Friday, January 27, 2012

testing testing 1 2 3

Hmmm I'll start out with talking about the test. I felt very confident in my knowledge of the material, and I feel like my essays flowed really well. The only thing I'm concerned about is time.... I finished as her next class was coming in which means I was working on it for roughly and hour and a half: a really long time! So I think I need to work on not over thinking the questions, and being able to get my thoughts out properly, within the time given.

Next: Today's discussion! I really enjoyed it actually. I thought that the debate aspect of the presentation went really, really well. I will be completely honest, I walked into class today not feeling very strongly either way on the subject of animal testing, but I felt like I left class well informed and better able to form my opinion on the matter. The only thing I didn't like is the close mindedness of some people in our class(including our teacher). I am a culprit of this myself, but I feel like sometimes we are not willing to hear both sides but instead are completely stuck on what we have previously decided in our minds to be correct.

p.s. I love you Ms. Stariha! hehe :)


  1. Absolutely agree Abby, and good point

  2. Thanks Abs :) I was a tad bit nervous on how it would go, but I was pleased with it as well, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  3. and thanks Emily for beind devils advocate lol
