Thursday, December 22, 2011

Changing History

yes. I think that the government could go into our past and change what we believe. As soon as yesterdays 'history' no. but definitely from years ago, or maybe on nearer topics but of those that we are very poorly informed on. It is not very difficult to convince a naive person of something... now is it?


  1. That was the point that I was trying to push in our original discussion. Yes, I could easily the government changing history from hundreds of years ago, but trying something right now? I think that the public feeling toward the government isn't at the point where they could change something, we'd notice it.

  2. Hmmm, interesting thought. If only the naive peeople of the world are easy to decieve, and history can be changed on them, then what about the educated? After all, isn't what they are educated in the history written down in text books?
