Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Week to Come

I really hope we're in for a low stress enjoyable week. If you think otherwise please don't say so and just let me encounter the suffering as it comes. Looking ahead I'm going to be really busy this week and I was out of town this weekend so I couldn't lessen the load. Now is the first time I've been able to work on this dang essay all weekend and I have no energy or desire to do it! Lately with all the talk of senioritis I've realized I'm often too busy to think about slacking off but I'm really feeling it with all this writing. I hate to see it happening but what can you do? Its hard to keep turning out essays. Maybe a wave of rejuvenation will hit me over spring break. I think we could all use a little more power to get through to the rest of the year.


  1. .. yeah i domt have much hope for rejuvinatiom of enthusiasm :/ once i come back fr spring break ill just have no motivation :(

  2. I agree with Cara.
