Friday, January 13, 2012

Health Care aka... money sucker

So I loved Jen, Maddie and Noah's presentation. It was so clear, and I felt as if the information was displayed stupendously. Health Care is kinda a money sucking system... (even though it really is a good thing, don't get me wrong) and that way it is kind of difficult to explain facts without making it sound bad. It is sorta like trying to explain Hitler by STRICTLY saying facts:

Hitler was the leader of what is now known as the Holocaust

Hitler was the mastermind behind the loss of somewhere between 11-17 million people

Roughly 6 million of those people were Jewish

Hitler is often said to have been responsible for his mothers death

Hitler wanted to help the world by creating a perfect race of blonde haired blue eyed Germans

If you were not a blue eyed blonde haired German you were in danger of being silenced.

He doesn't sound very good still. I tried not to use bias facts about him, but it is difficult if you are only referring to his work in the holocaust. This is why the whole Health Care presentation may have seemed bias. When in fact they truly just stated the facts.

Have a wonderful day.


  1. Nice Bri... That was a really cool argument strategy. Hitler was a genius and he had a really cool mustache. That might have helped sway them a bit!

  2. I liked this post!
    It puts everything into simpler terms for me...
    Thats probably not a good thing that Hitler is helping me understand things better...
