sense of it, so who ever read all the way down to here, props to you!

blog title.

sooooo i finally got that email stariha sent me to be apart of this blog.. i dont understand why this thing doesnt like my email account, or what cause this happened last year too. but oh well,
and now on to other things like yesterdays blog that was required? with this whole history deal.. there was a quote in 1984 that i really liked;

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls that past."

to me this pretty much states it all, the ones who are at a high position, such as the president that truly knows the facts on mostly everything that goes on in America has the control on whether or not us Americans will ever know about it..and if we are granted the right to know about it then how much of it were being told is true and what are they choosing not to tell us? i believe such a power should not be granted unto one person but like emily said in class yesterday, we the people dont exactly stand up to "the man" because we either dont care, were intimedated or in all honesty because we believe that our government is being honest with us and would lie to us. how can our government expect us to do the right things all the time, when they arent exactly doing the same in return?

Ideas for Portfolio

I really want to do a scrapbook for my senior portfolio but I'm thinking a lot of other people are going to do them too? I just want mine to be a little more original. Does anyone know any other ideas besides scrapbooks and PowerPoint?

Questioning History

Thinking about the idea that history might not be history at all, but instead stories made up by people over time is confusing and hard to comprehend. I'm glad that our history has been fairly well documented because if I sat up at night wondering whether or not men like Abraham Lincoln actually were kind and honest, always having the best interest of others in mind actually existed, life would become extremely complicated.

Going over the portfolio outline today was fun, I'm excited to get started! I just don't know if I'm going to do a scrapbook or powerpoint... did she ever say which one she prefers?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

2011 - 27 years

I'm liking the start of 1984.  Compared to other books I've read (Dracula and The Stand) the plots moving along quite quickly.  For some reason, this book reminds me a bit of Fahrenheit 451 and The Giver.  It better not have a sucky ending like the giver did...

I know 3rd Post in a Row I'm Lame

But I would like to say I absoutley love 1984! I don't know what everyone is talking about a slow beginning I don't see it or don't mind I guess, because so far its just a good book that I would most likley read even if it wasn't assigned to me!!! :) makes reading so much more enjoyable when the book is written in normal english!!!!!

another question ... :P

So just curious but does anyone know when were going to be assigned our presentation dates for the controversal issue presentation??? Cause that would help me plan greatley I have a TON of things to finnish over this break that may not feel like much of a break !!!

:) ... sorry for asking so many questios .. :)

Question that wants an Answered!!! (please)

Alright so I would love to know how to do this biblography thing, (and yes I spelt that wrong I believe and I appologize) but yes if you are totally awesome and know could you enlighten me or somethin? :) THANKS!!!

Puzzling Thoughts

I silently listened to the discussion of my classmates around me. Everyone was so engaged in the conversation taking place, impatiently waiting until it was their turn to present new ideas. The class discussed the credibility of every detail in History. Was it more of a story, than facts? I didn't know. I gazed upon the different faces around the room and watched as some would suddenly brighten at a new passing idea in their mind. Each person's opinion was continuously being built off from by the next person's input. Although the subject was one that caught my interest, there was a greater issue weighing upon my mind. Just the mere thought of presenting my ideas on a subject in front of the class made me shudder. If I was called on, what was I to do? I tried to focus on what I would say but I had learned to be afraid of what I might come up with. It seemed as if every time I was called on, I came up with an idea so different from everyone else's that I felt like I was inferior...always wrong. Someone always seemed to shoot down my idea, or come up with one so much more developed, mine was left in the dust. So unintentionally distracting myself from each valid point being made in the conversation, I swiftly picked up a pen and began to jot down different ideas that flew through my mind. I always related this process with putting together a puzzle. Each passing thought represented another piece to the puzzle, it had a purpose and meaning for being there, but unless it was placed in it's rightful position, it was useless. It was hard not to envy how quickly everyone else was describing the scenes in front of them, while I still struggled to find the pieces that were missing from mine. As I looked harder I began to find the missing pieces, and the scene finally appeared before my eyes. But by the time I found each piece and put it in it's rightful place, everyone else had put their 'old' puzzles away and started a new one. It was as if I was running in a race in which every competitor had an advantage over me. They ran upon the track, while I was left to push through the hot summer sand.

"Okay, now find a quote in the first page of the article that you either agree or disagree with. Go!"

