Monday, December 26, 2011

Break... Whatever that Means

Well there's one more week of break and I have no homework. Actually let me rephrase that- I haven't made any progress on any College English homework which is the only class I have homework in. That sounds good and dandy if you didn't know that there are 4 different assignments in that class to finish in this next week (which I'm sure you are all aware of). Is anyone else having a hard time kicking their butt into gear? I have tried multiple times to get stuff done but I just can't focus! Part of me thinks "Oh it's just break" but when I look at it I was having the same problem before break. I can't write anymore, I just can't elaborate on topics, I'm stuck. I had a hard time doing that in the first essay and wasn't surprised when I got a lower grade than I'd like. With the argument essays I couldn't think of what to say and wasn't surprised at all when she told me I need to develop my ideas further. I think I'm just burned out. I hate to say that but I really think it's the case. I'm not talking Senioritis because I'm honestly trying to work but my mind has just quit. It sucks. I want to good I really do I'm just having a hard time putting my thoughts together and can't seem to think clearly! A break would be good but I am on "break" and clearly it's no break between friends, family, and homework demanding my attention. I need to be completely isolated for a week with no one and nothing. Then I may be ready to return to my usual functioning self. One more thought- when the heck am I suppose to have time to fill out scholarships?? Sorry for that rant.


  1. we have 4 assignments due?....shucks.

  2. Well since your ranting, I would just like to thank Megan for giving me the first two books of the Hunger Games to read... then getting me hooked and not having the third book. I had to drive to Muskegon and pay for a HARDCOVER so that I could read the conclusion to the series... And then I read for like 5 hours straight and finished the whole thing... Darn you Megan. I haven't gotten anything done the past couple days either. Maybe you should read a book Maddie; it might get your mind off everything else... you seem to be in a slump, and slumping is no fun.

  3. shooot..4 assignments? i though there was only three...
    i have done nothinnng all break...i keep thinking "oh shucks, i should go fill out that profile finacial aid thing for colleges or do some college english" and thennn nope, i instead go to cheer practice, then to doctors appointments, then to friends houses (because its break so social life comes over homework right now)and then to family stuff and then its the next day and nothing is accomplished.

    and yes! aren't the hunger games fabulous! looove them!

  4. I don't really know.... the only thing due right after break is the second draft of the argument essay, but of course there is also the portfolio to work on and the controversial issues discussion that are due later. Am I missing one?

  5. Reading assignments...i had to look at the calendar to figure that one out, because we have a quiz the second day we get back!
