Sunday, March 25, 2012

Bangala Poisonwood Bibile (Translation: Dearly Beloved Posionwood Bible) (aka Poisonwood Tree Poisonwood Bible)

Well I hope that title makes sense.
I was trying to say "Dearly Beloved Poisonwood Bible" but ya know how if you don't say it right in the Congo it can mean something esle?
So Bangala can mean dearly beloved or poisonwood tree...
Yeah yeah you get what I mean.

So anyway..
My dearly beloved Poisonwood Bible is a really good book and I enjoy reading it.
The only thing is I know that someone is going to die and that something really bad is going to happen and I don't want it too.
I'm a sucker for happy endings :(

So can you see my dillema?
I really like the book but I'm scared to keep reading.
I keep waiting for something bad to happen. :s


  1. your posts are so funny. i read every single one of them because they are so weird and scattered.
    so long post short.
    you're funny kaitlin.

  2. Kendra: Thank you haha
    Christian: That makes me really sad :(

  3. Kaitlin I'm the same way like I am all caught up and I want to keep reading but I just don't want anyone to get hurt or any bad things to happen! lol