The Teacher's voice pulled me back into reality. I quickly skimmed through the article nervously trying to find a statement that stuck out to me. After getting near the middle, my heart pounded faster afraid that I would not find a statement I would be able to create conversation over.

"Alright, times up. What did you guys come up with?"

The class again seemed to have the full picture while I only had a vague shape or two in my mind. I continued to read until I came upon a statement that intrigued me.
"Regardless of the value of these many lessons, History isn't what happened, but the stories of what happened and the lessons these stories include." I had finally located my quote. The conversation continued around me, while I searched for what I would say if I was called on. I again became consumed in my thoughts, but this time I directed them towards describing the picture in front of me.

'How reliable is History? Do we ever really know the exact details? We can only learn about the past through writings, and people's opinions of the events around them. But knowing the absolute truth about an event doesn't matter as much as learning from any mistakes made during it. Although it is through different perspectives, history is still accurate about the outcome of an event. The accuracy of the smaller details in the event aren't as important as paying attention and learning from the mistakes made. Like...Foreign Affairs. America apparently didn't learn their lesson even though they were warned in the passed to stay away from foreign affairs due to past complications. Instead of learning from past mistakes made, America got involved in more foreign affairs leading to a meaningless War that could have been easily avoided.'

The sound of the bell ringing brought me back from my thoughts. Now that I had put the puzzle together, class was over and it mattered no longer. No matter how hard I tried to improve on finding the pieces faster and finishing the puzzle first, someone always beat me to it. When others seemed to be staring at the same puzzle, I felt as if I were looking at something similar, only warped. It was as if they saw a man sitting in a boat with a fishing pole on a lake, and I saw a lake with a boat containing a man holding a fishing pole. Although it is the same image, they see the man as if it's the main object, and I see the lake as if it's the main object. I shook my head and let out a deep sigh...maybe with time everyone would realize that we all see the same sky...but in different shades of blue.

Author's Note: (hahaha...)
I realize I probably switched tenses a few times, and this is quite long so it will most likely be overlooked. I just thought I would put some of my thoughts down on paper, and instead of boring you with an essay format...I would bore you with a story instead. =) hahaha...

knocked out cold

So i have been told that today we talked about government conspiracies. I would have loved to be there when this topic was discussed but as you know i wasnt at school today sad to say i wasnt skipping this time I was home resting because of a concussion. I hope tomorrows topic is just as interesting.


I have recently discovered that when ever I try to post at home it just saves as a draft instead of posting to the blog, so I guess I'll have to update from school from now on. Ahh frustrating.

Anyways I also forgot what exactly we were suppose to blog about? All I know is this class is really making me think about things I didn't before, like propaganda, and our government. It's definitely making me question everything we've been taught. Not in a bad way, just a hmm..I didn't think about that before.

In honor of Kurt... and Jen

This is in honor of Kurt, because he liked putting pictures on the blog. And for Jen, because she said she liked these animals... I think it was this animal at least...

Class Discussion

I'm really getting into Orwell's theme of 1984. I think it's frightening how real his prediction is. Oceania's lies are built on hatred and Big Brother's hunger for power and loyalty. Big Brother's lies are then accepted by the citizens because of their fear. People are most volnerable and easily confused when their scared. They need to be reassured they have someone to watch over them and are willing to accept anything that might provide that sense of security. Even if it's a false sense. I really think that's how our government is working now in order to cover the cruel reprocossions of their actions. They want us to feel scared and vulnerable so that thier actions will seem reasonable steps towards our security.


uhhh... i kinda forgot what we were suppose to blog about... uhhhhhhhhhhhh . crap :/ well i thought todays discussion was really interesting because like its true i never thought about history in that way but its not just fact its used to influence people to feel a certain way about a event by the eyes its being told in .. maybe we are being tricked by the government lol idkk (:

Ugly Christmas Sweater Friday?

Wear an ugly christmas sweater on friday!
(yes, I know the bball team is doing this...but i had the idea first! hahah)
Cause we want to get the entire senior class in ugly christmas sweaters, how cool would that be?
also, ugly sweaters are usually the comfiest (:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Senior Year... Oh Good Golly

Is it sad I need a break already? I'm Pooped with a capital P! We haven't even gotten into the real work in College English and I slowing down! Think about it though... we're pretty much down with senior year... weird right? Soon when we do have more assignments to worry about time will be flying by! As ready as I am to graduate I can't help wanting time to slow down just a little bit! Well I'm sorry to get all nostalgic on you but I really had nothing else to blog about and it was on my mind. All I can say is I hope our senior year doesn't go as cheesily as "Glee's" senior year. To my friend that know I'm an off and on watcher- consider me out once again. Boring.

