Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Post on Comparisons? haha

All three of the authors are speaking on the idea that fear is linked to the government
Orwell's take on fear is directed on Fear generated from the Government's power over the people. The government is in total control and the people (who become aware) are afraid of the Proles and people who are in control.

Lee Wright's view was directed more towards fear and what it can drive people to do. The fear Wright talks about is coming from Politicians. He mentions a quote saying 'there is nothing to fear but fear in itself'. So even though Politicians are intimidating, it's the people who choose what they are afraid of. It's kind of made me think, even by the title, that we make Fear up in our minds and it's a negative thing...because it can drive us to do things we wouldn't normally do.

Noam Chomsky's essay really made me think because...we always view Germany and everything that Hitler did as horribly inhumane...and then it was like...BAM....you American's did the same thing. So gradually I feel like the fear was focused on Power. Yes government has a lot of power...but power in itself is very frightening. Power can drive people 'mad' just because they know they can do what they want and abuse the power. Therefore, I feel like the essay was kind of showing how the government abused its power, and the people didn't really seem to have too much of a say in it.

Yeah...I don't know if that all makes sense, but it makes sense to me!! =)
My sister is singing random words and tunes. It's kinda freaky.
"The story follows a story of young Oliver Twist..." she sings in the beat of "Somebody to Love"
Kinda weird...but awesome!! hahahhaa....

1 comment:

  1. It makes sense to me too! I love how you talked about what the fear DRIVES PEOPLE TO DO. I forgot about that people and its a great point!

    Tell your sis that I want to hear this Oliver Twist remix and show choir in the morning :)
