College English is an advanced English course at Shelby High School. It is intended to prepare students for the rigor of collegiate study and to create innovative thinkers ready to enter the "real world" and make their place in it!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
So I was looking through sources and Oxfam (who wrote this huge 40 page paper that I need to read on the train) has their main United States office in BOSTON! where I will be for Spring Break soooo I am really hoping to figure out an interview with someone there and yay!
Devil's advocate post.
So I am all up for the hike and everything, I think it sounds exciting buuut how is this giving back to the community?? (besides fertilizing the woods with our...uhm...byproducts.)
Also...are we just gonna hike aimlessly around all day? Like oooo, let's go wander in circles throughout a little piece of woods?
Also...are we just gonna hike aimlessly around all day? Like oooo, let's go wander in circles throughout a little piece of woods?
Friday, March 30, 2012
We need to know what to bring like silverware? what kind of clothing? how much? sleeping bags? camras and equipment, flint to start a fire things like that.
things like no make up, hairspray, tp, deorterant and find organic alternatives (exp. for the deorterant one)
Just generally what we need to bring to eat and are we bringing all of out food. Look into what plants we can eat. purrifying watter things of that sort.
Service Project
So i tell my mom what we're planning for the community/service project and...
"What does that have to do with anything?!" LOL!
Buy anyway, I claim all documenting rights!!!!
"What does that have to do with anything?!" LOL!
Buy anyway, I claim all documenting rights!!!!
Alright so I talked to Stariha durring tag today and the tentative date for this hike/camping is the 28 + 29 of april. Its the weekend after antigone and the week before prom. It was the only weekend I could find that didnt interfere with the play, prom, the ny trip, and that wasnt too close to our "showing". To make this happen we have to get approval from the school board which is meeting the monday we get back which means ... we have to get this all researched and tentativley planned out durring break. I hope this works out and theres no conflicts with this date!!!
The catagories we need to look into is
1. Food
2. Shelter
3. Tools
4. Heygiene
I will post a blog with the title and a description that of the catagory that needs to be looked into and if everyone can comment on the one that they want to research hopefuly everything will get researched and planed out a bit! ohh and add stuff!!
The catagories we need to look into is
1. Food
2. Shelter
3. Tools
4. Heygiene
I will post a blog with the title and a description that of the catagory that needs to be looked into and if everyone can comment on the one that they want to research hopefuly everything will get researched and planed out a bit! ohh and add stuff!!
so i was just talking to jen...
and this is not good.
does this mean i am going to have to woods?
like thanks?
can we bring toilet paper?
this is so awkward.
and this is not good.
does this mean i am going to have to woods?
like thanks?
can we bring toilet paper?
this is so awkward.
service project
so i'm actually pretty excited.
except then garrett reminded me how many birds are gonna out there.
therefor....i'm freaking out a bit.
but i think this will be a lot of fun.
except then garrett reminded me how many birds are gonna out there.
therefor....i'm freaking out a bit.
but i think this will be a lot of fun.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
This book is so good! I can't put it down...I reached a really sad part, but it makes me want to keep reading on. I think I am going to finish it tonight and stay up late. Who needs to function on the day before spring break anyways? lol. Oh yes, does anyone know if we have to blog over spring break?
adding to everyone's thoughts..
I'm feeling pretty happy about this project, despite the stress level lol:) This is the last BIG project that we have to do:D omg, i can't wait lol even the next essay and quizes and tests do not seem as bad anymore:)) haha
Senior Projecto
wellll it really makes me feel like the year is really coming to an end fast because were already focusing on the senior project which just means ones more essay and one more book and were all done, im exited for the color purpole book i really want to be done with poisonwood bible already, haa i guess im like the only one that doesnt really like this book but i just cant seem to get into it. like i get bored, i think the story just kinda drags on too long, i mean comon. lol. but yeahh idk this senioritis needs to chill out too because i need to focus on this paper, but i think it will be fine, i feel pretty confident about my topic
PWB Quiz
welllll i finallly took the quiz from monday yeswterday and i thought it was kinda hard, i agree with everyone or whoever it was that said that we didnt discuss really what was gonna be on the test, i feel like it was more my first interprtation of that section to write the reponses to the questions instead of previous tests where i feel like we discussed all the questuion topiocs throughly in class, but i think it might be better this way for college preperation because i dont know if in my college classes we will discuss the exact concepts that will be on the test. hope it did good :)
Senior Project Ups and Downs
I really like the topic for our senior projects! I think it has a lot of different topics that meld together so well and I'm actually interested in most of it (technology would feel like a broken record).
I'm having a hard time figuring out where to start with my project. I need a book but I won't be able to get that for a couple more day! Ahh! Let me know if any of y'all have suggestions. My topic is conspicuous consumption.
On another note- the more I think about the quiz the more I think I bombed it...
