Friday, March 23, 2012

whata day.

Alright, so yesterday was a whirlwind of a day.
We tend to talk in this class about life, and the simple joys of living. I think that this is something that we all need to remember. Sometimes life might not always go your way, or you dont have as much as someone else, or you tend to get in trouble, or you lost a big game, but... thank God that you are alive. Be thankful that you get to breathe and eat and walk and smile and laugh and live. We honestly dont know when when our last day will be. Whether its 20 years down the road, next week, or even five minutes from now. Take this moment and be happy that you are alive.


  1. So true Emily... often we forget our own mortality... forgetting that we "can live or die on the strength of a faint, stirring breeze..."

  2. Take the weekend to reflect... and to remember what is important. I'll be thinking of you!

  3. This inspires me to skip homework and do something better instead

  4. Ahh, i just had this same talk the other day:/