Clueless but not mindless...

After looking at the calendar for college english, i discovered that the bibliography paper is due friday.  much to my dismay, I am at a loss of how to accomplish this.  Does anyone else remember or know how to do a bibliography?

Screw it, its google time


uhhh ... bibliographys are due friday and i feel sooo behind i wonder if the rest of my group has done all of theirs.. im going to try to do most of the research tonight and then ill just turn in my reserch with the rest of my groups... hopefully?


So is the Controversial Issue bibliography due on friday?
cause oh man, I need to cracking on that if it is.

o me o life essay results

welll ,i got an 8 not that anyone reallly cares but yeah i have to say im not to disconent by it , i of course want a 10 but i wasnt even expecting that because i had just written the essay the whole night before just writing , no planning or proof reading after i had written it (sorry mrs.stariha) i was in a rush but next time ill follow the draft planning steps more. lol but that shows me that if i had taken the extra time an planne dit more i could have at least been an 9 or mayybe even 10 and with all her helpful tips im sureee if i work hard enough my writing will reach the level i want.

.. you wake up 50 years later

.. waking up i feel around me , the bed feels the same but as i slowly open my eyes i have no recognition of my surroundings, the room i once held dear and grew up in is now turned into a all glass room looking out onto a city that looks a science fiction movie, i pinch myself hoping its a dream but i am dissapointed to realize it is all reality, as i slowly get up i look at my self in the reflection of the glass windows and see myself in a form i dont recognize, i am old and wrinkly, i start to wonder how i ended up this way as i walk around my room i try racking my brain for what happened before i went to sleep for which seems like 50 years, as i walk around i see a box under my bed, i quickly crouch down and pull it out from under my bed, as i lift the top off it i see pictures and medical reports of myself i assume; i look throough the picture and am horrified by what i see, it slowly starts coming back to me, the last thing i remember was getting in a car crash and being rushed to the hospital, i look at the pictures, there are gashes all over my face and body & a huge dent on the side of my head with a large cut going through it i am covered in blood, i reach up and i feel the scar, i can remember the crash more clearly now, as i continue reading i realize i must have been in a coma, theres a picture of my mom and friends crying next to my bed, it says they pulled the plug 50 years ago , im confused, how am i still alive... is this heaven ... hell? ilook again and see a scientific release form for my body for a new experimentation which apparently they were looking for a way to reconstruct a human and bring life into it.. now i feel like frankenstein ... but i look normal... this is crazy , i walk outside to get a breath of fresh air and take in all of this jaw dropping information and begin to explore the new world around me..

Stariha Dearest.....

My beloved Ms. Stariha,

I would like to inquire of you why you have not yet sent to my electronic mail box an essay that I have written about Walt Whitman's poem "O Me! O Life!" Of course it is not the essay that I desire, for I already have that tucked away withing my electronic archives. What I covet, you see, is the wonderful commentary you have made in response to reading my work.

If you would be so kind as to contact me in reference to the status of the essay previously mentioned, I would be much obliged.

Thank you for your time.

Your ever loving student,

Laura Persenaire (and I assume Brianna Sterken As well)


I'm really liking this book. At first it was hard to get past the first couple pages but then it started to grab my attention more. Now I can't wait to really get into it!(:

it might work now....

So maybe it isn't that is freaking out... it might be my computer... I sure hope so!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I honestly don't get this whole blog posting thing.
I Creative Writing it was so easy, simple, and FUN!!!
But yeah...I never know what is going to be said when I post on here.

I am loving the 1984 Book...
But personally, I think that whole 'varicose ulcer' is disgusting.


holy crap, i thought this book was going to be really boring, but it is probably the best book i have read in forever, i cant stop reading it. Its awesome how it portrays government and the power government has over its people both physically and psychologically.


I was thinking that it would be really hard to write a book about the future becasue you have absolutely no idea what it will look like. Who would have known that computers would have advanced this far fifty years ago or how far along phones have come or anything for that matter!

"Oh Me! Oh Life!"

I'm pretty happy with my 8.5 on my "Oh Me! Oh Life!" essay(: Hopefuly my writting improves a lot more with her advice. I'm definetely aiming for a 9/9.5 on my argument essay.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Thank You Ms. Stariha!

