Sunday, January 22, 2012

Good Read

1984 was a good read but I'm ready to move on. Whats next? Johnny got his Gun? I think so. Sounds alright. I think we can all agree 1984 is soooo last marking period.


  1. Dude yeaaah 1984 was good but im ready to move on and be done with it lol (:

  2. i hate to say this cause we had to read this for class but i really enjoyed 1984..despite book 1, that was just a bore.

  3. I liked 1984 but I was disapointed with the ending. I really wanted Winston to overturn the government but then I guess Oceania wouldn't be a distopia after all. Over all it was a good book.

  4. Yes, I agree, it is now time to move on from 1984, for sure :)

  5. I loved to hate the ending. I love it when the ending isn't happy and everything is saved and all that because that's not realistic! Which is why the loved the ending even though I hated it. It's like Twilight...I hated that Breaking Dawn ending. All that build up and then no one dies! Whats up with I was happy that there was an unhappy ending. ...i don't think this makes any sense...

  6. haha, the ending was probably the worst ending stupid...