I'm having a hard time figuring out where to start with my project. I need a book but I won't be able to get that for a couple more day! Ahh! Let me know if any of y'all have suggestions. My topic is conspicuous consumption.
On another note- the more I think about the quiz the more I think I bombed it...
Senior Project.
I refuse to be stressed out by this project. Instead I'm going to remember this is really the last huge thing we have to do until we're graduated. (Sorry Matt)
64 more days.
64 more days.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Jee williker zippidy dippidy doo dah batman!!!
so, i kinda just ruined the whole book for Bre, but it was well worth it haha
but anywhos, ive come to like pwb more than 1984 or JGHG. idk why but all the sudden i cant stop stinken reading it, its great! i might be ahead by the end of the week!!! yay!!!
but anywhos, ive come to like pwb more than 1984 or JGHG. idk why but all the sudden i cant stop stinken reading it, its great! i might be ahead by the end of the week!!! yay!!!
Holy cow... once you get to a certain point in PWB... BAM! Everything just comes together and happens within the space of about 5 minutes! I love this book.
Yay for not really having tooo much homework for break!
You made me a very happy dedicated student today... :D
"is the cup half full or half empty"
So I was just thinking about how better prepared we are going to be for next year because of this class. Althought these next few weeks of school are going to be hard, its going to be worth it. And in all honesty I feel like these projects could be really fun! :))
So I was just thinking about how better prepared we are going to be for next year because of this class. Althought these next few weeks of school are going to be hard, its going to be worth it. And in all honesty I feel like these projects could be really fun! :))
Senior Project

I really think our class needs to come op with the best idea for our service project ever! I think we can come up with some good ideas. Maybe we should like adopt a highway, and clean the road like those guys in jail you see all the time. We could go to the mountains and lead a group hike. That would be awesome, but i doubt we would ever be able to do that. Could you guys imagine taking like a three day hike through the mountains as a class for our service project though! coolest thing ever! We could do it for our own personal senior trip! Oh, and of course Matt would be invited. haha
Im scared
I have got to be honest. I am getting super freaked out about this last trimester. School is finally coming to the end and I'm gonna have to work the hardest i have ever worked before. How ironic, so close to the end but yet the hill to climb is the biggest yet. I hope i don't slip and fall back down.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Adah and Ants
I just wanted to say that I feel so bad for Adah.
Grrrr.... I mean, she must feel like no one really cares about her...not even her Mother. I don't think that anything can fix that relationship because that was life or death and she was left for death.
Another thing...I really hated all the ants because I've been attacked by ants at least two, maybe three times in my life!!! It HURTS!!!
One time I was stupid because I ran outside in Belize forgetting there were fire ants everywhere.
But the other time I was in elementary school...and Grandma told us we had to fill these bucket, base things with rocks so they wouldn't blow over.
In my backyard...I was just doing what I was told and then "AHHHH" Black (worker ants I think) ants started biting me all over!!! My Grandma filled the tub with water and threw me in there with all my clothes so the ants would get off and hopefully die. but yeah...
I'm going to sleep now.
I had celery and ranch today. =)
And I took a nap too. I took one yesterday....I think my body is getting into the habit.
I have to pee,
so have a good life peoples.... =D
Adah Quote
"In darkness when all cats are equally black, I move as gracefully as anyone." - pg. 295
I thought I should share this quote because well for one I like it and I feel it shows Adah's inner poet coming through. The words have a nice ring to them! And of course it reflects how she feels "left... behind" a lot of the time.
I thought I should share this quote because well for one I like it and I feel it shows Adah's inner poet coming through. The words have a nice ring to them! And of course it reflects how she feels "left... behind" a lot of the time.
Almost there...
Uhh... what with PWB quizzes AND the Senior Project, I'm really ready for this tri to be over and get on to summer break.
Monday, March 26, 2012
I Have To Growl Too
I agree with Sarah.
I feel like there were a lot of things we didn't talk about in class.
Like with JGHG, we constantly kept talking about the same things and I could clearly point out what I needed to study and then when it got to the quiz I had no problem.
But today...I had no idea what to write for half of them.
I feel like we didn't cover everthing we needed too.
And yes. No more subs on quiz days.
This guy took forever to get started and then was like "Well hopefully I can find the quizzes"
Then I went down to the office and they were in Stariha's mailbox.
There went 10 precious minutes of struggle time on the quiz.
Oh well. No that that's out of the way.
Bring on the senior project! (Take that seriously or sarcastically. Whichever way you like. I'm not sure which way I mean it :) )
I feel like there were a lot of things we didn't talk about in class.
Like with JGHG, we constantly kept talking about the same things and I could clearly point out what I needed to study and then when it got to the quiz I had no problem.
But today...I had no idea what to write for half of them.
I feel like we didn't cover everthing we needed too.
And yes. No more subs on quiz days.