I would just like to thank you Ms. Stariha for being sick today.
Nah I'm just kiddin.
I hope you feel better!
But I am really glad we had another day to work on our essays.
I feel a lot better about it now!


Ahh Monday

Mrs. Stariha we hope you feel better. Does anyone know why it wont let me comment? It would let me all last week really. Oh well I will keep trying. Any insight let me know. READY FOR 1984!!


As I walked down the sidewalk on a hot summer day, I embraced the sweet rays of sun caressing my cheeks. Although the early afternoon air was refreshing, and the trees a beautiful sight, my eyes were focused on only the book that I held in my hands:1984.


I'm glad our argument essay isn't due until tomorrow!(: Now i can work on it longer and improve it. Does anyone know how long our first draft has to be?

Controversial Topic

I feel as though I'm overwhelming myself with all that is available online. Just mindlessly skimming through articles and sending them to myself for a later date. I hope they contain information that I actually need. Why must the Internet be so complex?!

Argument Research

Does anyone know if there is a minimum # of bibliography sources for our essay. I have about 5 so I'm probably just paranoid, but I would like to know either way.

I didn't order that...

Hopefully everyone else is finding their info. There seems to be an overflow of irrelevant information on the internet. Oh well, back to skimming and scouring. Cant wait to start 1984, haven't really read anything in the past few weeks.


I have no idea how this happened but I guess I am on this !!! and now I'm so happy and I am going to be blogging away to hopefully make up these past two weeks of none blogging!!! But I am still feeling for Mallory who can not get on to the blog! I am sorry!


So has anyone found out the answer if this rough draft is credit no credit or if it is actually a grade? I really hope it is just credit because I had to kinda rap my paper up quick and I would have worked on it longer EXCEPT I ALREADY SENT IT TO HER! How silly would I look if I e-mail Stariha and say "please disregard original essay... I didn't put enough thought or effort into it, and I would like to edit it a bit more before you read it and start weeping at its pitifulness" ( I know that's not a word.. but its the only word that explains what I am feeling) no... I don't think I will do that. So I hope its just credit.
p.s. Stariha... I did try... I just know its not as good as it could be.

I am with Lucas on this field trip thing... except wouldn't they need to be called incentives now??? Because "field trips" aren't educational? Of course I am TOTALLY game for a trip that isn't educational... like just a class period where we go and get ice cream but we write it off as... experiencing the freedom of today vs. the lack of freedom in the book 1984... sounds good? I THINK YES!

Lucas Landis on College English

so i totally wrote my argumentive essay this morning and now its not due cause stariha isnt here. DUMB! i worked hard at that for like ever, but its ok cause now i get to wok on it again. I really think that this class is gonna be super fun. i just dispise all of the writing. im excited to read 1984, i really like reading. Ok not really but it sounded like something good to say. Also we should have a feild trip to the Grand Canyon! I have never seen the grand canyon thats why, but i really think a feild trip is an awesome idea! anyone think so?

Watch the attitude problem...

I am at home sick today, as most of you probably know by now.  But I wanted to touch base with you all on attitude... careful of unhealthy venting/whining.  It is counterproductive.  When the stress level gets high, you need to keep spirits and energy up.  Sorry about not posting Jake's essay.  I forgot until I read Kaitlin's post, but it was at school, so I couldn't do anything about it.  I will post it when I get back.  In the meantime, remember that this is a rough draft.  Try to keep life in perspective here... and if an essay has you stumped, free write, brainstorm, or walk away for a while.  Hope you have a good work session with your controversial issues groups today.  Tomorrow we delve into Orwell! Yeah!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

So I was just on this other blog and there was this quote that said "you cant just sit around and wait for things to happen, you have to make things happen". Well this really made me think of my papers for college engligh, sometimes I just think that maybe if I sit here and stare at the computer screen for long enough that the paper will write itself. Sadly, papers never write themselves :(... oh well. But they sort of do when you get to write about football players...? :)

Sooo, the title of my essay is "meatheads or misunderstood beings", ha I'm kinda excited about it.



I'm really frustrated with this essay.
I just don't get how this is supposed to be different than a persuasive essay.
I know we talked about it but it still doesn't make sense.
I don't understand the format.

