Friday, December 16, 2011

Behind the scenes of history

As you all know historic events tend to have a solid storyline we all know and dread or love. Well to these stores many key things are left out. One of witch great old Mr Heiney seemed to talk about every time George Washington was brought up. While in a battle during the french and Indian war George Washington had two horses shot out from under him and his coat was filled with bullet holes. Why this is left out I don't know but this chaos doesn't end there. I could go on and on. I am doing a little research while I am writing this I am finding that a lot of our presidents were free Masons and that this country that we thought was based on god really isn't, just look at the dollar bill witch contains seals that some of our very first presidents designed. It contains symbols of other religions. If you take time to research you can easily get confused but the main point is that even in the beginning of our nation secrets and hidden messages are weaved into just about everything. Our government can hide things from us if they feel it is for the good of the people.....well who decides what is for the good of the people.....surely not the people but the government. Anything they wish can be hidden...or at least released to the public at a later date. I am positive that history is corrupt because it is a story told behind one persons or nations perspective. If we were to go to a different country say Brittan and learn about the American revolution we would find their description little different then ours. We learn that we were fighting for our freedom, but there we were rebels against the king. This shows that stores in history have more then one side and that what is shown to the public is often one sided. My conclusion is the history we learn is propaganda in itself and that all tho history is important we shouldn't take what we hear in without checking it out from all perspectives and keeping open minded.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't feel like reading all that but I definitely like the quote. Kudos young Tyler.