This guy took forever to get started and then was like "Well hopefully I can find the quizzes"
Then I went down to the office and they were in Stariha's mailbox.
There went 10 precious minutes of struggle time on the quiz.
Oh well. No that that's out of the way.
Bring on the senior project! (Take that seriously or sarcastically. Whichever way you like. I'm not sure which way I mean it :) )
guess what, the world DOESN'T revolve around you... SURPRISE! yeah, liking Rachel less and less, but sorta more and more.
She is beginning to realize more about herself, but she also is becoming more and more consumed with herself.
And I see Rachel in my own life, and now its making me sad, (but its good, because now i fix things in my life becuase i see them.. you know?)
She is beginning to realize more about herself, but she also is becoming more and more consumed with herself.
And I see Rachel in my own life, and now its making me sad, (but its good, because now i fix things in my life becuase i see them.. you know?)
Ruth May
Simplicity. Ruth May redefines what simplicity is. Seeing things in black and white and knowing what you believe the whole time. But SEEING THEM none the less. I don't think we give Ruth May enough credit. I feel like she sees a ton that a little girl never should have to see. Its like she's a broken little girl because of the trouble and ugliness that her family has put her through.
Adventure, but the carrier of everything. ALWAYS having to take the wieght of the world. I feel so bad for her. I feel like she is the one that actually get screwed over, despite that her sister is crippled, or sick, or getting married, Leah is actually the one that has to take on the world, and do while keeping her family together.
I feel like at times we all feel like Adah, like we are left behind, we are thought to be dumb when in actuality we know so much more than other people on a subject, that people are just being nieve and they think they are much more educated.
i also feel like we can be negitive like adah, like looking at the world through synical eyes. Depressing, but true
i also feel like we can be negitive like adah, like looking at the world through synical eyes. Depressing, but true
So i think i got too caught up doing all sorts of other college english stuff that I forgot to blog.. but here are some blogs
Yuck .. sub
So I totally understand why we have subs for test days. Like you wouldn't think they would have any problems or do anything wrong but they suck! I mean today he wouldn't start class on time because he had to take roll super slowly, super quietly (which took a while). And the he couldn't find our test quiz whatever you want to call it and KBell had to get them and by this time we missed out on 10 mins of writing time. I actually didn't have a problem with the test questions themselves but I didn't have enough time to Finnish my last big essay which was disappointing! :(
Oh one last thing he piratically kicked us out as soon as the bell rang because he had to go and eat his lovely lunch which he was still eating when I got to acting class (which is right now :P)
Oh one last thing he piratically kicked us out as soon as the bell rang because he had to go and eat his lovely lunch which he was still eating when I got to acting class (which is right now :P)
so that substitute teacher was psycho.
i mean...i know we've had him before. but i don't like him.
but anyways, i typed my test today and i felt soooooooo much better about it.
like i had more time. typing is way faster than writing it out.
and i am caught up in my book...didn't even fall asleep last night.
so i'm feeling pretty good.
i mean...i know we've had him before. but i don't like him.
but anyways, i typed my test today and i felt soooooooo much better about it.
like i had more time. typing is way faster than writing it out.
and i am caught up in my book...didn't even fall asleep last night.
so i'm feeling pretty good.
Can I just say that I felt like the test hardly had anything to do with what we focused on in class? There was no question about their revelations which I figured would be on there, or their changing points of view (except for Leahs)
One more thing: No more subs during test, please?
Okay...I'm done complaining now.
One more thing: No more subs during test, please?
Okay...I'm done complaining now.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
well, i kindof just read the whole book on sparknotes, and i gotta say, its like an emotional nuke, its so happy and so sad at the same time.....
That awkward when you read "moment" even though it wasn't there.
Mind blown?
Yeah I know.
Mine was too.
Yeah I know.
Mine was too.
that awkward moment when you cant find your pwb book;.. and youre sitting on it.
"I was shocked and frightened to see her flout Father's authority, but truthfully, I could feel something similar moving around in my own heart. For the first time in my life I doubted he judgement."
I really like the last line in this quote. I feel like growing up in America there are plenty of thing that we become orthodox to and dont question. But then as we mature, and we start to see the bigger picture, I feel as though we begin to question these once so simple things. I feel like these relizations are a key part to life...
I really like the last line in this quote. I feel like growing up in America there are plenty of thing that we become orthodox to and dont question. But then as we mature, and we start to see the bigger picture, I feel as though we begin to question these once so simple things. I feel like these relizations are a key part to life...
So yesterday I was watching the movie XXX the one with Vin Diesel not Ice Cube and guess what! The beginning when he was stuck in the jungle with the drug cartel well that was the congo! Weird right and at this point I was also copying down quotes for the test tomorrow! look at all the little strings tying everything I do to everything else. :P
Rhetorical essay...