And I thought Stariha was gonna put Jake's essay up there as a student example?
I can't find it.
And I'm trying to do research and I'm finding a lot of information and I don't know what to use or if it even goes with my topic or what.

Stumped and Unsatisfied.

Well this paper couldn't be going worse. No, I take that back. Of course it could be going worse but right now it feels about as low as it can get. I keep hitting dead ends. I start a paragraph and then just run out of things to say and I can't come up with fluff like I use to be able to. I'm at 2 pages and am trying to figure out what to do with the paper. I know exactly what I need but have no idea or confidence to get me there. I'm glad this is a rough draft... but I'm also concern that I am getting too use to this revising method. I use to be able to write an essay... just like that... with the first draft only needing slight revision. I don't know what happened but it makes me sad.


I am sooo stressed.
I knew this was going to happen.
I have been dreading College English for so long and now its here and everything I feared is happening.
We have so much happening at once.
I'm so busy during the weekdays.
And the weekend is supposed to be my time to recharge.

No such luck!
I have spent allll daaay working on calculus, personal finance, and now college english.
It's just too much for me.
I don't know if I can do this for the rest of the year.
I think I am going to cry :'(

Topic Shmopic

I'm having issues with my argumentative essay. I had a topic picked out, that wasn't on the list, and now I'm trying to pick one on the list but I can't really connect with any of the topics, it's very frustrating, especially since I have to have this thing written by tonight grrrr


So my essay rough draft won't be in MLA format due to the fact that we dont have word at my house and I hand wrote it all. I hope thats not a huge deal..


well idk how good this rough draft is gonna be, but i hope you don't expect much Stariha because I am kind of sucking at this paper right now...


oh man this argument essay reallly snuck up on me i need to get a lot of research and my rough draft done today .. well todays gonna suck lol .. & i should probably research the controversial issue tooo .. welll time to get to work .. im soo ready for it to be christmas break already /:

My Work Day: Sunday

Well usually my Sundays can be completely dedicated to essays. I usually convince my parents I have to much work to do to go to church and instead stay home so that I can begin procrastinating early on in the day. Today, for example, I got out of church but made/ate french toast (the best french toast I have EVER made mind you) for the entire hour I would have been at church. See, I'm not very productive early on. Now I'm starting (well hopefully) yet I keep thinking this is not my usual work day Sunday. You see I have a darn concert today... and I'm not really sure what time it's at but I know it's going to be right in the middle of my creative flow and I won't be able to bounce back to my paper with ease. I'm also thinking about changing the subject of my paper which doesn't matter too much because I haven't started but I'm questioning whether its a creative leap I should take. All I know is that I keep looking outside my window and thinking "This would all be ok if we had snow."

Teesha's thoughts??

I got the blog to work!!! =D
Anyways...I just thought I would share a few of my thoughts on things we have discussed in class.
First of all...that Poem was very confusing. I understood the overall meaning of the Poem, but I believe it can still be interpreted in different ways. My essay explained all of that though. =P

The Controversial Issues will be very interesting during this class because we have some very loud, outspoken people. =P I don't really know if that's the best way to explain that, but hopefully we all have the ability to conduct ourselves in a mature manner. I think the class needs to really work on actually listening to each other. Everyone gets SO caught up in what they want to say next, that they aren't really even listening to the other sides of things. I believe that this isn't going to help anyone learn anything...we all have to be willing to listen. Besides...if we don't take the chance to listen, how are we going to learn?

Oh...and that whole Animal Testing issue...I don't know if I can handle that. Just a warning for everyone...I know I will probably cry through the whole thing. hahaha.... even what we talked about in class the other day, just broke my heart. I wouldn't want to hear about people being tortured or anything like that...and not animals either. It's just..ugh...anyways. =P hahaha...
I'm eating soup. =)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

response when class gets out of hand.


So I sure hope Stariha was being serious when she said we could write a satirical piece, like the modest proposal, because I am sure having some fun talking about football players. I think that this essay isnt going to be as ... scary as what I was expecting, but the controversial issue stuff, oh man WW3. :) Just kidding, I think that it will be a good time, very educational.

Let's finish starting this!

Having a hard time finding out which topic I should write on for the argument essay. Starting to narrow down some of the choices.

Curse ye Procrastination!

So, here I am. All pumped up and ready to actual do this stinkin' paper annnd here's Maddie's nice blog post about Disney Songs so, of course, I click on the link. And now, here I am on some Loyola Blog, the Spanish 3 Blog, this Blog, tumblr, facebook, shopping for christmas, annnnnddd no start to my paper. Procrastination: you suck.

