Sunday, January 22, 2012

Euthanasia ( Children )

This subject was difficult for me to discuss because a human life is important...each person is unique and loved by God. I just don't understand how cruel some families were to their own children. No one should give up their child's life because they don't want to pay for surgeries because their child won't be 'normal'. That's just inhumane in my eyes. What establishes 'normal'?The fact that the parents didn't love their child and let him/her (I honestly don't remember) starve to death is absolutely unacceptable! If their child didn't have Down Syndrome, would they have paid for the surgery then? Why would someone love a child without a disorder more than one that has one? This is insane...yes, it would be a little harder and frustrating to raise the child, but that doesn't change the fact that it's still a living person, just as you or me. I don't know exactly what to think, but I do know that this world just keeps getting more and more corrupt. Since when do parents get to legally kill their own children? I don't agree with that concept whatsoever but I will end on a concept I know to be true. Though that child's biological father may have abandoned them, his/her Heavenly Father never left their side. =)

I'm not eating anything...
Just swallowing my own saliva. =)
I should go brush my teeth now.
Sorry if this disturbed you.


  1. I totally get your point of view...a child is a child and shouldn't be killed. But I also believe is quality of life over quantity of life. Yes, that down syndrome baby should not have been killed, if it's parents didn't want it then it should go up for adoption for a loving family to adopt. That situation was completely cruel and someone should have intervened to save the child. However, in other cases where a happy, pain free life would be impossible for the child then I believe it should be up to the parents and a doctor, or some other outside party, to make that decision.
    ...but that's just my opinion..

  2. I agree with Jen, I think that child euthanasia is only be considered an option if the child's life will already be shortened or filled with pain. Most of the controversy over this is the fact that everyone has different morals.