So I think I need to just accept the fact that I suck at writing or something because this essay is not coming together for me... lol I really really need to conference with Ms. Stariha, will someone please remind me tomorrow in class to sign up?
well i am about to go to my nice comfy bed and read poisonwood bible. i kinda wanna read it all because i'm far behind. but from what everyone is sounds super good.
i've just been way to busy with work lately so these next couple of months school needs to be more important than work.
well i found all three of my (and one of garretts) poisonwood bible books.
one was in my bed
one was in my black car
and one was in my new car.
ha well...
i'm tired. exhausted actually.
i really hope i don't fall asleep while i'm reading...
Bangala Poisonwood Bibile (Translation: Dearly Beloved Posionwood Bible) (aka Poisonwood Tree Poisonwood Bible)
Well I hope that title makes sense.
I was trying to say "Dearly Beloved Poisonwood Bible" but ya know how if you don't say it right in the Congo it can mean something esle?
So Bangala can mean dearly beloved or poisonwood tree...
Yeah yeah you get what I mean.
So anyway..
My dearly beloved Poisonwood Bible is a really good book and I enjoy reading it.
The only thing is I know that someone is going to die and that something really bad is going to happen and I don't want it too.
I'm a sucker for happy endings :(
So can you see my dillema?
I really like the book but I'm scared to keep reading.
I keep waiting for something bad to happen. :s
I was trying to say "Dearly Beloved Poisonwood Bible" but ya know how if you don't say it right in the Congo it can mean something esle?
So Bangala can mean dearly beloved or poisonwood tree...
Yeah yeah you get what I mean.
So anyway..
My dearly beloved Poisonwood Bible is a really good book and I enjoy reading it.
The only thing is I know that someone is going to die and that something really bad is going to happen and I don't want it too.
I'm a sucker for happy endings :(
So can you see my dillema?
I really like the book but I'm scared to keep reading.
I keep waiting for something bad to happen. :s
its cold
so im reallly sorry about all the typos in my posts its because i do all my blogging on my ipod and i mess up a lot lol but um yeaah im sad the weekends over and al i suck at titles for posts
school sucks
omg omg omg im soo happpy that we are almost on spring break like thats awesome!! im going to mexico and then when i come back i only pretty much have 6 weeks left of school .. dannnng .. i feel like i always announce this stufff but im just literallly always countig down in my head
i lovee quote cirl i think it reallly helpful to do that because we talk about what tey all meam in the larger sense of how it connects back to the main problem in the book and like makes you think more deeply into the words and if you write them all down you can easily have quotes to use for whatever essay :)
welll the snack circle was kinda a fail with all the people distracted with basketball the night before but hopefully we can try again sometime and maybe even get to go outside :) we shld all judt do it the like last week of school
The Week to Come
I really hope we're in for a low stress enjoyable week. If you think otherwise please don't say so and just let me encounter the suffering as it comes. Looking ahead I'm going to be really busy this week and I was out of town this weekend so I couldn't lessen the load. Now is the first time I've been able to work on this dang essay all weekend and I have no energy or desire to do it! Lately with all the talk of senioritis I've realized I'm often too busy to think about slacking off but I'm really feeling it with all this writing. I hate to see it happening but what can you do? Its hard to keep turning out essays. Maybe a wave of rejuvenation will hit me over spring break. I think we could all use a little more power to get through to the rest of the year.
What A Week!
That was a crazy week!
With basketball and all.
There was great weather and half days of school and due dates pushed back and classes outside and getting out of classes to send off sports teams and short softball practices.
Senioritis for sure!
Man I was in a great mood!
But now I really need to have things back to normal if I plan to finish this school year the right way.
I need to get focused again and what better way then to have a quiz tomorrow?
Good luck to you all!
That was a crazy week!
With basketball and all.
There was great weather and half days of school and due dates pushed back and classes outside and getting out of classes to send off sports teams and short softball practices.
Senioritis for sure!
Man I was in a great mood!
But now I really need to have things back to normal if I plan to finish this school year the right way.
I need to get focused again and what better way then to have a quiz tomorrow?
Good luck to you all!
I just remembered that I'm going to be gone from class on Friday. I dislike missing class very much so. I would almost say I hate it. Yeah. As excited as I am for spring break, I am very apprehensive about it.
This Rhetorical Analysis is bringing me back to my first days at Shelby...... When I first came here in 7th grade they didn't like the may I wrote, so they made me come in to Mrs. Wall, and later Mrs. Eliot and write things for them so that I would get better?? But neither of them ever told me what I was doing wrong or how to fix it.....So somehow their reading my stuff must have fixed whatever it was that sucked?? The only other kids that were in there with me were kids that didn't speak any English...and as far as I know they never got any instruction either...
But anyways...I feel as bad about this essay as I did about the ones I wrote during recess for the middle school teachers.....