Friday, December 9, 2011

7 Disney Songs that Explain Procrastination

I don't know if posting a blog with a link to another blog is cheap or not but I figured you would all enjoy this post as much as I did. Check it out-


Sooo I'm hoping that once Ireally dig into research I will be able to find some good sources and get a lot of information... today in the library, I started getting overwhelmed by all of the different options we have for study resources.

Argument Essay... ?

So I'm not sure what I want to do for my topic.... I'm thinking I should either do "Participating in team sports helps develop good character" or "To encourage healthy eating, higher taxes should be imposed on soft drinks and junk food". Both of them are things that I could easily argue and that I would be interested in learning more about (through research). I think I will ask my parents, and see which one they find more interesting.. then they might actually WANT to edit my essay. lol


i was really excited for college english. and i mean, i still am. but...
i hate how much everyone talks.?
like i'm gonna be really, really pissed if i get marked down on my presentation if people can't stop talking?
but it's okay. i think we just need to learn to calm down, a tad bit.

One More Thing

I'm looking forward to break, only ONE MORE WEEK!:D Anyways, i think i'll get off the blog now and actually do some of my essay.


I'm really hoping this rough draft that's due Monday is simply a credit no credit assignment?(: That would totally awesome!

Argument Essay

I'm not sure the topic for my argument essay is very interesting, "A Post Secondary Education Should Be Mandatory." On the bright side I know I have enough information and sources to back up my argument. It's great we have so much time to work on it though!


I'm finally on the blog now, yaaay! So i guess now i have to do my blog and comment for last week, this week and the extra credit for both...


I don't mean to be anul abut this.. but it really bugs me that Noah, Kendra, and Garrett all left their names lowercase while the rest of us put the first letter as capitols... does this make me OCD?


I am very happy to announce that I made it onto the blog! I am a veryyyy happy camper right now.

So does anyone know if we are getting graded on our first draft of the Argumentitive essay? I hope not. I feel like the first one should be like a cushion and it wouldn't hurt our grade at all... not that we have any grades IN at this point :)

It is a lot harder to blog when we arn't reading anything because then there is much less to talk about... just saying :D

week 2;

welll i have say that this week has been pretty easy and i think im getting the feel for how college english is goin to be , i wont die ! lol i just hope i get good grades now, i can already tell that i will be working on many things over christmas break along with cheer practice... you could barely even calll it a break but whatever .(:


well i think that the research for the two projects we are working on right now will be a lot more organized than essays past and hopefully willl assist in a more focused and clear essay too! im also kinda excited to write this paper, i feel like i have a lot of good points and so the only challenging part will be getting enough research on each of the subtopics and writing the actuall essay because i can be a procrastinator :p

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ugh... Weekend

So this essay.... I wouldn't say I'm ready to tackle it just yet. I just picked my topic (Why Americans should take more holidays and longer vacations) and am slightly unsure of where I should be headed. I suppose I'll start by looking at Jake's but my main concern is time. This is a sucky weekend to have to worry about an essay.

So far so good

Just thought I would say that I'm liking college english a lot more than brit lit. I'm really looking forward to when we start reading 1984 because I think it sounds interesting and I like reading so much more than writing. Ive been meaning to start reading 1984 for a while but I never had the time and I could never remember the name of the book (I'm really bad with remembering numbers).


I am so glad that we went over all of the steps for research and that we are continuing to go over it tomorrow. Some of it was a revelation! Why didn't anyone tell us about this process before? It seems like it would simplify things immensely when writing research projects!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Stuck Between a Scylla and.... an Essay Prompt

I don't know what essay prompt to choose. Here are my thoughts I've narrowed it down let me know what you think would be best. Keep in mind it needs to have enough researchable information. Here's my Charybdis:
-The continuing decline of CD sales along with the rapid growth of music downloads signals a new innovation in pop music.
-College athletes should be exempt from normal class attendance policies.
-Any student caught cheating on an exam should be automatically dismissed from the college
-All students in high school and college should be required to take at least two years of foreign language.

Let me know what you think

Yay for Blog Invites!

