Friday, December 16, 2011

history in the making?

Our history could be fiction but then how would all or history books explain life? I am not talking about our history book for class but more about the bible. If our history is not true then we are saying that the bible, or any other type of religious teachings are untrue. I don't see how this can be. I just can't believe that the religious teachings are false and have been rectified to lean one way.

this probably makes no sense because to be honest i don't even understand it myself!


  1. Do you remember what one of the experts said? "If there is no evil, there is no religion." I think that the whole concept of religion comes from the fact that humans are flawed and that we need a guiding force to keep us from utterly destroying each other. I'm not saying that religion doesn't exist, I'm just think that religion is here because of the hubris of man.

  2. this is really interesting lucas. to me, its so weird to think back on religion and like that stuff actually happening. just like i have a hard time thinking about whats gonna happen in the future...i have a really hard time looking back in the past, idk..maybe i'm just weird? and that probly doesnt make any sense...but uhhh? oh well

  3. I hope I don't offend anyone here...but...
    The bible is still just a writing of man. It's someones interpretation and observation of events from a long time ago. Even it was written accurately at the time, throughout the various translations that it has gone through the bible has probably been altered. Just like our history, it is very unlikely that all the writings are accurate within it. Some have probably shifted to fit a certain viewpoint.

  4. Jen...I understand where you are coming from because I have actually heard this many times. It's just...if you ever study into the process men would go through before translating or even writing Scripture's intense. Not only would they bathe and make sure they were clean, they had to be SO careful because if they made one mistake in would be thrown out. They took their jobs seriously.
    The Dead Sea Scrolls were found around 1947 by a boy who was watching his goats climb a cliff. He saw two small openings and threw stones into them. He heard a crack, which was later found to be clay jars hiding old scrolls. Anyways...the point is, they found these writings of Scripture that were hidden inside of Clay Jars from more than 100 years before Christ was born. It's amazing that those Scrolls still existed and that they matched up with how the Bible is written today.
    Anyways...I just thought I would share my thoughts, if anyone is interested in this here is a Website I found.