This Rhetorical Analysis is bringing me back to my first days at Shelby...... When I first came here in 7th grade they didn't like the may I wrote, so they made me come in to Mrs. Wall, and later Mrs. Eliot and write things for them so that I would get better?? But neither of them ever told me what I was doing wrong or how to fix it.....So somehow their reading my stuff must have fixed whatever it was that sucked?? The only other kids that were in there with me were kids that didn't speak any English...and as far as I know they never got any instruction either...
But anyways...I feel as bad about this essay as I did about the ones I wrote during recess for the middle school teachers.....
Guess who just posted comments all by herself!! At her own house!!! THIS GIRL!
Im loving the PWB by the way. I thought I'd share my favorite quote that I have encountered so far in this book.
"I may be a preachers daughter, but I know a thing or two. And one of them is, when men want to kiss you they act like they are on the brink of something that is going to change the whole wide world."-Rachel Price
This made me laugh to no end!
Im loving the PWB by the way. I thought I'd share my favorite quote that I have encountered so far in this book.
"I may be a preachers daughter, but I know a thing or two. And one of them is, when men want to kiss you they act like they are on the brink of something that is going to change the whole wide world."-Rachel Price
This made me laugh to no end!
boring essay
All I can say right now is this essay is an enormous pile of humdrum. Like it’s not interesting at all and I don’t know if I am putting it together right because of this predicament so this could be interesting. :/
Last Week
I just remembered that we have spring break next week! I am so excited. One thing I really need to work hard on is finishing strong because this nice weather has been very distracting lately. Also I thought I would mention the hunger games was awesome! I loved it! Today is a work day....PWB quest and essay due, good thing I am so sore I cant move from soccer yesterday. My ribs and legs feel like I got ran over by a buffalo lol. Emily I can only imagine how you feel today. You had some awesome games yesterday! I love my soccer goalie!!! happy studying to ya'll :)
I'm with Christian on this one; a few weeks ago he said that he can't write a paper unless the deadline is hovering right over his head. And now that deadline is hovering directly over mine like a cloud with too much water in it, my fingers are moving very quickly...and now whether or not they're forming the right words is another question, but they're moving at least!! Yay!!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
New Books
Am I the only one who thinks that schools should start introducing new books like the Hunger Games? I mean, they're really good books and most of them have those "bigger meanings" like PWB and JGHG.
im tired
man im tired, and just think, i get to look forward to writing a wonderful rhetorical essay tommorow, yay.....
PWB =)
I am just so excited that Leah is finally realizing that her Father is quite corrupt. =)
I love experiencing her 'paradigm shift'!!! I'm so excited for her! hahaha....for reals though.
I love experiencing her 'paradigm shift'!!! I'm so excited for her! hahaha....for reals though.
It's like she was totally entranced in unconsciousness or orthodoxy (haha) for all her life and now she is awakening!
Sarah Moon,
Terri seemed annoyed with me. =/ whoops...haha. Apparently you have to be 18 or older to make a complaint.
My Grandma had to 'file' the complaint and boy did I wish your daddy was there to really make it because yeah...if something doesn't get done about those dogs....grrrrr...
Anyways...back to discussion:
I liked the quote circle discussion thing we had yesterday. =)
It was fun and interesting to hear what everyone thought about the book and stuff.
Friday, March 23, 2012
So apparently I'm the only one who didn't know we were supposed to be finished with Judges so I should probably get going on that. the moment I have two wonderful doggies begging for my attention, and that seems just a little bit more important :)
Food Circle
Well..I enjoyed our snack circle today! However, I hate having my book be different from all of you guys it takes me forever to find quotes now. So I got really behind on taking notes, oh well.
Oh, and Happy Hunger Games weekend! May the odds be ever in your favor for that Quest on Monday!
Oh, and Happy Hunger Games weekend! May the odds be ever in your favor for that Quest on Monday!
Sun and PWB
So I forgot to take my PWB book home last weekend, and I didn't go to school on Monday, so I was realy behind on Tuesday, but thanks to this glorious weather I am now caught up, and I believe I am actually ahead of the game :) every day I have taken my book outside and read, and even though it resulted in me turning a little pink, it was well worth it. But if I get skin cancer I now get to blame it on this book haha, my story will be, "the end of my senior year I spent all of my time out side sun bathing because I had to read the PWB, and to get a good feel for the novel it helps if you're out side, and now I have cancer, it's all Nathan Price's fault!" haha wouldn't that be one of the greatest excuses ever, I think its right up there with the business man trying to claim prostitutes on his taxes.
whata day.
Alright, so yesterday was a whirlwind of a day.
We tend to talk in this class about life, and the simple joys of living. I think that this is something that we all need to remember. Sometimes life might not always go your way, or you dont have as much as someone else, or you tend to get in trouble, or you lost a big game, but... thank God that you are alive. Be thankful that you get to breathe and eat and walk and smile and laugh and live. We honestly dont know when when our last day will be. Whether its 20 years down the road, next week, or even five minutes from now. Take this moment and be happy that you are alive.