Well, I'm finally not a lurker anymore! Yay for blog invites! I can actually post stuff! Anyway, I'm a bit excited for these controversial discussions. Our lunch was so "inspired" today that we had our own little discussion. Which ended up being extremely outnumbered but it was still intriguing (and extremely frustrating). But still, to have two sides of an issue that both sides are sooo vehemently convicted for their side it's kinda neat. Anyway, in short, I'm looking forward to these presentations.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Persuasive Essay

Well, all in all I think that I'm ready for the persuasive essay. I'm planning to write on why the US should abolish the electoral college.


Well I finally figured it out! I had to create a new g-mail account but oh well at least everything is working now! I am really excited about the controversial issue discussion coming up. After the debate today, whew! it is going to be heated! That will make it very interesting and exciting!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Holy Moly!

I think?
I had to create a whole new blogger account because you can't do it through apparently?
I think thats what you're supposed to do...
Anyways now I can finally blog.
I just finished my essay.
What a relief!
And its 10:00...
Maybe I have a new bed time?
After all... I am a senior now :)

Leaves of Grass

So I was looking on a bookshelf in my house and I found Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman.  I looked up the poem Oh me! Oh Life!  I found that in the answer it says "That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse". The paper Ms. Stariha gave us says "That the powerful play goes on and you will contribute a verse". Will and may two way different things.  It changes the meaning.  You "will" makes it so that no matter what it is going to happen, while "may" means that you have the choice.  This makes me want to change everything in my essay for the third time. haha. I thought really hard about rewriting it.  But in the end, I decided to stick with what the sheet said that Ms. Stariha gave us and leave my essay alone. I just thought I would point this out to all of you(:

Progress of a pathetic paper

first paragraph out of the way! Its looking good so far. yes, I said good. what... is that a bad thing? Oh well, how ever long it takes!!

10:45 PM halfway through the second....

11:45 PM Last paragraph to go, fading fast...

Help! I Can't Conclude!

Please! Everybody help me discover how to write a conclusion! I have written for how many years and still struggle to bring it all together! Any hints? Tips? Ideas? I'm begging you all! The last thing my paper needs is a lame end!

Ya'll have let me down... I'm blogging two blogs in a row.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

O Suck! O Essay!

O Suck! O Essay!... the pain of you recurring;
The endless objects of laziness- of bitter thoughts and phrases
Of me forever blaming myself, (For who more lazy than I, and who more bitter?)
Of a paper that never is written on- the pen untouched- of the procrastinating ever renew'd
Of the poor intros and conclusions- the uncooperative words in my head
Of the empty and piercing page- with the ideas gone from me
The question, O suck! so sad, recurring-- what good amid these, O suck, O essay?


That you choose- that essay exists, and class;
That the inevitable Monday will come and you will need to contribute a page

Where Did Laura's Post GO????

Laura posted the beginning of her essay that she thought was wrong on here and now I can't find it... am I going crazy?  I wanted to use it for something. 

writing workshop

well during the past week i learned how much i need to improve my writing again and a feeling for the standards and how to go about planning and draing an essay , also i have been working on the esaay over the weeekend and i already feel stressed like im not gonna do good enough in college english , hopefuly she doesnt grade to hard!?

Not in the Swing of Things

I did absolutely nothing today.... or yesterday I mean. Well, I did a lot of things really, but nothing that I should have. I should have worked on that dang essay. Or memorized monologues. Or decorated a tree. Or decorated another tree. Or look up things on Genetic Counselors. Or finished my book. Or started 1984. Or actually finish my Christmas shopping. Or go for a run. Or get some sleep. Or work on that dang essay. Instead, I had a lovely day of shopping, guitar playing with the lovely trio of BLK MLD/ Clittens/ The Coconators, and not working on that dang essay. I dearly hope none of your Saturdays were nearly this fun. I hope that instead you all worked on your dumb essays like good little children.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ahh How it's great to be back on blogger(:

So.. Oh me oh life.. I hate it, I hate IT, I HATE IT.  Not the poem itself, but the fact that it makes my head hurt.  First I thought maybe he was saying how he can't see his purpose in life and what's the point.  Then I started to really think, maybe he knows his purpose and others don't see theirs, or aren't living up to why they are here and then I couldn't make up my mind. Then I got a migraine.  Ohh goodness and not to mention my essay, what a load of crap.  It sucked so bad.  It was a sad attempt to explain that everyone has a purpose.  Everyone contributes their own chapter to this book called Life.  LAME.. But I can't wait until we start reading 1984(: