Sunday, January 22, 2012


Well since this is "college" english, I can talk about college stuff right?.. Well anyways, during our lovely snow days last week, I took a little trip down to visit a couple colleges in Indiana, and it finally kinda just hit me how thankful we should be for stariha. Like in all honesty we all complain about the work load that stariha gives us, and how things are "hard", but in comparison to the work we are going to be doing in college, its like a breeze! haha, well maybe not, but I am honestly really glad that Im starting to break into this rigorousness now instead of having some huge rude awakening at college.


  1. At least one of you appreciates me. Brownie points for Emily even though she missed rehearsal Friday. Bah!

  2. I was talking to Jodi Beckman on Friday, and she said that if you take the harder classes your senior year college will be a breeze =) now I'm not envying my friends who took all easy classes as much hahaha