We tend to talk in this class about life, and the simple joys of living. I think that this is something that we all need to remember. Sometimes life might not always go your way, or you dont have as much as someone else, or you tend to get in trouble, or you lost a big game, but... thank God that you are alive. Be thankful that you get to breathe and eat and walk and smile and laugh and live. We honestly dont know when when our last day will be. Whether its 20 years down the road, next week, or even five minutes from now. Take this moment and be happy that you are alive.
Great day
So yea I mean losing really sucks. Guess Mrs. Stariha is probably happy though
because now we won't be getting special treatment. Anyway, I guess I have more time to read Poisionwood Bible now. I really like the book too. Its actually kind of interesting.
because now we won't be getting special treatment. Anyway, I guess I have more time to read Poisionwood Bible now. I really like the book too. Its actually kind of interesting.
I'm very sad to say that I am behind in the reading. I hate when I let this happen but this week has just been so strange and busy I haven't had as much time as I usually do. I also keep thinking I'm ahead when I'm not.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
I love having classes outside, although I'll probably get burnt like a tomato. I find it a much more focusing environment for me to work in rather then the stuffy classroom :)
Monday, March 19, 2012
I like having examples to compare our rhetorical essays to look at. I actually enjoyed writing this essay. It is so interesting to see the strategies writers use to connect to their audience and draw them in. Hmmm I am really hungry right now, cant wait for lunch. It is soccer season right now and I am always hungry lol. But I digress. Right now work on the rhetorical essay and worry about food later. :)
Outside Class? know how on Friday we're supposed to have a quote circle with snacks?
Yeah, we should go outside in the sunshine for that (:
PWB Future
Am i the only one who kinda thinks that they know what's going to happen as PWB continues after reading for a while? I've gotten into Book 3 and i think i have a good idea of what might eventually happen.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Rhetorical essay
Hmmm so I only have my intro done... And my brain has appeared to have shut down for the night. Soooo that might be all I am going to turn in tomorrow. Laaame sauce.
Stariha! You will be so proud of me!
Sooo Emily's post reminded me of this...
I went into the computer lab the other day during TAG and the sophomores were doing scheduling..
Annd...this one person asked me about Brit Lit
Annd...I recommended it
I told them it's not a class you can slack off in and just get by in by cramming at the last minute
I told them you have to make yourself sit down and actually study
And then they were like well what grade did you get in the class?
And I was like an A
And then they were like "well if you can get an A than so can I" (which I was kind of offended by)
But yeah...
I thought you would be proud
Buuuuut here is the best part
The person I recommended it to...
On top of it all!
Would you believe it!
I went into the computer lab the other day during TAG and the sophomores were doing scheduling..
Annd...this one person asked me about Brit Lit
Annd...I recommended it
I told them it's not a class you can slack off in and just get by in by cramming at the last minute
I told them you have to make yourself sit down and actually study
And then they were like well what grade did you get in the class?
And I was like an A
And then they were like "well if you can get an A than so can I" (which I was kind of offended by)
But yeah...
I thought you would be proud
Buuuuut here is the best part
The person I recommended it to...
On top of it all!
Would you believe it!
Completely Screwed
well everyone, i will now fail the class, because i just lost my folder with all my important crap for this class so watch as my grade plummets this week....w
WEEEEEEELLLLLLL. So I know stariha is always like "tell the younger kids to take my classes".. but goodness, I dont think that I would ever tell someone to fill their whole schedule with difficult classes. stupid stuid me. Man I feel so stressed right now.. so much to do, and then on top of all that trying to decide on a college??.. I really wish that someone would just tell me where I am supposed to go, sooooo if anyone wants to tell me, thatd be great. and on top of all the things that I need to be doing, i just want to be outside because it so gosh darn gorgeous. ugh.
Well I really dont know what to do for this whole analysis thing. Like I spent a good chunk of my afternoon attempting to write, want to know what I accomplished... NOTHING. I seriously just dont know what to say, or how to say, or how to write, or sometimes I feel like I dont even know how to speak englsih, I feel as if that is an issue. SO I sure hope that we have time to talk about this a little more in class or I am going to need to schedule conference time and actually go.
Sweet Summertime
This weather is making everything SO DIFFICULT! everywhere I go, the air smells like summer. That smelly smell the smelly smell when you smell it and it smells SMELLY. I can smell it. It makes me want to run, and ride my bike, and water ski...incidentally our pier is in now :) and go to work and make money and all the things I love about summer. It does not however make me want to go to school. Then I read in the PWB about these little girls who get to run around in Africa in the hot sun...I want to run around in the hot sun! Im trying very hard, really I am. I promise. Oh third trimester, why do you have to be so beautiful!!!
