Sunday, March 18, 2012

I Need A Doctor

Dear Dr.

I am afraid that I am suffering from a number of illnesses, first and foremost the extreme "Writer's Block" this terrible disease has crippled my phalanges and my brain at the same time. I've heard of this disease before but have not been unlucky enough to have such an extreme case. For hours I stare at my blank canvas hoping for the words to magically appear in my head but that hasn't happened yet.
Also, I am suffering from "Senioritis" I heard this illness is contagious, is that true? If so then I definitely blame my college English class for forcing this disease upon me. Are there any cures besides graduation...which coincidentally is in 75 days or 10 weeks and 5 days. I don't believe either of these diseases are lethal....well hopefully not anyways.
Thank you Doctor for your help, I am looking forward to your response.

-Meg Clearwater

P.S. Home remedies are the most beloved in my household.


  1. hahaha... =)
    This is silly, I like it...I smiled a lot.

  2. im suffering from senioritis....inflamation of the senior if ya wanna get all medical terminoligic...?

  3. You guys definitely are inflammatory!

  4. ...This isn't it?
