Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fear is torture

First off I have to say that I loved our discussion on fear today. In the world today "systems of power" use fear as a manipulatory tool to make people submit to their will. There is a hidden fear in each person about the capabilities that people in charge have. In the past fear has driven people to lie, cheat, steal and even kill. The major crimes committed by systems of power or even by the general populace have been in response to a personal or national fear. In 1984 Winston also has fear. His treatment of fear is slightly different from the two essays discussed in class. Winston's fears power. He fought throughout the entire book to find some crack in the system, some opening to bring the party down. He fears all that the party stands for. Winston fears the treachery and torment the party validates. Over the course of time fear will drive the world to become merciless, cruel, and existence painful. The party feeds on fear. Room 101 demonstrates this. Room 101 is the thing that you fear most. For Winston this fear was of rats. The party used the fear factor to cause people to renounce all they stand for and hold dear. It caused Winston to renounce his love Julia and he screamed for her face to be eaten off by the rats. Winston fears what the government knows and their ability to force people to bend to their will.

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