Thursday, December 22, 2011

Suicide due to history... or the lack of it

So i know this isn't a light topic at all, but I want you guys to think about something.
I was talking to a friend of mine, and she told me an idea that her husband has... not really an idea but rather a 'stance on a subject' that he has. He believes that the teen suicide rate is so very high because we have told teenagers (and everyone for that matter) that they can do anything. And what is our history highlighted on? The good things! You hear of those guys that did something bad, and you hear of mistakes, but usually that is muddled behind a HUGE success, or a BRILLIANT idea. We have almost CHANGED THE HISTORY of those before us to tell the younger generations (Our generations) that they can do anything, just look at so-and-so, they built this awesome building, they cured cancer, they created airplanes WHATEVER. We always show these generations what the good things are that people can do.. but what does that do to the kids in our society that fail? What does it look and feel like that everyone before us could do things, but we fail... and society is screaming at us that we can do anything that we want to do, when in fact we CAN'T!!! Sometime we have our limitations... and what choice do we give them when we laugh at their in-capabilities just because we have painted this idea that nothing is impossible...?

Just a thought.


  1. I get what you're saying Bre but I can't say I fully agree. I feel like this sense of "you can do anything!" hits people later in life when they end up in jobs they dislike and dreams that never worked out. I think our teen suicide rate is due a little more to technology and frankly a little bit from being self absorbed. Technology (such as facebook) alienates teens with less friends and less opportunities. As far as being self absorbed goes I think people lose the sense of living for more than themselves (possibly due to the "you can do it!" attitude. Technology also adds to this. Why do we feel the need to post things on facebook? In a way isn't facebook just a place for us to be narcissistic and brag?

  2. i also feel like the high suicide rate in teens is due to the sense that we have to be perfect. i mean look at what society tells us succeeds...skinny, pretty, athletic people. not normal people. this leads to people not feeling good enough thus ending in suicide. also on an upside 2011 had the lowest suicide rate in a long 15 years i think! yay!
