Tuesday, January 24, 2012

snow days!

so i stayed up sunday super late because i had to finish reading 1984. the ending began to get kinda confusing so i was reading it over again and i starting getting it. So i started working on my op-ed essay. and like i took forever to get going. but once i got going i couldnt stop! i wrote 795 words lol yay me :)these snowdays have been awesome. it was nice to have a nice break

1 comment:

  1. I love snow days <3 but I feel like I've almost had too many because now I have a very severe case of Senioritis......its not so much with the work but just the urge to get outta here! Haha and I feel really stupid because I had it in my head that the Op-Ed essay was due last Tuesday I think...so I hurried and got it done...and it sucked, a lot. So luckily its just a rough draft but Ms. Stariha, I send my apologies :)
