Friday, January 13, 2012


health care is a verryyy complex issue. and i think that jen and maddies group did a good job with the presention , it was reallly cute. (: and the youtube vidoe reallly helped for a basic understanding too ! i think im still against a universal health care plan just because i think that more government control just isnt a goood thing, this country started off under the pretense of not wanting government enforced/controlled life. and the government is already in so much of decisions and stuff i just dont think it would be a good idea. also the whole idea of health care is that people get equal and fair medical treatment but i think the flaw in this want is that life isnt fair and not everyone will be treated equal as much as people try because everyone is different and also by trying to treat everyone the same people just become a number not an idividual. idk just some of my thoughts on the issue.


  1. I agree with you on the fear of government control... However, I think a system that is run by an outside organization with sufficient transparency (the ability for the public to view financial reports/salaries/etc) would be effective. I also think we could keep private health care as an upgrade option... so everyone has base coverage (like Medicaid) and then private insurance companies are forced to actually compete to get people to invest in additional insurance. This coupled with more oversight on medical billing would help solve a lot of our health care issues (in my opinion).

  2. By the way... I meant a UNIVERSAL health care system run by an outside agency. I hope I was clear with that.

  3. Man I wish I would have been there for this discussion, did they ever bring up Canada and their health care? They have health care for all of their citizens and one of our family friends went there and he said that their hospitals were terrible and things never got done because there was no hurry...
