Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"Fear" Comparison

I think that while the first two essays talk about the manipulation of fear in a way that is "bold" I think that Orwell goes about the manipulation of fear in a more subtle way. Winston and the Julia have the constant fear of the Though Police lying hidden somewhere. The US tends to use the fear of terrorist attacks to keep the public "in line"

Of all three I think that the 2nd is the most thought provoking. In stating that the US government always uses fear to keep things under their thumb. It was one of those statements that you always knew was true, but seeing it yourself makes it seem all the more real.


  1. You think that Orwells situation was more subtle? They had regular hangings to keep people 'in line'. I think that is quite drastic if you ask me!

  2. Haha, I agree with you (Matt) when you say that the 2nd is the most thought provoking. I think that one seems to affect "Us" the most. The first one was really hard to follow and the transitions happened with out the reader realizing it. But maybe that's just me haha, but I don't see how the threat of the Thought Police is "lying hidden somewhere" their fear is very prevalent through out the entire story.

  3. Well, maybe not subtle in the way that you don't know it's there. I was actually trying to say that Orwell's "fear" is (oh, how do I say it?) more in the way of a fear of the unknown. Winston and Julia don't have any idea where the Though Police are. Sorry for any confusion.

  4. No confusion... just disagreement. Are you trying to say that its not a SPOKEN topic like terrorism is? Because if your saying its a SILENT fear then yes, i agree. But it is far from subtle (or subtle by the definition of the word)
