Sunday, January 15, 2012

College English- But What Does it all mean?

Today I discovered why we call it college english. Well perhaps I did not discover it today but simply realized it. You see, we write as much as you would in college yes but we knew that didn't we? The new bit I unearthed was that it also has something to do with conditioning you to stay up far later than suggested, finish papers in a caffeinated crunch, and prioritize between sleep, classes, and social life. It reminds me of a question posed to me by a college friend-

If you had to pick two of the following (and only two) which two would you dedicate your energy to: Homework/Grades, Social Life, Sleep.

In college I'd be more willing to drop the last but in High School I don't think it's fair to have to choose! We're still young (no matter what age I'll be turning) and all three are important! Somehow I'd rather not have to sacrifice one of these elements in High School whether I'm in a class with college in the title or not.


  1. Is this whining... because I want to point out in college your profs will not give you three drafts of an essay to get it right... so you shouldn't need to sacrifice sleep nearly as often in h.s. IF you are effectively time managing. Also... your reading load in college will actually be heavier than the measly 20 or so pages a night I slate out for you in a fictional novel... just saying. Don't take me to cranky mode with this much time left to go in the year... we'll both be miserable. :(

    1. Hey now I never said anything about reading load! I'm well aware that will be increased in college and HAVE indeed been on top of it all year! What I was referring to was the constant writing, homework in other classes, scholarship essays, and clubs/activities that keep me sane as well as pad my resume! On top of all that I feel pressure to be well read and educated on world events. When do you suggest I accomplish everything? Even if I stayed awake a whole week I couldn't get everything done!
