Friday, December 16, 2011


History is one of my favorite subjects, I love it! I find it to be extremely interesting, but the discussion we had in class yesterday made me think about it in a way I never have before. Is there really no such thing as truth? Can we not recognize it? Part of me says that it has to be somewhere out there, and maybe that's why I find historians so amazing because their work is to seek out truth, but the truth they're seeking has been dead for centuries, and what they look for are recordings of the past, but there is no way for us to be sure that what ever has been written is real, or hasn't been "lost in translation" along the way. But I can't seem to not believe in it, I mean its obvious that specific events have happened and have been attempted to be recorded unbiased but they still happened right? Anyways I'm realizing this whole blog is just a rant and probably doesn't make much sense but I am far too lazy to go back and try to make any sense of it, so who ever read all the way down to here, props to you!

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