Friday, January 13, 2012

SNow! :D

I'm so angry that that we didn't have a snow day today! I was so excited to get completely caught up in 1984.... but now I'm actually going to have to spend time over the weekend reading the chapters I haven't gotten around to reading. :/ oh well, my own stinkin fault for being so busy. lol But anyways, Good job jen maddie and noah on your presentation! I feel more knowledgable on the subject of health care now :) I still feel like we haven't had a seriously heated discussion yet though.... maybe it won't happen until a more passionate topic but still, I pictured the debate part of our controversial issues a little more intense.


  1. I know... no one has gotten on the tables and screamed yet, I think we are doing pretty good!

  2. I feel like its not heated because theres so little time to discuss...the time goes super fast when you're up there presenting. I would recommend to the other groups...especially the ones that know they will be more heated to keep the information concise and fast. Leave more time to discuss.