Blogger is Hating on Me
So I got I thought to myself Veronica (for those of you that dont know Veronica is the name for the voice inside my head) you should try seeing if you can comment again. Give blogger another shot..I mean after all it let you comment at school. So I tried....AND IT WORKED!!! and then to be sure, I tried again....AND IT WORKED!!! So then I got down to the nitty gritty. I was going to post on Maddie's about how I feel the same way and that it was really hard for me to pick a thesis for this paper....what is my thesis? I just dont know. I have so MANY things to say about do I know which ones to pick...but It DIDNT work :( no more commenting. so long comment to Kbell about how I ran out of time and made a shotty essay as well. sorry y'all
The bliss of commenting has been revoked from me once again. Maybe I tried to do too much too fast. but there just for one moment....well maybe two moments.... I knew what it was like to be able to use blogger.
The bliss of commenting has been revoked from me once again. Maybe I tried to do too much too fast. but there just for one moment....well maybe two moments.... I knew what it was like to be able to use blogger.
PWB Quiz Book 1
I thought the quiz was pretty easy.
I knew everything I wanted to say for all of them except for like one.
The only trouble was that I didn't have enough time to get it all down.
I wish we could have stayed longer to finish.
So as a result my big essay was really crappy.
I knew exactly what I wanted to say for it but I ran out of time.
And it's not like I spent the whole time looking for quotes or trying to think of what to write.
I spent the whole time writing writing writing and I didn't finish on time.
I feel the quiz was toooo long.
I knew everything I wanted to say for all of them except for like one.
The only trouble was that I didn't have enough time to get it all down.
I wish we could have stayed longer to finish.
So as a result my big essay was really crappy.
I knew exactly what I wanted to say for it but I ran out of time.
And it's not like I spent the whole time looking for quotes or trying to think of what to write.
I spent the whole time writing writing writing and I didn't finish on time.
I feel the quiz was toooo long.
My Name is Madeline Field and I hate Essays
I'm not having a great time with this rhetorical analysis. I went through and dissected the writing no problem. Then putting it in words was a little harder. I know what I mean but how do I say what I mean? (get what I mean?)
I Need A Doctor
Dear Dr.
I am afraid that I am suffering from a number of illnesses, first and foremost the extreme "Writer's Block" this terrible disease has crippled my phalanges and my brain at the same time. I've heard of this disease before but have not been unlucky enough to have such an extreme case. For hours I stare at my blank canvas hoping for the words to magically appear in my head but that hasn't happened yet.
Also, I am suffering from "Senioritis" I heard this illness is contagious, is that true? If so then I definitely blame my college English class for forcing this disease upon me. Are there any cures besides graduation...which coincidentally is in 75 days or 10 weeks and 5 days. I don't believe either of these diseases are lethal....well hopefully not anyways.
Thank you Doctor for your help, I am looking forward to your response.
-Meg Clearwater
P.S. Home remedies are the most beloved in my household.
I am afraid that I am suffering from a number of illnesses, first and foremost the extreme "Writer's Block" this terrible disease has crippled my phalanges and my brain at the same time. I've heard of this disease before but have not been unlucky enough to have such an extreme case. For hours I stare at my blank canvas hoping for the words to magically appear in my head but that hasn't happened yet.
Also, I am suffering from "Senioritis" I heard this illness is contagious, is that true? If so then I definitely blame my college English class for forcing this disease upon me. Are there any cures besides graduation...which coincidentally is in 75 days or 10 weeks and 5 days. I don't believe either of these diseases are lethal....well hopefully not anyways.
Thank you Doctor for your help, I am looking forward to your response.
-Meg Clearwater
P.S. Home remedies are the most beloved in my household.
The quiz wasn't as hard as I expected. Which makes me nervous because that might mean I was way off on some of the questions :/ I hope not... But I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Well, so far I feel like this has been the most interesting book we have read. I actually enjoy reading it and don't have to force myself to take the time to read.. Yay!
I'm actually posting a Not Complaining Blog Post!
So even those I previously complained about the time crunch I realized that its preparing us for the future. We're timed on the AP test and because we're seniors we need to realize that in college we won't receive extra time on a college exam or test. So even though it was a little stressful kudos to you Mama Stariha for adequately preparing us for the real world!
...also, this weather is making me extremely happy! (:
...also, this weather is making me extremely happy! (:
rhetorical anaylisis essay
well i dont feel very positive about this essay i dont like the idea of going word by word to understand how they use it to persuade or whatever ughh ohh well gotta do it .. just gonna try my best even though i feel like im just stabbing im the dark with this .. what technics dis you guys find .. i have a few but idk if they are right..
this weather
man , it reallly feels like summer already , like over the weekend i just kinda forget about school bc i domt feel like we should have to go back .. i guess i just have really bad senioritis .. but i think most of us do because even ms.stariha linda yelled at us that we all need to focus again .. time to push through these last 10 weeks , but hey only 2 more weeks till spring break , crazy how fast its going :))))
PWB Quiz
welll i thought that quiz was a bot long for the time allowed, i dont know of a lot pf people actually completeted ot but ifelt super rushed and i feel like mine wasnt organized or good :/ oh welll whatever , i also think that a lot of the quetikns can kinda be repetitive .. like the one about allusions and the last essay thing tooo.. idk but hopefully everyone dis good :)
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Test = Zits.
