Friday, January 13, 2012

Our Discussion Today!

So, I thought today's discussion went alright. I heard a lot of complaints about how we didn't cover that much information but we still went right to the end of the class with our presentation. We didn't have room to go more into depth. So as a note to the next careful about how much information you present. The time goes fast! I expected to have a lot more time to discuss the main question but we went right up until the end. Also, because I was more of an outsider to the discussion I would like to point out that 1) all the information we had the beginning of our presentation was purely facts, we made sure that didn't try to bias all the information at the beginning of our presentation because we were laying the background information foundation, i'm sorry if it came acoss as biased but it was all just facts from many different sources. 2) A lot of the things that were brought up in discussion as concerns for a universal health care plan are things that are happening right now. I just found that interesting.


  1. .. i didnt hear any complaints , ithink it was a good presentation over-achiever,. i mean jen (:

  2. All I have to say is... watch Sicko. It is amazing! (And even FOX news gave it a thumbs up... That's special!)