I've been happy with my complexion for the last few weeks...but then this test messed it all up I swear I broke out in 3 different places during and after this test. So. Not. Cool.
Thank You Mama Stariha
I feel pretty dang good about that test or quiz or whatever it was! I don't know if I'm just use to the time crunch or was having a good day or what but I almost... like it? Some sick part of me likes that stressed but confident feeling I suppose! So thank you, Mama Stariha (that is your new PWB themed name bye the way).
quiz or test? i'm not sure..
so today i was really stressed with our quiz or test. i felt like i knew the right answers, but i didn't have enough time to develop them or make them sound half-way decent enough for ms. stariha to give me a good grade for them...shucks.
and i couldn't find my stress relief hand sanitizer. that made me even more stressed.
but on the bright side, i really like the book actually. i started reading it last night a lot and this morning. and i read ahead, and i used that on the test. not sure if i was allowed to...but i guess i'll just have to wait and see.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Well, first of all I couldn't find my book because stupid cody stolter decided it would be funny to hide it in Mrs. Dewey's room and not tell me...and I finished on time but it was it was pretty stressful. Stariha: it'd be real nice if we started cutting the test into two days or eliminating some of the questions because it was super stressful trying to get all the information in on time.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
If you want to make God laugh...
"If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." Now this probably wont come out like I think it will because I think better than I speak too, but reading the Poisonwood Bible reminded me of this quote because the Prices made all their plans for the great salvation of the African people only to have everything flipped upside down. I really enjoyed the description of the size of the garden, how Ruth May could hide under the leaves and never get found.
Its an Okapi. One of my favorite animals and was talked about in the very beginning of The Poisonwood Bible
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Poisonwood B-i-b-l-e: Yes that's the book we read...
SOOOO I may not be a pastor's kid like Bre Rae but for a long portion of my life I felt like one. (My Grandpa's a pastor and he was super involved in raising and on and on yada yada yada)
But anyways, that's why this book makes me laugh so much. Making fun of "papist" Catholics. Quoting and misquoting Scripture. "Father's blessed Apocrypha which he has a hard time getting other Baptists to go along with" Mother's "pagan appreciation for the Bible" I just love it. It just makes me laugh, some of the things that happen in here kind of remind me in ways of my childhood....or are so starkly different that I just have to laugh!
But anyways, that's why this book makes me laugh so much. Making fun of "papist" Catholics. Quoting and misquoting Scripture. "Father's blessed Apocrypha which he has a hard time getting other Baptists to go along with" Mother's "pagan appreciation for the Bible" I just love it. It just makes me laugh, some of the things that happen in here kind of remind me in ways of my childhood....or are so starkly different that I just have to laugh!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Long Days...
Well... tomorrow will be fun...
Someone please call me this summer and tell me not to sign up for so much crap next year.
At least PWB is good.
Someone please call me this summer and tell me not to sign up for so much crap next year.
At least PWB is good.
PWB *rant*
I have decided that the only thing I hate about this book is the fact that I can't tell what is really in the bible and what isn't. I'll be reading along and it will reference something from the bible and I'll have to ask my dad if that's really in the bible or not. Ugh. I guess in a way it's good because I have to explore my own knowledge more, but still..couldn't they either choose to copy from the real bible all the way, or make up one? But even's still a pleasant read :)
Rhetorical Terms Link
Here is the link to the rhetorical terms page that I showed you in class:
Monday, March 12, 2012
My Personal Fail Blog
I took a look at my portfolio today and realized I put in some of my sisters plaques from the Math Tournament. Even though I apparently nailed 5th year math as a freshmen... I felt really dumb.
Attractive Old Men For Teesha-

Hugh Laurie (a crowd favorite)

George Clooney (Oh he'll never grow out of being handsome)

Pierce Brosnan (uh-duh!)

Colin Firth (For the accent, talent, and face)

Robert Redford (I would marry Redford even if he was long dead and frozen)
These are my personal favorites. However, I fully respect your opinion because attractive old guys are all up to an individuals tastes!
Attractive Old Men For Teesha-
Hugh Laurie (a crowd favorite)
George Clooney (Oh he'll never grow out of being handsome)
Pierce Brosnan (uh-duh!)
Colin Firth (For the accent, talent, and face)
Robert Redford (I would marry Redford even if he was long dead and frozen)
These are my personal favorites. However, I fully respect your opinion because attractive old guys are all up to an individuals tastes!
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